Is impeachment and removal from office possible? What would it take?

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Re: Is impeachment and removal from office possible? What would it take?

Post by RickD »

Byblos wrote: Tue Mar 12, 2019 8:01 am
RickD wrote: Tue Mar 12, 2019 6:59 am
Byblos wrote: Tue Mar 12, 2019 6:44 am
edwardmurphy wrote: Mon Mar 11, 2019 5:59 pm For pity's sake, Abe, you'd give an aspirin a headache. I've really tried to be patient with you, but I've reached my limit. You don't know near enough to grasp how little you know and that sad condition is obviously permanent. Oh well. You're going back on my ignore list.
Seriously man, I don't care how much you disagree, no one deserves to be put down like this. :shakehead:
You call that a put down?
On the off chance you're not joking, I find it very disturbing that you don't.
With some of the insults I've read on this board, I'd say that was on the extreme mild side, when it comes to insults.
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Re: Is impeachment and removal from office possible? What would it take?

Post by Philip »

With some of the insults I've read on this board, I'd say that was on the extreme mild side, when it comes to insults.
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Re: Is impeachment and removal from office possible? What would it take?

Post by abelcainsbrother »

edwardmurphy wrote: Mon Mar 11, 2019 5:59 pm For pity's sake, Abe, you'd give an aspirin a headache. I've really tried to be patient with you, but I've reached my limit. You don't know near enough to grasp how little you know and that sad condition is obviously permanent. Oh well. You're going back on my ignore list.
I never knew I was on ignore before.But besides that you're accusing me of what really applies to you.It is a Saul Alinsky tactic.It is what you on the left do.For instance you are a racist,not me,because you support a party that wants to allow a certian race of people to be able to break our law and come into America illegally.So you are a racist because you support racists in the Democratic Party. It is not Trump or Trump supporters that are racists but those on the left who support allowing certian races of people to be able to break the law,while everybody else cannot. It is racism and it is in the people you support,not me.I am in a political movement with Trump that wants to make sure the law is enforced to all,regardless of race. I cannot speed in my car because of my race and they cannot come into our country illegally just because of their race.
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Re: Is impeachment and removal from office possible? What would it take?

Post by edwardmurphy »

Byblos wrote: Tue Mar 12, 2019 6:44 am
edwardmurphy wrote: Mon Mar 11, 2019 5:59 pm For pity's sake, Abe, you'd give an aspirin a headache. I've really tried to be patient with you, but I've reached my limit. You don't know near enough to grasp how little you know and that sad condition is obviously permanent. Oh well. You're going back on my ignore list.
Seriously man, I don't care how much you disagree, no one deserves to be put down like this. :shakehead:
It wasn't a put down, it was an observation based on long acquaintance and close scrutiny. I'll grant you that it wasn't a flattering observation, but that's hardly my fault.

It's not about disagreement, either. Abe continuously pushes inflammatory, hateful conspiracy theories designed to convince people that liberals (like, for example, me) aren't merely fellow citizens who see things differently, but evil, treasonous criminals hell bent on destroying America. Maybe it's just my bias talking, but in my opinion that's far more insulting than my suggestion that Abe's profound ignorance, unwillingness to think critically, and disinclination to accept information that conflicts with his world view makes him a stereotypical useful idiot for extremist conspiracy mongers.

If you're wondering what I mean, here are a few examples:

- Democrats in Virginia want to "abort" babies after they're born. That's a bold faced lie, and one that makes Democrats look like monsters. Don't believe me? Read the law.

- Hillary Clinton is the leader of an international ring of child sex traffickers who use the proceeds of their crimes to fund the Deep State. That one doesn't even warrant looking up.

- Robert Mueller is actually investigating Hillary Clinton. Because that makes complete sense.

- When Trump declares martial law Americans are going to be deputized to help round up their fellow citizens (meaning liberals) and lock them in internment camps (without trial) on suspicion of treason, and this is a good thing. Byblos, that's straight out of Nazi Germany, and that's not an exaggeration.

- Ruth Bader Ginsburg is dead, and multiple eyewitness accounts of her in court aren't good enough to demonstrate otherwise. Is this a rational position held by a careful thinker?

- Democrats want open borders and encourage illegals to cross into the US so they can give them rights and privileges denied to American citizens. I don't even understand where that one comes from, but it's outlandish.

And on and on it goes. If Abe wanted to have a rational discussion about tax policy or health care or something I'd be perfectly willing to engage, and I wouldn't call him a moron for disagreeing with me on the details. But that's not what's been happening. None of his claims have even a grain of truth to them. They're all outright ridiculous, and most of them paint liberal Americans as enemies of the State.

So yeah, sorry if my harsh words offended your sensibilities, but it's very much a two-way street.
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Re: Is impeachment and removal from office possible? What would it take?

Post by RickD »

abelcainsbrother wrote: Tue Mar 12, 2019 8:09 pm
edwardmurphy wrote: Mon Mar 11, 2019 5:59 pm For pity's sake, Abe, you'd give an aspirin a headache. I've really tried to be patient with you, but I've reached my limit. You don't know near enough to grasp how little you know and that sad condition is obviously permanent. Oh well. You're going back on my ignore list.
I never knew I was on ignore before.But besides that you're accusing me of what really applies to you.It is a Saul Alinsky tactic.It is what you on the left do.For instance you are a racist,not me,because you support a party that wants to allow a certian race of people to be able to break our law and come into America illegally.So you are a racist because you support racists in the Democratic Party. It is not Trump or Trump supporters that are racists but those on the left who support allowing certian races of people to be able to break the law,while everybody else cannot. It is racism and it is in the people you support,not me.I am in a political movement with Trump that wants to make sure the law is enforced to all,regardless of race. I cannot speed in my car because of my race and they cannot come into our country illegally just because of their race.
I find it extremely difficult to argue with this kind of logic.

1) Edwardmurphy is a racist?
2) Edwardmurphy supports a party(he's an independent btw) that wants to allow a certain race of people to enter the country illegally? Which race would that be? The South/Central American race?
3) Edwardmurphy is a racist because he supports racists in the Democratic Party?

Like I said, I find it extremely difficult to argue with logic like that!

Can we not call people racist, without any actual proof based in reality, to back it up?
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Re: Is impeachment and removal from office possible? What would it take?

Post by edwardmurphy »

The thing with Abe is that all of the things that I called him - ignorant, gullible, prone to confirmation bias, etc - are voluntary conditions. He's not required to be unaware of how our government works. He doesn't have to reject all information that challenges his beliefs. He's not unable to fact check the claims that he repeats. He has plenty of options, but he chooses to be an uncritical mouthpiece for the QAnon conspiracy theory. That, in my opinion, is a very bad thing. The road to fascism is paved by fearful people who believe any damned thing that a charismatic authority figure tells them. Currently there are far, far too many Abes in America. It's alarming.

Also I never called him a racist, so "No, you're the racist!" is a strange argument to be making.

Now for a bit of barstool psychology -

I think that when you're talking to Abe you're actually talking to QAnon and the alt-right media through Abe. Somebody told him that the Democrats/liberals said/believe that all Trump supporters are racist. I'm a liberal whose views align relatively closely with the progressive wing of the Democratic Party, therefore I think that he's racist because that's what liberals think. Consequently it makes perfect sense to inform me that actually I'm the racist. In his mind I've called him a racist simply by identifying myself as politically liberal. My actual beliefs are completely immaterial to the process.

What's the point of trying to deal with someone who thinks that everything I say is a lie because I'm the one who said it?
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Re: Is impeachment and removal from office possible? What would it take?

Post by Kurieuo »

Abe is carefully and tactfully assassinated in such a way it would appear as foolishness to come to his defense, which is btw Byblos why it is hard to mod the often carefully crafted attacks against him that Ed does. BUT, for all his QAnon and even awkward statements, there are some diamonds in the rough. On the other hand, worse than QAnon imho (though I actually don't have much idea what they're about anyhow), is often the stuff that comes from CNN, MSNBC, US late night show hosts, et al who are truly pathetic and purposefully alarmist, deceptive and devisive.
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Re: Is impeachment and removal from office possible? What would it take?

Post by Byblos »

Kurieuo wrote: Wed Mar 13, 2019 7:46 am Abe is carefully and tactfully assassinated in such a way it would appear as foolishness to come to his defense, which is btw Byblos why it is hard to mod the often carefully crafted attacks against him that Ed does. BUT, for all his QAnon and even awkward statements, there are some diamonds in the rough. On the other hand, worse than QAnon imho (though I actually don't have much idea what they're about anyhow), is often the stuff that comes from CNN, MSNBC, US late night show hosts, et al who are truly pathetic and purposefully alarmist, deceptive and devisive.
I agree totally. What I was objecting to simply is the continuous ad hominim attacks, and from both sides, not just Ed's. I don't agree with either of them, not Abe's conspiracy theories or his methods, nor Ed's, well pretty much everything. But I do draw the line on the worst personal attacks, the kind that belittle others. There ought to be no room for that in a civil discourse. You wonder why traffic has been dwindling to the site? Perhaps that's one reason.
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Re: Is impeachment and removal from office possible? What would it take?

Post by Stu »

Byblos wrote: Wed Mar 13, 2019 8:14 am
Kurieuo wrote: Wed Mar 13, 2019 7:46 am Abe is carefully and tactfully assassinated in such a way it would appear as foolishness to come to his defense, which is btw Byblos why it is hard to mod the often carefully crafted attacks against him that Ed does. BUT, for all his QAnon and even awkward statements, there are some diamonds in the rough. On the other hand, worse than QAnon imho (though I actually don't have much idea what they're about anyhow), is often the stuff that comes from CNN, MSNBC, US late night show hosts, et al who are truly pathetic and purposefully alarmist, deceptive and devisive.
I agree totally. What I was objecting to simply is the continuous ad hominim attacks, and from both sides, not just Ed's. I don't agree with either of them, not Abe's conspiracy theories or his methods, nor Ed's, well pretty much everything. But I do draw the line on the worst personal attacks, the kind that belittle others. There ought to be no room for that in a civil discourse. You wonder why traffic has been dwindling to the site? Perhaps that's one reason.
I actually disagree with your assessment of abe, he is usually very calm and doesn't resort to personal attacks like Ed does.
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Re: Is impeachment and removal from office possible? What would it take?

Post by Byblos »

Stu wrote: Wed Mar 13, 2019 9:15 am
Byblos wrote: Wed Mar 13, 2019 8:14 am
Kurieuo wrote: Wed Mar 13, 2019 7:46 am Abe is carefully and tactfully assassinated in such a way it would appear as foolishness to come to his defense, which is btw Byblos why it is hard to mod the often carefully crafted attacks against him that Ed does. BUT, for all his QAnon and even awkward statements, there are some diamonds in the rough. On the other hand, worse than QAnon imho (though I actually don't have much idea what they're about anyhow), is often the stuff that comes from CNN, MSNBC, US late night show hosts, et al who are truly pathetic and purposefully alarmist, deceptive and devisive.
I agree totally. What I was objecting to simply is the continuous ad hominim attacks, and from both sides, not just Ed's. I don't agree with either of them, not Abe's conspiracy theories or his methods, nor Ed's, well pretty much everything. But I do draw the line on the worst personal attacks, the kind that belittle others. There ought to be no room for that in a civil discourse. You wonder why traffic has been dwindling to the site? Perhaps that's one reason.
I actually disagree with your assessment of abe, he is usually very calm and doesn't resort to personal attacks like Ed does.
Where exactly did I say otherwise? If you're referring to my mentioning his methods, I was only talking about his questionable methods of disseminating news, nothing else. Perhaps I should've been clearer.
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Re: Is impeachment and removal from office possible? What would it take?

Post by Stu »

Byblos wrote: Wed Mar 13, 2019 10:01 am
Stu wrote: Wed Mar 13, 2019 9:15 am
Byblos wrote: Wed Mar 13, 2019 8:14 am
Kurieuo wrote: Wed Mar 13, 2019 7:46 am Abe is carefully and tactfully assassinated in such a way it would appear as foolishness to come to his defense, which is btw Byblos why it is hard to mod the often carefully crafted attacks against him that Ed does. BUT, for all his QAnon and even awkward statements, there are some diamonds in the rough. On the other hand, worse than QAnon imho (though I actually don't have much idea what they're about anyhow), is often the stuff that comes from CNN, MSNBC, US late night show hosts, et al who are truly pathetic and purposefully alarmist, deceptive and devisive.
I agree totally. What I was objecting to simply is the continuous ad hominim attacks, and from both sides, not just Ed's. I don't agree with either of them, not Abe's conspiracy theories or his methods, nor Ed's, well pretty much everything. But I do draw the line on the worst personal attacks, the kind that belittle others. There ought to be no room for that in a civil discourse. You wonder why traffic has been dwindling to the site? Perhaps that's one reason.
I actually disagree with your assessment of abe, he is usually very calm and doesn't resort to personal attacks like Ed does.
Where exactly did I say otherwise? If you're referring to my mentioning his methods, I was only talking about his questionable methods of disseminating news, nothing else. Perhaps I should've been clearer.
Yeah was just referring to this:

"What I was objecting to simply is the continuous ad hominim attacks, and from both sides, not just Ed's."
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Re: Is impeachment and removal from office possible? What would it take?

Post by abelcainsbrother »

RickD wrote: Wed Mar 13, 2019 3:12 am
abelcainsbrother wrote: Tue Mar 12, 2019 8:09 pm
edwardmurphy wrote: Mon Mar 11, 2019 5:59 pm For pity's sake, Abe, you'd give an aspirin a headache. I've really tried to be patient with you, but I've reached my limit. You don't know near enough to grasp how little you know and that sad condition is obviously permanent. Oh well. You're going back on my ignore list.
I never knew I was on ignore before.But besides that you're accusing me of what really applies to you.It is a Saul Alinsky tactic.It is what you on the left do.For instance you are a racist,not me,because you support a party that wants to allow a certian race of people to be able to break our law and come into America illegally.So you are a racist because you support racists in the Democratic Party. It is not Trump or Trump supporters that are racists but those on the left who support allowing certian races of people to be able to break the law,while everybody else cannot. It is racism and it is in the people you support,not me.I am in a political movement with Trump that wants to make sure the law is enforced to all,regardless of race. I cannot speed in my car because of my race and they cannot come into our country illegally just because of their race.
I find it extremely difficult to argue with this kind of logic.

1) Edwardmurphy is a racist?
2) Edwardmurphy supports a party(he's an independent btw) that wants to allow a certain race of people to enter the country illegally? Which race would that be? The South/Central American race?
3) Edwardmurphy is a racist because he supports racists in the Democratic Party?

Like I said, I find it extremely difficult to argue with logic like that!

Can we not call people racist, without any actual proof based in reality, to back it up?
How is it not racist to want to allow a certian race of people to be able to break the law and come into our country illegally? The reason why I say Ed is a racist is because he supports the Democrat agenda and it is racism. I stand behind my words. Look at the definition of racism. ... e&ie=UTF-8

It is racist to allow certian races of people to break the law in order to come into our country illegally,but everybody else must obey laws which is discrimination based on ones race.This is what the Democrats that Ed supports stand for. Meeanwhile Trump and his supporters have been called racists but it is not true.I pointed out the left uses Saul Alinsky tactics which is accusing your enemies of what you are.This is an example of the left calling Trump and his supporters racists when it is really Democrats and the Democrat agenda that Ed defends that is racism. As I have shown.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

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Re: Is impeachment and removal from office possible? What would it take?

Post by abelcainsbrother »

edwardmurphy wrote: Wed Mar 13, 2019 6:50 am The thing with Abe is that all of the things that I called him - ignorant, gullible, prone to confirmation bias, etc - are voluntary conditions. He's not required to be unaware of how our government works. He doesn't have to reject all information that challenges his beliefs. He's not unable to fact check the claims that he repeats. He has plenty of options, but he chooses to be an uncritical mouthpiece for the QAnon conspiracy theory. That, in my opinion, is a very bad thing. The road to fascism is paved by fearful people who believe any damned thing that a charismatic authority figure tells them. Currently there are far, far too many Abes in America. It's alarming.

Also I never called him a racist, so "No, you're the racist!" is a strange argument to be making.

Now for a bit of barstool psychology -

I think that when you're talking to Abe you're actually talking to QAnon and the alt-right media through Abe. Somebody told him that the Democrats/liberals said/believe that all Trump supporters are racist. I'm a liberal whose views align relatively closely with the progressive wing of the Democratic Party, therefore I think that he's racist because that's what liberals think. Consequently it makes perfect sense to inform me that actually I'm the racist. In his mind I've called him a racist simply by identifying myself as politically liberal. My actual beliefs are completely immaterial to the process.

What's the point of trying to deal with someone who thinks that everything I say is a lie because I'm the one who said it?
Q tells us to think for ourselves,research ourselves,use logic. Does not sound like a cult to me and I would not be apart of it is it was cult like.So fascism is prosecutiung traitors in our government who have committed treason against the US? You already support people of certian races being able to break the law but now you think people in government are above the law too and do not have to obey Federal laws.I don't even think you know enough about Q to.Almost all of the liberal MSM have wrote articles,such as Washington Post and even on CNN,etc,condemning Q as a conspiracy theory or scam,etc and you are just believing it,I think.

Wrong Ed when you support the Democrast agenda because of your liberalism and it is racist to do so. Because you agree with the Democrat Party that allows certian races of people to break our laws and come into America illegally,but everybody else must obey the laws in America,you cannot claim you are not racist when you support and defend the racist Democrat agenda.You are a racist. You have been brainwashed by the MSM to believe Trump and his supporters are racist,when it is the Democrat agenda that you support that is racist. You did not realize it until now because of propaganda and TDS. The truth will prevail over lies and conspiracy theories.

The Democrats are panicked right now because the Deep State and they know what is coming. this is why Nancy Pelosi came out yesterday basically removing the idea of impeaching Trump. They know Trump and the Q team can bust them and prosecute them for treason. So they are backing off.They are trying to figure out how to distract people once these indictments are unsealed.But Trump and the Q team are carpet bombing the Deep State,Democrats and MSM by leaking only alittle bit of evbidence at a time. The liberal MSM will not be able to spin this because once alittle comes out,they can try to explain it away but then alittle more will be leaked until the news media can no longer ignore this.But they will try to ignore this and not report on this.We are talking real evidence. If I was you I would pay attention to Hannity some and Sara Carter when he has her on,and John Solomon too. These are just carpet bombs until the MOAB is dropped which will be Trump declassifying the FISA abuse evidence.
Last edited by abelcainsbrother on Wed Mar 13, 2019 6:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

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Re: Is impeachment and removal from office possible? What would it take?

Post by RickD »

Did you read that Edwardmurphy? You didn't know until now, that you're a racist.

Hey, you can't say that you didn't learn something new today!

It's ironic that the left is accused of calling people racist, yet ACB uses the same tactic.

Let's reiterate the logic behind ACB calling ed racist.

1) democrats only allow certain races to break laws.
2) Edwardmurphy supports democrats
3) therefore, Edwardmurphy is a racist

Even if both 1 and 2 were true, 3 doesn't logically follow.

With that said, 1 is patently false, and there's no proof that 3 is true.

I just love when Christians think that atheists are our enemies, and then go out of their way to misrepresent facts, and people themselves, to win an argument.

Somehow I don't believe this is what Jesus wants us to do.
John 5:24
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Re: Is impeachment and removal from office possible? What would it take?

Post by abelcainsbrother »

RickD wrote: Wed Mar 13, 2019 6:52 pm Did you read that Edwardmurphy? You didn't know until now, that you're a racist.

Hey, you can't say that you didn't learn something new today!

It's ironic that the left is accused of calling people racist, yet ACB uses the same tactic.

Let's reiterate the logic behind ACB calling ed racist.

1) democrats only allow certain races to break laws.
2) Edwardmurphy supports democrats
3) therefore, Edwardmurphy is a racist

Even if both 1 and 2 were true, 3 doesn't logically follow.

With that said, 1 is patently false, and there's no proof that 3 is true.

I just love when Christians think that atheists are our enemies, and then go out of their way to misrepresent facts, and people themselves, to win an argument.

Somehow I don't believe this is what Jesus wants us to do.
This is not about Christianity vs atheism at all. This is politics and I'm only being truthful,but I know the truth hurts. But it must be said. I don't see how you can say 3 is not logical when Ed not only supports the Democrat agenda that is racist as I have shown,but it is on this specific issue over the border and Ed has aligned himself with the Democrat agenda and has defended it in previous posts and he opposes President Trump and his agenda when it comes to the border issue that is not racist.I mean sure I cannot say absolutely no Trump supporters are racists but it does not represent Trump or his agenda and so does not really matter much,except that it is just wrong to be racist whether or not you are Christian or atheist.It seems to me if Ed is not racist he would not support the Democrat agenda on this specific issue.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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