Is impeachment and removal from office possible? What would it take?

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Re: Is impeachment and removal from office possible? What would it take?

Post by Philip »

ACB: This is not about Christianity vs atheism at all. This is politics and I'm only being truthful,but I know the truth hurts.
And so the problem is that you seem to find politics much more important than your Christianity, because you go on and on about those you see as your adversaries, as opposed to people who need to know Christ. So who is YOUR neighbor, ACB? Just people who share your politics? Do you REALLY think you are a good witness for Christ when you come on here demonizing non-Christians, calling them racists and such? That is really shameful! Because people who think that is what Christianity teaches or most Christians believe - you are merely driving people further from the faith when you do such. You just aren't going to change or save the world through politics, ACB - but you seem to think that's the most important thing - and always thinking in terms of us vs. them. I hate to tell you, but the entire world is a swamp, and NO one is going to drain it, before Christ comes back! Perhaps think a bit more about trying to show people kindness and love, and spend a whole lot less time thinking about what it is about them that irritates you!
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Re: Is impeachment and removal from office possible? What would it take?

Post by edwardmurphy »

Byblos wrote: Wed Mar 13, 2019 8:14 amBut I do draw the line on the worst personal attacks, the kind that belittle others. There ought to be no room for that in a civil discourse.
That's a fair point. I could have simply muted Abe without comment. I reacted the way I did because he made some comments that I found deeply offensive. My response was self-indulgent and immature, and I should have kept my thoughts to myself.
Stu wrote: Wed Mar 13, 2019 9:15 amI actually disagree with your assessment of abe, he is usually very calm and doesn't resort to personal attacks like Ed does.
That's true. Abe very rarely makes personal attacks. Sure, he defames entire groups with hateful, inflammatory lies, but he never calls some specific liberal an *******, so I guess it's cool...?

Or how about you, Stu? You've never called me an ******* either, but your only reason for visiting the political forum is to post (frequently inaccurate) stories about individual liberals being stupid and unreasonable to demonstrate that all liberals are stupid and unreasonable. This is starting to feel like some sort of double standard.

Let's try something. I'm going to make two statements - please bear with me.

1) Byblos sucks.
2) Christians suck.

If I'm understanding you correctly the first statement is clearly offensive but the second somehow isn't. That's odd, because I'd wager that Byblos would take issue with both - the former because it's personal, and the latter because in addition to being personal it also smears many Christians that Byblos knows, loves, and respects.

Am I wrong about that?

If I'm not wrong then how is bashing liberals any different? Why would I take blanket statements that disparage people I love and respect any way other than personally?
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Re: Is impeachment and removal from office possible? What would it take?

Post by abelcainsbrother »

Philip wrote: Wed Mar 13, 2019 7:25 pm
ACB: This is not about Christianity vs atheism at all. This is politics and I'm only being truthful,but I know the truth hurts.
And so the problem is that you seem to find politics much more important than your Christianity, because you go on and on about those you see as your adversaries, as opposed to people who need to know Christ. So who is YOUR neighbor, ACB? Just people who share your politics? Do you REALLY think you are a good witness for Christ when you come on here demonizing non-Christians, calling them racists and such? That is really shameful! Because people who think that is what Christianity teaches or most Christians believe - you are merely driving people further from the faith when you do such. You just aren't going to change or save the world through politics, ACB - but you seem to think that's the most important thing - and always thinking in terms of us vs. them. I hate to tell you, but the entire world is a swamp, and NO one is going to drain it, before Christ comes back! Perhaps think a bit more about trying to show people kindness and love, and spend a whole lot less time thinking about what it is about them that irritates you!
I am a Christian and a patriot and it is very important which way this country goes politically,as are most of the people I follow who support Trump.Me and Ed have been going back and forth politically for awhile now,maybe we should'nt but we have.When you say things like the world is a swamp and no one is going to drain it until Christ comes back,first off I don't see how you can say that according to prophecy,but further more I see this as a big reason America is in the state it is in. Christians who are not in the fight to direct the way this country goes based on assumptions when it comes to prophecy.It is no wonder the Democrat agenda has dominated politics in America for so long.I mean I know you see the Trump Presidency as just another President along a long line of others and nothing much is going to change.But things are changing for the we have liberals on the ropes now and have the chance to totally destroy their agenda that has been so bad for America and Christians. While Christians are censored and the Democrat agenda destroys the moral fabric of our society,destroying the traditional family,etc there are many Christians like you who are not in the fight to change things when we have the chance to like never before in America's history.If it was not for the miracle of Trump being elected despite everything against him as an outsider and his America first agenda,and the way he fights and beats liberals over time I too might be pessimistic but I now realize we actually do have the chance to make drastic changes of the direction of our country for the better for our society that we must live in until Christ returns. Whatever ever happened to plan like Christ is not coming soon but yet be ready if he does?
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: Is impeachment and removal from office possible? What would it take?

Post by abelcainsbrother »

There is nothing at all wrong with The political movement I'm apart of that stands for the US Constitution,Freedom,Liberty,Capitalism,etc from a Christian perspective and it is what Christians have been praying for.You know liberals have this imaginary fear that Christians want to force people to be Christians,and legislate morality.But this is not true as we believe in freedom of religion or not,we just want the people to be able to vote and decide as a society what laws we are going to have. It is actually liberalism and the Democrat agenda that forces its morality that is not moral on everybody else.We are not for this and never have been.Liberals forced their morality onto society with abortion,same sex marriages,etc through the courts.This is legislating morality and forcing their religion and beliefs onto the rest of us,which we would NEVER DO. Because we believe these are states rights issues that the people decide through elections according to the Constitution.The Government or courts have no say so on these matters as the people decide.So there is nothing anti-Christian about the political movement that I support.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: Is impeachment and removal from office possible? What would it take?

Post by Philip »

ACB: there are many Christians like you who are not in the fight to change things when we have the chance to like never before in America's history.
There is nothing wrong with wanting to change society for the better - and we should certainly try. Of course I see many problems coming from the left - but also from the right. And many people on ALL sides of the political spectrum are not Christians. And many on both sides ARE. Of course Christians should engage in the political process, to influence society as they see appropriate. But what I'm also saying is, coming on a Christian forum where you seem to see the answers more from political movements as opposed to encouraging faith in Christ - well, it's not going to work. AND espescially, it's a huge turn-off to people who may not be Christians when you constantly show an "us the righteous vs. those the evil" attitude. I would encourage you to first influence people to have faith in God, and as they do, they'll begin to have more and more different and better political sensibilities. You've embraced Trump - a very problematic figure with a lot of bad baggage - as some new political messiah that's going to set everything straight. And that's delusional! Unless people change their hearts and minds on a huge scale across society, you'll not significantly change it. And particularly through politics, which can only control through power of numbers and office. Why do you think that Jesus and the Apostles never focused upon political solutions and change? y:-?

And I can tell you that if you are not careful in how you wear your politics, you will mostly be an ineffective - and likely a negative - witness as a Christian. This is what B.W. fell into - and us vs. them mentality that was more and more politically driven and intentionally divisive - effectively killing his witness for Christ. Do you truly care about people who have politics in opposition to yours? Or do you only care about those who think as you do? Do you see people with politics in opposition to yours as your personal enemy to be despised? Again, who's your neighbor???!!!

BTW, Trump is a human being. He constantly does stuff the Bible says not to - but you, ACB, will never criticize him for such. And I'm not saying he's not done some positive things, or that he wasn't highly preferable to the Clintons, given that we had no better choice. But no human being is above criticism!!! And the delusion is, "if we only had just the right politicians in office, we'd make huge positive changes across society and the world's going to be a better place." Hope and positive change is coming - led by politicians. LOL. Please!
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Re: Is impeachment and removal from office possible? What would it take?

Post by PaulSacramento »

Racism is a funny thing, everyone else is.
Everyone else has racist views and inclinations because when I think that a particular race deserves special treatment, it isn't racism, its just allowing for the downtrodden minority to have a chance !
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Re: Is impeachment and removal from office possible? What would it take?

Post by edwardmurphy »

It seems like we're skipping an important step.

Before we get caught up in debating whether or not the Democrats' preferential treatment of illegal immigrants is racist can we take a second to determine whether or not the claim is true in the first place? I've seen Abe say it pretty frequently, but I've never seen him give a specific explanation of why he believes that, much less provide any evidence that it's true.

Which illegals are we talking about? What special treatment are they receiving? Is it true that American citizens don't get these same benefits, assuming that illegal immigrants are actually getting any at all?
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Re: Is impeachment and removal from office possible? What would it take?

Post by RickD »

PaulSacramento wrote: Thu Mar 14, 2019 8:30 am Racism is a funny thing, everyone else is.
Everyone else has racist views and inclinations because when I think that a particular race deserves special treatment, it isn't racism, its just allowing for the downtrodden minority to have a chance !

I'm not sure what kind of sicko you are, but racism is not a FUNNY thing!
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Re: Is impeachment and removal from office possible? What would it take?

Post by Byblos »

edwardmurphy wrote: Wed Mar 13, 2019 7:29 pm
Byblos wrote: Wed Mar 13, 2019 8:14 amBut I do draw the line on the worst personal attacks, the kind that belittle others. There ought to be no room for that in a civil discourse.
That's a fair point. I could have simply muted Abe without comment. I reacted the way I did because he made some comments that I found deeply offensive. My response was self-indulgent and immature, and I should have kept my thoughts to myself.
Stu wrote: Wed Mar 13, 2019 9:15 amI actually disagree with your assessment of abe, he is usually very calm and doesn't resort to personal attacks like Ed does.
That's true. Abe very rarely makes personal attacks. Sure, he defames entire groups with hateful, inflammatory lies, but he never calls some specific liberal an *******, so I guess it's cool...?

Or how about you, Stu? You've never called me an ******* either, but your only reason for visiting the political forum is to post (frequently inaccurate) stories about individual liberals being stupid and unreasonable to demonstrate that all liberals are stupid and unreasonable. This is starting to feel like some sort of double standard.

Let's try something. I'm going to make two statements - please bear with me.

1) Byblos sucks.
2) Christians suck.

If I'm understanding you correctly the first statement is clearly offensive but the second somehow isn't. That's odd, because I'd wager that Byblos would take issue with both - the former because it's personal, and the latter because in addition to being personal it also smears many Christians that Byblos knows, loves, and respects.

Am I wrong about that?

If I'm not wrong then how is bashing liberals any different? Why would I take blanket statements that disparage people I love and respect any way other than personally?
You're not wrong. My posts were simply a call to all to have a little respect for one another while shredding their position to pieces. That's all.
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Re: Is impeachment and removal from office possible? What would it take?

Post by PaulSacramento »

RickD wrote: Thu Mar 14, 2019 9:33 am
PaulSacramento wrote: Thu Mar 14, 2019 8:30 am Racism is a funny thing, everyone else is.
Everyone else has racist views and inclinations because when I think that a particular race deserves special treatment, it isn't racism, its just allowing for the downtrodden minority to have a chance !

I'm not sure what kind of sicko you are, but racism is not a FUNNY thing!
That's racist, to sickos.
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Re: Is impeachment and removal from office possible? What would it take?

Post by abelcainsbrother »

Philip wrote: Thu Mar 14, 2019 6:20 am
ACB: there are many Christians like you who are not in the fight to change things when we have the chance to like never before in America's history.
There is nothing wrong with wanting to change society for the better - and we should certainly try. Of course I see many problems coming from the left - but also from the right. And many people on ALL sides of the political spectrum are not Christians. And many on both sides ARE. Of course Christians should engage in the political process, to influence society as they see appropriate. But what I'm also saying is, coming on a Christian forum where you seem to see the answers more from political movements as opposed to encouraging faith in Christ - well, it's not going to work. AND espescially, it's a huge turn-off to people who may not be Christians when you constantly show an "us the righteous vs. those the evil" attitude. I would encourage you to first influence people to have faith in God, and as they do, they'll begin to have more and more different and better political sensibilities. You've embraced Trump - a very problematic figure with a lot of bad baggage - as some new political messiah that's going to set everything straight. And that's delusional! Unless people change their hearts and minds on a huge scale across society, you'll not significantly change it. And particularly through politics, which can only control through power of numbers and office. Why do you think that Jesus and the Apostles never focused upon political solutions and change? y:-?

And I can tell you that if you are not careful in how you wear your politics, you will mostly be an ineffective - and likely a negative - witness as a Christian. This is what B.W. fell into - and us vs. them mentality that was more and more politically driven and intentionally divisive - effectively killing his witness for Christ. Do you truly care about people who have politics in opposition to yours? Or do you only care about those who think as you do? Do you see people with politics in opposition to yours as your personal enemy to be despised? Again, who's your neighbor???!!!

BTW, Trump is a human being. He constantly does stuff the Bible says not to - but you, ACB, will never criticize him for such. And I'm not saying he's not done some positive things, or that he wasn't highly preferable to the Clintons, given that we had no better choice. But no human being is above criticism!!! And the delusion is, "if we only had just the right politicians in office, we'd make huge positive changes across society and the world's going to be a better place." Hope and positive change is coming - led by politicians. LOL. Please!
Yeah, I know it might seem like I find no fault in Trump but it is not true as the only perfect person to ever walk this earth was Jesus.STILL every man of God God used had flaws and made mistakes so I'm not foolish enough to think Trump is perfect but God uses men despite their flaws and God chose Donald Trump to be President.The Trump movement is about freeing America from the political shackles of the past that have done much damage to America and I support it 100% as a Christian and patriot because I'm tired of the political games of the past from both parties.And they are STILL playing games but they are losing as time goes on. As those Republicans who oppose Trump'sb agenda over the border and trying to strip his executive powers will pay a big price when election times comes around. Because Trump actually campaigns for Senators and he can say the people need to give me Republicans that won't obstruct securing the border,etc. Trump still packs out rallies everywhere he goes and he has the power to primary Republicans that obstruct him going along with the Democrats. So they will be just digging their own political grave as time goes on.It takes time to teach Republicans how to win politically again as they are so used to losing politically to Democrats that they don't know how to win anymore. Trump is teaching them but it can take time.

As far as Ed when he is called on something he then plays dumb like he don't know what is going on. Yet let somebody say anything wrong he disagrees with and he will set them straight politically like BW and Stu. When I point out it is the Democrat agenda that is racist and those who support it are racists,he then plays dumb like he does not know and expects me to prove it to him. But I have proven myself many times to him and he just ignores it.So I have changed the way I deal with him politically and I just tell him the truth and let him figure it out.

I know he does not believe much of what I say but he will know I told the truth when what I said happens.I know this works because it is what convinced me Q is legit and is not a conspiracy theory like Ed thinks. When people are investigated for treason in military tribunals and civilian courts depending on their crime,he will then know I was right and Q is legit and he should have took Q more seriously. You all can doubt Q as many do but you atleast need to consider that IF Q is real? There are going to be people in our Government indicted for breaking Federal Laws while in Government and the swamp will be drained because of this.

We are talking REAL EVIDENCE of TREASON and SEDITION. The thing is with real cases unlike on the Democrat side is everything is sealed and kept top secret. This is also why Q posts in coded language that a person MUST research to find the truth. As Q does not give enough info to ruin a criminal case under investigation. He just gives us bread crumbs and even gives misleading info at times to throw off the Deep State as they are not going to tell them what they are going to do so they can block it,etc.

Over time Trump has under the radar removed Deep State judges that would just allow these criminals to get away with their crimes and it takes time. But there is a real political strategy in place to convict traitors in our Government who no longer work for the American people but the Deep State instead and this is treason. Of course it has to be proven in a court of law but it will be because of the Q team. The Deep State cannot stop what is coming EVEN if they were able to assassinate President Trump the evidence they have gathered is so damning once in the light for people to see.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: Is impeachment and removal from office possible? What would it take?

Post by edwardmurphy »

What the heck, I'll give it another shot.
abelcainsbrother wrote: Thu Mar 14, 2019 2:12 pmAs far as Ed when he is called on something he then plays dumb like he don't know what is going on. Yet let somebody say anything wrong he disagrees with and he will set them straight politically like BW and Stu. When I point out it is the Democrat agenda that is racist and those who support it are racists,he then plays dumb like he does not know and expects me to prove it to him. But I have proven myself many times to him and he just ignores it.So I have changed the way I deal with him politically and I just tell him the truth and let him figure it out.
I'm not playing dumb. I have a pretty good idea what the different political parties are up to and I know how the Democrats are approaching border security, generally speaking. What I don't know is what you think you know. You and I get our information from completely different sources. Mine range across the political spectrum and the Western world, but they're all news outlets that employ journalists. You get your information from Reddit posts and YouTube videos run by pundits and conspiracy mongers. When you call me a racist for supporting racist policies that put illegal immigrants ahead of American citizens it's difficult to respond because I'm not sure what you're talking about. You didn't invite me into your monologue or cite your sources.

Are you talking about the Dreamers? If so then I think they deserve a crack at citizenship. They're culturally American and most of them have no memory of ever living anywhere else. They have over 90% employment as a group, and many of them have served in the armed forces. It's not their fault that they were brought here illegally as children, and forcing them out is bad policy. If you think that makes me a racist then I have no polite response.

Are you talking about the Wall? If so then I actually support border security, but I also think that Trump's plan will cost far, far too much given the limited efficacy of a border wall and the need to maintain and guard it. If your interpretation of my position is that I favor open borders then I'm not sure how to respond politely.

Are you talking about some other thing you heard on some YouTube show? If so then you'll have to fill me in, because I don't watch that stuff and I have no frame of reference.

So no, I'm not playing dumb. You and I speak completely different languages and often I can only guess at what you're talking about. We also have vastly different notions of what constitutes "proof." I can't think of a single time you provided me with any kind of concrete evidence of anything. You assert something IN ALL CAPS and when I ask you to cite a source you link a Twitter feed or YouTube show where some other person asserts the same thing. Asserting something isn't the same thing as proving it, no matter how loudly or frequently you make the assertion.

Abe, I'm going to ask you to do the same think I always ask you to do - be specific! Don't talk in [love] breadcrumbs. Nobody wants to play that game. If you're going to claim I'm a racist then have the good taste to explicitly state why you believe that to be the case. If you're unable to do so then you're welcome to retract your claim and I'd appreciate it if you would kindly refrain from baseless slander in the future.
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Re: Is impeachment and removal from office possible? What would it take?

Post by abelcainsbrother »

edwardmurphy wrote: Tue Mar 12, 2019 10:16 pm
Byblos wrote: Tue Mar 12, 2019 6:44 am
edwardmurphy wrote: Mon Mar 11, 2019 5:59 pm For pity's sake, Abe, you'd give an aspirin a headache. I've really tried to be patient with you, but I've reached my limit. You don't know near enough to grasp how little you know and that sad condition is obviously permanent. Oh well. You're going back on my ignore list.
Seriously man, I don't care how much you disagree, no one deserves to be put down like this. :shakehead:
It wasn't a put down, it was an observation based on long acquaintance and close scrutiny. I'll grant you that it wasn't a flattering observation, but that's hardly my fault.

It's not about disagreement, either. Abe continuously pushes inflammatory, hateful conspiracy theories designed to convince people that liberals (like, for example, me) aren't merely fellow citizens who see things differently, but evil, treasonous criminals hell bent on destroying America. Maybe it's just my bias talking, but in my opinion that's far more insulting than my suggestion that Abe's profound ignorance, unwillingness to think critically, and disinclination to accept information that conflicts with his world view makes him a stereotypical useful idiot for extremist conspiracy mongers.

If you're wondering what I mean, here are a few examples:

- Democrats in Virginia want to "abort" babies after they're born. That's a bold faced lie, and one that makes Democrats look like monsters. Don't believe me? Read the law.

- Hillary Clinton is the leader of an international ring of child sex traffickers who use the proceeds of their crimes to fund the Deep State. That one doesn't even warrant looking up.

- Robert Mueller is actually investigating Hillary Clinton. Because that makes complete sense.

- When Trump declares martial law Americans are going to be deputized to help round up their fellow citizens (meaning liberals) and lock them in internment camps (without trial) on suspicion of treason, and this is a good thing. Byblos, that's straight out of Nazi Germany, and that's not an exaggeration.

- Ruth Bader Ginsburg is dead, and multiple eyewitness accounts of her in court aren't good enough to demonstrate otherwise. Is this a rational position held by a careful thinker?

- Democrats want open borders and encourage illegals to cross into the US so they can give them rights and privileges denied to American citizens. I don't even understand where that one comes from, but it's outlandish.

And on and on it goes. If Abe wanted to have a rational discussion about tax policy or health care or something I'd be perfectly willing to engage, and I wouldn't call him a moron for disagreeing with me on the details. But that's not what's been happening. None of his claims have even a grain of truth to them. They're all outright ridiculous, and most of them paint liberal Americans as enemies of the State.

So yeah, sorry if my harsh words offended your sensibilities, but it's very much a two-way street.
I'll let Styx a Pro-choice person and pagan correct you about how Democrats support infanticide now and why you should reject it.The Democrats are pushing to allow abortions after the baby is born.Stop lying trying to cover for Democrats.
Pro Choicers should reject infanticide.

I have never said Hillary is the leader of a sex trafficking ring,because I have not seen any evidence but I do believe she knows about child sex trafficking but does not do anything to stop it.As a matter of fact I have never really even attacked Obama eventhough he was a worse Preesident than Jimmy Carter and Carter was the worst before Obama. However Obama did illegally spy on the Trump campaign which is Sedition and is against Federal law and he will be held accountable for it. I remember Trump tweeting that he had just found out Obama wiretapped Trump Tower and yet the media blasted Trump over it and said it is not true.Agaiun in the end the MSM is wrong and it is fake news.
PANIC. For you.

I have never said Robert Mueller is investigating Hillary but that he is a grey hat trying to save himself over Uranium 1. I remember when Trump was interviewing people at Trump tower of people to fill positions in his administration and he interviewed Robert Mueller and I believe Trump let Mueller know that they have all the evidence to bust him if he does not cooperate with investigations and laid out evidence for him to see. This is why the Robert Mueller Report will not show Russia collusion like the media said for two years but are now backtracking away from this and admitting it.Robert Mueller can be in trouble over the Uranium one deal because he was the delivery man for the Deep State and Hillary(SoS) and Obama. He knows this. I just do not know if he's made a deal with prosecutors.i have to wait to see for now.

I did not say that about Trump. I said that I see President Trump deputizing US citezens eventually to arrest these traitors we have in the Government. I say this as my own opinion based on Q saying Power back to the people. It would also be good politically for President Trump to deputize US Citezens and let them arrest the traitors in our government who do not work for the American people but the Deep State.I do not believe US citezens and specifically just liberals to be locked up in internment camps without trial and no Trump supporter would support it being without trial because it is anti-Constitution and we are all about the US Constitution.Again you Democrats have Trump convicted of a crime to remove him from office without a trial or evidence sdo again,it is you Democrats that do these things that make a mockery of the US Constitution.

I did not say RBG is dead but I do not believe the media when they claim she is back at work on the Supreme Court,like you do. It is more fake news just like Trump colluding with Russia,etc.

Democrats do want open borders for illegal immigrants and everybody knows it thanks to President Trump exposing them. They will not fund border security nor do anything to stop drugs,sex trafficking,gangs,terrorists,etc from coming over the border as a matter of fact they say Trump has made it into a manufactured crisis.They are racists who allow certian races of people to be able to break the law by coming into our country illegally while everybody else must obey laws. It is racist discrimination and totally unfair to any law abiding citezen.They put them first over the American people which is treasonous based on their oath they make once they get elected to protect and defend the US Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. - Treason as you cannot take that oath and then abandon it once you get into office. It is treasonous.It does not matter if you don't like President Trump.I don't know about you but I have talked to many hispanics that are US Citezens and they agree with President Trump on securing the border.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: Is impeachment and removal from office possible? What would it take?

Post by DBowling »

abelcainsbrother wrote: Thu Mar 14, 2019 6:07 pm I did not say RBG is dead but I do not believe the media when they claim she is back at work on the Supreme Court,like you do. It is more fake news just like Trump colluding with Russia,etc.
So are you saying that you believe the following media reports are equally 'fake' ... or real?
- RBG is back at work on the Supreme court
- Trump colluded with Russia

Am I understanding your position correctly?
Last edited by DBowling on Thu Mar 14, 2019 7:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Is impeachment and removal from office possible? What would it take?

Post by edwardmurphy »

Simply asserting that something is true is not the same as proving it. You have provided no new information. You've cited no credible sources.

Some guy thinks the Virginia Dems support infanticide, so it must be true? Sorry Abe, but I'm also some guy and I disagree with your guy's assessment. I read the same comments and I think that, while the Governor really did a piss poor job of communicating his point or clarifying it later, it's pretty clear that he was talking about babies born with severe deformities or diseases that would prevent them from surviving outside the womb. If a baby is born with a previously undetected birth defect that's untreatable and inoperable and will cause his life to be short and painful then perhaps the humane thing to do is to keep him comfortable, allow his parents to say goodbye, and to otherwise withhold care. Politicizing that situation by calling it infanticide serves no purpose but to quash rational discussion.
abelcainsbrother wrote: Thu Mar 14, 2019 6:07 pmDemocrats do want open borders for illegal immigrants and everybody knows it thanks to President Trump exposing them. They will not fund border security nor do anything to stop drugs,sex trafficking,gangs,terrorists,etc from coming over the border as a matter of fact they say Trump has made it into a manufactured crisis.They are racists who allow certian races of people to be able to break the law by coming into our country illegally while everybody else must obey laws. It is racist discrimination and totally unfair to any law abiding citezen.They put them first over the American people which is treasonous
If you scroll up a bit I referenced the border security bill that the Dems advanced in the House back during the shutdown. It included money for expanded fencing, increased security, and more border patrol agents. How is that supporting open borders and allowing drugs and whatnot to enter freely? You understand that Trump's wall isn't the only possible solution to border security, right? Opposing the stupid, unrealistic thing that Trump promised his base isn't the same thing as opposing border security. In fact it's completely possible for the Dems to beef up border security while simultaneously denying Trump his cookie, and I sincerely hope they can pull it off.
abelcainsbrother wrote: Thu Mar 14, 2019 6:07 pmThey are racists who allow certian races of people to be able to break the law by coming into our country illegally while everybody else must obey laws. It is racist discrimination and totally unfair to any law abiding citezen.They put them first over the American people which is treasonous
So here we are again.

Assertions aren't evidence no matter how much you repeat them.

Which races are they allowing to come into the country illegally? How are they allowing them to do so? What evidence do you have to support that claim? This is supposedly your evidence that I'm a racist. I think it's fair to ask that you put up or shut up.
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