Afraid of my results and charges.

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Afraid of my results and charges.

Post by Itrusthim55 »

Hello, I am new to this website. I am a catholic but have a Christian girlfriend. She slowly showing me the Christian way and I am liking it.

I am here today because for the last 10 years i have been saying to myself that I will be closer to GOD, but always fail on doing so.

Currently I took an STD test (HIV, Syphillis, Clhamidya and Gonorrhea) I have never been so afraid in my life as i am currently am at the moment. I was infected with an STD 7 years ago, and i thought i learned my lesson, but apparently i didnt. I was cured. I am afraid of these results coming in next week, because i am a huge sinner and have had a couple sexual encounters behind my beautiful girlfriend. All the time is because i am drunk, which is not an excuse. My girlfriend deserves a lot better than me, i dont deserve my girlfriend because she doesnt deserve to be treated like this. I am asking for forgiveness from GOD everyday. I have delete all my social media because that just leads to bad decisions and is a distraction in my life. I want to be clean and never drink alcohol ever again because i want new life. I dont ever want to drink, watch pornography, cheat on my girlfriend. I want to think for others and be closer to GOD everyday. Please pray for me to get strength to better myself and for my STD results. I do not want to live life with HIV :(.

I tend to do stupid decisions when i drink and i hate it. I know if i live sober i can change my life forever for the better. I also got in trouble with the law last year for DWI and Evading arrest. My lawyer is working on all that at the moment, i pray for him every day for him to remove the felony because i know i messed up that night because i was drunk. l might lose my job because of those charges as well.

Alcohol has ruined my life, i could still have my job, live healthy and be faithful to my close ones if it wasnt for alcohol. Please i want to for anyone to help me in praying for me to get good STD results, live sober forever without alcohol and for my felony/DWI charges. I have lost so much in my life and i need GOD now more than ever. I am going to start going to classes with my Girlfriend next week at her church to start my new journey with GOD.

Thank you all, May God Bless You All.
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Re: Afraid of my results and charges.

Post by Philip »

ITrustHim55, welcome to's discussion forum!

I will be happy to pray for your situation and your concerns. Sometimes, we have to realize the depths to which our sins have taken us, and the fears and control they oppress us, and to realize just how powerless we are to personally overcome such things, before we are willing to submit and commit ourselves to Jesus in faith. Remember that coming to Christ isn't just having a mere intellectual belief in God / Jesus - but instead is submitting oneself to Him in a determination to recognize and follow His leadership in your life. Of course, we learn to follow God in fits and stumbles and imperfectly, as the power of Christ slowly changes us and our situations over time. But when we do this (submit / commit), we can have faith (THROUGH our faith in Him) that our future is no longer dependent upon just our own feeble efforts (which would otherwise end in repeated failures), but that God has the power to help us overcome whatever sins and the related challenges we face. And those changes may be slow and gradual, sometimes rapid - as God works in our lives.

One of the things we are prone to is, when things are going well, often our desires and determination to follow a Godly path can diminish. So, realize that if your STD tests all come back negative and this immediate health threat passes - what then? Will your new sense of the importance of submitting to and following Christ have just been insincere and situation-dependent, or have you really confessed your sins to God in desire to make Him the rightful leader of your life. If you have, with God in your corner, you can face the future without fear, no matter what it brings. But sometimes fear of consequences can drive us to our knees in recognizing our need for Christ - which is a very good thing indeed.

But I and others here will definitely pray for you. Please keep us updated and welcome to our community!

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Re: Afraid of my results and charges.

Post by 1over137 »

Dear, ITrustHim 55,
I will pray for you my dear brother.
Our Father gives peace and strength, transforms us to better beings.
I pray you get closer to Him day by day.
Do not ever forget He is patient with us and does not close the doors for whoever is calling to him.
He loves you, He forgives you, only hope for Him, pour your heart to Him, ask Him to forgive, rest in Him.
There is no other peace and rest, only in Him.

Let us know from time to time how you are doing.
(Reading his words (Bible) is of great help...)

But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good.
-- 1 Thessalonians 5:21

For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.
-- Philippians 1:6

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Re: Afraid of my results and charges.

Post by claysmithr »

Pray and seek earnestly that God will give you the power to break the chains that bind you to slavery and to lust and alcohol.

Put on your mourning clothes and repent, repent, repent. Do everything in your power to STOP and have God meet you half way.

If you sow sin you will reap death in your job, life, and relationships. If you sow righteousness you will reap life!

Pray to Jesus to cleanse you of all sin and unrighteousness, and earnestly seek his blood to cover all your transgressions!

Praying for you!
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