Once Saved, Always Saved - Not According to This Lady Who Went to Hell

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Once Saved, Always Saved - Not According to This Lady Who Went to Hell

Post by Stu »

Just watched this episode of It's Supernatural!
All those who believe in once saved, always saved I advise you to watch this as the lady he interviewed says she went to and experienced hell and once saved, always saved is a terrible lie. Watch the whole thing before commenting. There is an advert about halfway through that you can skip if you want.

What she was talking about in this instance is unforgiveness. Not forgiving people in your life who have wronged or hurt you.

For anyone that has watched Sid's work over the years - he looks the same since the 90's right up until today :lol:

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Re: Once Saved, Always Saved - Not According to This Lady Who Went to Hell

Post by Philip »

It doesn't matter what she says as anecdotal evidence - because she's contradicting Scripture if she thinks there is such a thing as TEMPORARY ETERNAL life! What, does God make a mistake???!!! Does He save a person He foreknows will only later discontinue belief? And WHOSE power is one saved by? And is His power not sufficient to bring them all the way to the "Day of the Lord?"

People need to realize, it is NOT one's faith that saves them - but it is HE who they have faith in that saves them! It's GOD'S salvation, and it is He Who both initiates AND completes it!

Stu, ya gotta be careful about doing Christianity by what you see on the internet. Now, did this lady previously THINK she had already been saved? That's entirely possible. Like a lot of people, she could have fooled herself!
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Re: Once Saved, Always Saved - Not According to This Lady Who Went to Hell

Post by PaulSacramento »

This is how it works:
If you TRULY believe, you will NEVER fall away from salvation ( since the HS is in you), so ONCE saved, ALWAYS saved.
But what of those that have fallen away?
Will, that means they were never TRUE believers, ie: the HS was not with them.

Oh, the THOUGHT they believed but one would have to see WHY they believed and in WHAT they believed.

How do WE do that?
WE don't, God does.

That is why we leave judgment and salvation to God.
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Re: Once Saved, Always Saved - Not According to This Lady Who Went to Hell

Post by RickD »

That video was amazing and eye opening!

Thanks for sharing!
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: Once Saved, Always Saved - Not According to This Lady Who Went to Hell

Post by Philip »

Rick: That video was amazing and eye opening!

Thanks for sharing!

Boy, you didn't earn your title of St. Richard for nothing!
This video is full of more holes than Swiss cheese! We hear her describe a salvation-type experience with Christ that radically changed her - but then she gets taken to hell???!!! She sees "Christians" in hell -this is unScriptural crapola! I notice she and the host are hawking books and videos like mad. We never learn why she was taken to hell. She never says she was or definitely wasn't saved beforehand - although it seems she was describing a transformation of faith in Christ. Later in the video, she talks of being eternally secure in Christ, and yet she wasn't. In fact, the entire assertion of the video is that one cannot be certain about their salvation, but then again they supposedly can be? So, WHICH is it???!!! What??? How? Through obedience? Notice as well, no relevant Scripture was really addressed, as all we hear are this lady's assertions of what SHE says is true. She says there were many Christians in hell - and just that alone, should make anyone realize this is untrue!

Notice, the entire premise of this show is the supernatural - apparently a fixation upon things people assert true but no one can know or truly understand. You must trust the testimony of people you know nothing about - especially as it doesn't line up with Scripture. Buttressed with audience reaction shots of people that appear absolutely convinced that what this lady is saying is true and is supposedly in sync with solid theological understandings, and then the host continues to assert his false beliefs to further perpetuate belief in what she's saying.

Who knows what this lady's true story is. Did she have a psychotic episode? Did she just lie? Is she mentally ill? Is she a religious nut seeking attention? Who KNOWS! Remember what happens once you begin to buy into a person's lies - then you're ripe for deception. And this show is going to mess a whole lot of people up. But anyone knowledgeable about Scripture can see there are serious things that don't add up!
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Re: Once Saved, Always Saved - Not According to This Lady Who Went to Hell

Post by RickD »


The video is truly eye opening. It amazes me that any mature and discerning Christian could give any credence to the video. It points out a huge problem within the church. A problem where a failure to know scripture, leads to a lack of discernment when unbiblical doctrine is presented as "right".

That video belongs in the "Benny Hinn" scrap heap of dangerous doctrine.
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: Once Saved, Always Saved - Not According to This Lady Who Went to Hell

Post by PaulSacramento »

RickD wrote: Mon Apr 08, 2019 5:11 pm Philip,

The video is truly eye opening. It amazes me that any mature and discerning Christian could give any credence to the video. It points out a huge problem within the church. A problem where a failure to know scripture, leads to a lack of discernment when unbiblical doctrine is presented as "right".

That video belongs in the "Benny Hinn" scrap heap of dangerous doctrine.
There is doctrine and there is tradition and then there is the mix of too and the problem is that many don't know the difference or that there IS a difference.
It tends to be the case of leaving ones education of what the bible says to others because, "it's just to hard to figure it out ourselves".
Then you get stuff like this.
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Re: Once Saved, Always Saved - Not According to This Lady Who Went to Hell

Post by Fliegender »

Sid Roth always impressed me as a kind-of Christian astrologer...too many guest wackos on his show
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Re: Once Saved, Always Saved - Not According to This Lady Who Went to Hell

Post by Stu »

Fliegender wrote: Tue Apr 09, 2019 9:02 am Sid Roth always impressed me as a kind-of Christian astrologer...too many guest wackos on his show
Are you questioning whether he is a true Christian?
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Re: Once Saved, Always Saved - Not According to This Lady Who Went to Hell

Post by Philip »

Are you questioning whether he is a true Christian?
Who knows? That's a different question - as there are a LOT of true Christians running around who have very whacked out and unScriptural theological beliefs. Has he committed himself in faith to following the resurrected Christ of Scripture? As that's the only requirement for salvation. So, it's very possible to be saved and also have screwed up beliefs and teachings.
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Re: Once Saved, Always Saved - Not According to This Lady Who Went to Hell

Post by jpbg33 »

when i'm reading though the comments i see so many contradictory statements. People are saying if you can lose your salvation you can't truly know if you were ever saved. That if you were saved and fell away you were never say to begin with. When in reality you couldn't know if you were saved if it was true. That if you fell away later then you were never saved. Because how would you ever know if you were saved if when you mess up later you were never saved to begin with. you could say by your heart but the bible says your heart is the most deceitful thing in your body. So you can really never know for sure if you were saved or not. Unless you happen to be saved but then again are you just deceiving yourself or are you really saved. once saved always saved causes the confusion because if it were true you could never know if you were saved or not unless you were saved but even at that point you would not know for sure if you were just deceiving yourself or not because your heart is deceitful. The only true way to know for sure if your saved or not is if once saved always saved is false that's enough evidence to know that once saved always saved is not true.
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Re: Once Saved, Always Saved - Not According to This Lady Who Went to Hell

Post by Philip »

Jpbg, WHOSE salvation, exactly, is it? YOURS or God's? You couldn't save yourself if you wanted to - and yet we're to believe WE must maintain our salvation? Have you ever seen a Bible verse that teaches TEMPORARY salvation or TEMPORARY eternal life (the ultimate oxymoron!). Once saved, you are sealed forever!

Romans 8:38 For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, 39 nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Those going out from those in the early church only proved by their leaving that they were not truly committed to faith in Christ!

Philippians 1:6: And I am sure of this, that HE who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.

So, WHO does that verse tell you BEGAN and will complete your salvation? YOU? Course not! If that were the case, no one could have the confidence Paul writes of - of our ETERNAL life already having been secured - which began at that first moment of faith in Christ! Eternity can begin NOW and the confidence for that can be had, for those so willing and desiring to commit themselves to Jesus.
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Re: Once Saved, Always Saved - Not According to This Lady Who Went to Hell

Post by jpbg33 »

this still doesn't explain how you can know you are saved if once saved always saved is true.You can not say you know by your heart cuz your hearts is the most deceitful thing in your body there is always a question of whether you're deceiving yourself or not. If that was the only way you could know you could never really know for sure and the bible plainly says we can be assured of our salvation. No one here has yet explained how we can know we are saved if once saved always saved was true. The reason you can't explain it is because it's not true.
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Re: Once Saved, Always Saved - Not According to This Lady Who Went to Hell

Post by jpbg33 »

if someone could explain it where i can understand it i have no problem believing it i'm not against once saved always saved. It just doesn't answer all the questions. for it to be right some other scriptures are inaccurate. but no scriptures are inaccurate they are all true.
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Re: Once Saved, Always Saved - Not According to This Lady Who Went to Hell

Post by jpbg33 »

i believe that every versus must fit you can't leave one out that's why i don't believe once saved always saved.
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