How do I invite God into my lonely failure?

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How do I invite God into my lonely failure?

Post by josephdetor »

I'm going to be 59 soon. It doesn't look like I will have any viable career anymore. I might have to opt to do something that will allow me to work such as trucking. I don't have to work. But I want to work. I do need to work to some extent. I'm probably going to want to exit marriage soon too.

I am a failure. I always struggled to succeed. So much for giving it my all. Oh well.

How can I invite the light of God into the dark loneliness of my failure?
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Re: How do I invite God into my lonely failure?

Post by Fliegender »

josephdetor wrote: Thu May 23, 2019 4:37 am
How can I invite the light of God into the dark loneliness of my failure?
Just ask God in. “Ask and you shall receive”...
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Re: How do I invite God into my lonely failure?

Post by Kurieuo »

Sounds like an existential crisis. Did you just wake up today thinking such things?
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Re: How do I invite God into my lonely failure?

Post by Philip »

Joseph, one should realize that while WE, as Christians, sometimes view ourselves as a failure, God looks at as anything but! He sees as HIS, justified, and as we will one day be (after our mortal lives), eternally PERFECT! So, if God looks at us like this - has already cleansed us of sin through the blood shed by Jesus at the Cross - then why would we use a different standard of looking at ourselves that God's???!!! Are our feelings about ourselves accurate - or is the reality God has bestowed upon us, and how HE views us - and how He views us NOW and FOREVER not the reality of our self worth and value? See, no one can ever take away the reality of how God views us - so why use our own insecurities and self doubt to weight us down with depression and disappointment? We need to start seeing ourselves as God does!

Also, whenever you have waves us self doubt, and you mind goes over and over such negative thinking, please remember that our Accuser / Satan just loves to whisper, and sometimes shout, into our ears that, "You're a loser; Don't measure up; Are a disappointment to yourself, your spouse, family, others, etc., etc. And if we don't resist that, if we fail to see ourselvses as God does, then we're are just taking the devil's bait and joining in with his constant scheming to destroy our happiness and healthy sense of self via his relentless, chains of clever attacks. He knows our insecurities and how to successfully exploit them!

I would advise to pray for God to help you begin to see yourself through HIS eyes, and to resist all of this unhealthy "navel gazing," and instead, keep your focus on the Lord and constantly seek Him in your doubts. Don't look at the navel, don't look down, around, but UP to the Lord to conquer your doubts. It's a great tragedy to allow - and particularly to join in with - the devil's psychological schemes to obsess and depress us.
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Re: How do I invite God into my lonely failure?

Post by Stu »

josephdetor wrote: Thu May 23, 2019 4:37 am I'm going to be 59 soon. It doesn't look like I will have any viable career anymore. I might have to opt to do something that will allow me to work such as trucking. I don't have to work. But I want to work. I do need to work to some extent. I'm probably going to want to exit marriage soon too.

I am a failure. I always struggled to succeed. So much for giving it my all. Oh well.

How can I invite the light of God into the dark loneliness of my failure?
Hi Joseph, first you must believe that Jesus was God in the flesh and died on the cross for our sins. Remember that God is a trinity; the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, just understand that for what I'm about to say.

Simply ask Jesus into your life, and ask Him to take over your life and you want to do His will, and also ask HIm to reveal Himself to you as you want to know Him. Then finally ask God the Father to forgive you of your sins, and say "in Jesus name" after your request. We say "in Jesus name" at the end because Jesus died on the cross for our sins.

You see God says that the wages of sin is death, but Jesus made a one time ultimate sacrifice for us - His death and shed blood on the cross. His crucifixion was for us and to undo the works of the devil.

I also highly recommend you get a Bible. Start with Genesis, and then skip to the New Testament to get an understanding of Jesus' mission here on earth.
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Re: How do I invite God into my lonely failure?

Post by Philip »

Stu: I also highly recommend you get a Bible. Start with Genesis, and then skip to the New Testament to get an understanding of Jesus' mission here on earth.
Actually, I would suggest instead he start with the Book of John in the New Testament. The Old Testament can be harder to understand, until one becomes more familiar with the world of ancient Israel.
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Re: How do I invite God into my lonely failure?

Post by bippy123 »

josephdetor wrote: Thu May 23, 2019 4:37 am I'm going to be 59 soon. It doesn't look like I will have any viable career anymore. I might have to opt to do something that will allow me to work such as trucking. I don't have to work. But I want to work. I do need to work to some extent. I'm probably going to want to exit marriage soon too.

I am a failure. I always struggled to succeed. So much for giving it my all. Oh well.

How can I invite the light of God into the dark loneliness of my failure?
Joseph , your looking at yourself through the wrong eyes my friend . Your viewing your successes and failures through your own eyes . Do you really think that heaven sees you this way .

I am living in my car , have been for the last 3.5 years and I don’t see myself as a failure anymore because I stopped looking at life through my own eyes .

God loves you and thinks of you as a massive success . Wanna know why ?? Because you held onto God when the world has gone in the other direction . The greatest gift in earth is yours my friend and it’s Gods love .
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Re: How do I invite God into my lonely failure?

Post by RickD »

Please don't waste your time responding to this troll. I just banned josephdetor, for trying to sneak x rated links past the post approval process.
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: How do I invite God into my lonely failure?

Post by Philip »

Rick: Please don't waste your time responding to this troll. I just banned josephdetor, for trying to sneak x rated links past the post approval process.
No matter, the spammer with whatever agenda nonetheless gave Bip an opportunity to powerfully reveal how Christ has been working in his life - as well as his contentment and confidence - which are not dependent upon / are not dictated by / and go way beyond the difficulties and challenges of his circumstances.
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