OK, fair enough - you don't know. But as a study of NDEs can point to life that goes on that is beyond the mere physical, and that these studies clearly support that, it would seem that NDEs would offer intriguing evidences for you to look into. That is, if you really want to seek out evidences that might support a spiritual dimension of humans that goes beyond their bodies and death.Ken: No; putting the cart before the horse would be to assume NDE;'s include spirits before I'm even convinced there is even such a thing as spirits.
Now, that's a bit strange, Ken. You've been here five years, with over 3,000 posts arguing for every conceivable argument that there is no evidence that God exists. And yet, you're "NOT INTERESTED???!!!" NDEs are found across the world, and have now been seriously studied by many qualified researchers - providing powerful evidences that man is more than just a body, and that some soulish / spiritual aspect of a person survives death that allows them to think, hear, and perceive in extraordinary detail, well after all the standards for life have ceased functioning - including the brain. But that doesn't interest you? Wow! I'd say you won't ever find the truth - not if all you do is only seek evidences that you think props up your atheism. And your lack of interest in NDEs is very telling to your lack of seriousness about determining whether God and a spiritual world exists beyond the physical realm.Ken: It appears you know a lot about NDE's, I don't. I know nothing about them mostly because I have no interest in them..."