The idea that God limits his own knowledge so the future is still unknown to a certain degree....
Like God is sitting there with Jesus and eating popcorn saying 'Cant wait to see what happens next!'

It's an ENORMOUS mistake to believe that God hasn't ALWAYS known what we will do, when we will do it, and how He will respond. What He does not do, sometimes in Scripture, is give His ultimate response to people FIRST. That's because He respects our free will and our very limited mortal understandings in the moment (the only understandings WE are capable of). He wants us to consider consequences and be fair to us - even when He ultimately knows what OUR responses will be to His realtime interactions with us. As we are not likewise omnipotent, all-knowing beings, He responds to us in REAL time and as events unfold. And God responding to us per the limited understandings we currently have is exceptionally merciful, as we would not understand at all if He simply responded per things HE knows but that WE can't (about the future - our responses, actions, events, etc.).Stu: It's something to consider, especially in the earlier part of the Bible, like when He was with Adam and Eve in the garden of eden.
I can't remember the spot, but I remember when God was conversing with someone and that person managed to change God's position.
That is not a Scriptural view of God! And with so many detailed and accurately FULFILLED prophecies and as NONE of them have been shown to be incorrect (though some are still in our future to be fulfilled) - this would be impossible without actual knowledge of future events. God has ZERO potential!I tend to favor the "middle knowledge" or the "God knows all possible outcomes" view, of God's Omniscience.
So how does free will fit in?Philip wrote: ↑Wed Aug 14, 2019 10:38 amThat is not a Scriptural view of God! And with so many detailed and accurately FULFILLED prophecies and as NONE of them have been shown to be incorrect (though some are still in our future to be fulfilled) - this would be impossible without actual knowledge of future events. God has ZERO potential!I tend to favor the "middle knowledge" or the "God knows all possible outcomes" view, of God's Omniscience.
A short look at what God knows:
Our free will has nothing to do with what God knows will happen. But His ULTIMATE will is what will be the final determinate - which He knows both how He will enact that and because He can see ALL future things. Such as, God allows sin (which He hates), but only for a period - but His ultimate will is that He will do away with all sin and to save all that will RECEIVE Him. Also, God's will does not mean we can't freely choose to do whatever - even very sinful stuff. As God can even USE man's freely chosen sin to accomplish His will. And the sinful will of man is still bracketed by what God's purposes will allow a person to do.Paul: So how does free will fit in?
Yes, NessNess: Psalm 139 says God knows every word we are going to speak before it comes out of our mouths..
Ness: Not that he knows all the things we might say
What?Philip wrote: ↑Wed Aug 14, 2019 12:41 pmOur free will has nothing to do with what God knows will happen. But His ULTIMATE will is what will be the final determinate - which He knows both how He will enact that and because He can see ALL future things. Such as, God allows sin (which He hates), but only for a period - but His ultimate will is that He will do away with all sin and to save all that will RECEIVE Him. Also, God's will does not mean we can't freely choose to do whatever - even very sinful stuff. As God can even USE man's freely chosen sin to accomplish His will. And the sinful will of man is still bracketed by what God's purposes will allow a person to do.Paul: So how does free will fit in?
Genesis 50:20: "As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today."
Judas freely and with great sin betrayed Jesus that led to God's ultimate will - allowing a sinful act that God desired to place His Son on the Cross to save redeemed humanity forever! But there are limits to what our freely chosen acts are capable of producing. If God's will were not above man's, He wouldn't be GOD!
You are misunderstanding me. I am the biggest free-willer you will find. Note the underlined in what I said:Paul: What? Seems like you are suggesting the God imposes His will on Mankind and then you say that man is free to choose sin... Dude, that is contradictory.
But the underlined part of my response needs clarification:Philip: Also, God's will does not mean we can't freely choose to do whatever - even very sinful stuff. As God can even USE man's freely chosen sin to accomplish His will.
By saying what God will allow a person to do does NOT mean He controls their will or actions ATTEMPTED - they can try to do whatever they desire - BUT God controls OUTCOMES. He can allow, thwart, misdirect, or cause unforeseen circumstances of variables that impact the DESIRED result of a person's actions and intent. God's will always triumphs over whatever a man's will is - and He doesn't need to prevent a person from at least trying to do whatever that person wishes to so as to accomplish HIS ultimate will. God's ultimate will per outcomes is never limited by the ultimate will of man! Scripture says God is all-knowing, all-powerful, and without limits of what He's capable of. And He is sovereign in all things. OUR free will and actions directed at OUR desired intent and outcomes are not free to the point of overcoming the will of God.Philip: And the sinful will of man is still bracketed by what God's purposes will allow a person to do.
By saying what God will allow a person to do does NOT mean He controls their will or actions ATTEMPTED - they can try to do whatever they desire - BUT God controls OUTCOMES. He can allow, thwart, misdirect, or cause unforeseen circumstances of variables that impact the DESIRED result of a person's actions and intent. God's will always triumphs over whatever a man's will is - and He doesn't need to prevent a person from at least trying to do whatever that person wishes to so as to accomplish HIS ultimate will. God's ultimate will per outcomes is never limited by the ultimate will of man! Scripture says God is all-knowing, all-powerful, and without limits of what He's capable of. And He is sovereign in all things. OUR free will and actions directed at OUR desired intent and outcomes are not free to the point of overcoming the will of God.If he controls outcomes, then He is accountable for results, both good AND bad, see the issue?