JOhn 3:16

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JOhn 3:16

Post by UsagiTsukino »

So someone is talking to me how John 3:16 is actually proven predestinated. That it's been translated wrong.

I know God has plans for certain people but what about others. It seems weird
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Re: JOhn 3:16

Post by PaulSacramento »

God predestined that ALL the believe in Jesus will be saved from Judgement and have eternal life.
He did NOT predestine ANYONE to believe or not believe, God predestined that BELIEF in Jesus saves.
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Re: JOhn 3:16

Post by Philip »

Paul: God predestined that ALL the believe in Jesus will be saved from Judgement and have eternal life.
He did NOT predestine ANYONE to believe or not believe, God predestined that BELIEF in Jesus saves.
Absolutely, Paul!

Not to mention, as Jesus IS God, and He is the appointed and ONLY path to salvation (John 14:6), to reject Him is a horrific sin - the punishment of which is hell. Now, just think about it: When a person rejects Jesus, either they do so either per A) their own freely chosen desire / choice OR B) the choice was (supposedly) not their own, but instead was GOD's choice FOR them - as for every unsaved person, God supposedly chose they would never have ANY ability to have faith or any desire to receive Christ - in other words, God has supposedly mandated that the unsaved have no CHOICE. Ah, but remember, to reject God's Son Jesus, Whom is ALSO fully God, is THE damning sin that keeps a person from eternal life with the Lord. So, we KNOW option B is not true, because Scripture tells us God is Holy and causes NO one to sin (James 1:13). But Five Point Calvinism basically asserts that GOD causes the unsaved to commit THE one sin that will put a person in Hell (PERMANENTLY rejecting Jesus before they die). Again, per James 1, we know that God does not predestine ANYone to reject Him.

We also know God desires ALL persons come to faith, as His disciple affirms that God "desires ALL men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth" (1 Timothy 2:4). And in Ezekiel 33:11, the Lord declares to His prophet: "Say to them: 'As surely as I live, declares the Lord GOD, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that the wicked should turn from their ways and live."

It should be obvious, God predestining a person to rejecting Jesus would be the same as God causing them to commit the worst of all sins! Not to mention the absurd notion that a God of love so great, Whom died an agonizing death for us on the Cross, nonetheless wanted to keep most people in earthly and sinful agony, and be punished for it without hope for an eternity afterward. As Norman Geisler asked, "What love is THAT?"
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