NASA faked Climate Data?

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NASA faked Climate Data?

Post by PaulSacramento » ... mate-data/

The anonymous source things always concerns me, no matter the subject, that said, I don't see anyone in the government or NASA coming out IF they are still employed or receiving a pension IF this is true.

“Having processed NASA GISS 250km T2m and 1200Km T2m global land anomaly data products I also processed Global Historical Climate Network (GHCN) daily mean temperature records from the 1,045 stations that have been continuously operative since 1900.

“Since these 1,045 stations form the backbone of the historical world meteorological network, and therefore NASA GISS products, we may expect results to be largely similar, though with the inflated variance within the GHCN-D data series (GISS anomalies are highly processed products). Not addressed in this study is the urban heat island effect which is known to contaminate the land-based record.

“Prior to 1970 there is an inexplicable divergence in that NASA GISS products show historic global land temperatures to have been cooler than those recorded by the 1,045 GHCN-D stations; this difference is most pronounced around 1930 when extreme heatwaves were experienced across the continental US and in other parts of the world (a fact recorded in newspapers of the day).

“The extremes of the 1930s/40s down to the cooler 1960s/70s prompted scientific discussion of a pending ice age.”

The retired top government scientist laments that he is old enough to remember the wild media scaremongering of the 1970’s global cooling.

He spoke of how the very same scientists and government bodies that were warning of an impending Ice Age in the seventies are the very same tax-zealous advocates hyping global warming today.

At this stage, the evidence may support skeptic claims that governments have an agenda to promote climate scaremongering.

Unlike the seventies, the only difference this time is the narrative is all about global warming, not the threat of an imminent ice age.
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Re: NASA faked Climate Data?

Post by edwardmurphy »

Any of you guys live on the coast?

I do, and I have for the better part of 40 years. When I was a kid I used to like to go down to the beach whenever there was a big storm. I enjoyed sitting in my car in York, Maine or Rye, New Hampshire and watching the waves pounding the rocks.

These days the spot on Long Sands Road where I used to park is inaccessible during storms. They have to close that whole stretch of road until the weather clears so that passing cars don't get hit by waves and flying rocks. And I'm not talking about hurricanes hitting New England, either. I'm talking about the effects from storms that are out at sea, far enough away that we don't even any precipitation.

When we get actual storms whole sections of the coast flood. This is Kennebunk, Maine during Hurricane Sandy. Those waves are from a storm that mostly missed us. When big storms hit us whole neighborhoods flood.


It's been a while since a hurricane has hit us - they generally stay further south - but this is a high tide a couple of miles from my house.


This particular tide is a bit higher than usual, but this happens daily. They sealed up that side of the restaurant and you can enter through the other side, but wear your muck boots. If you time it wrong you'll eat dinner and then walk outside to find your car sitting in 6 inches of salt water.

That restaurant has been there my whole life. When I was a kid that parking lot was dry.

Now imagine what's going to happen in places like that when we actually get hit straight in the teeth by a full on hurricane. Devastation. Here, in my hometown, where we live and work and where my children go to school and dream about the future. Pardon me for caring.

There's no reason to expect things to get better and a ton of evidence that they'll get worse. My goal for the next 10 years is to keep my condo as a rental and buy a house in or neighborhood, but I'm having to rethink that because even optimistic models have half of my town under water by 2050.

It's a bit disheartening watching a bunch of old guys fighting tooth and nail to discredit the science because they can't get their heads around it. If you're wrong history will remember you rather poorly.
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Re: NASA faked Climate Data?

Post by Fliegender »

Oh, Ed...those who deny climate change are not going to be moved by disasters, scientific consensus or meteorological data.
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Re: NASA faked Climate Data?

Post by PaulSacramento »

Well, I grew up on the Atlantic coast of Portugal and vividly remember quite a few flooding in my teenage years in the 80's.
We ( my family and I this past summer)were just talking about the fact they we HAVEN'T had ANY flooding since the early 90's.
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Re: NASA faked Climate Data?

Post by PaulSacramento »

Fliegender wrote: Thu Oct 24, 2019 9:55 am Oh, Ed...those who deny climate change are not going to be moved by disasters, scientific consensus or meteorological data.
First of, I agree that humans effect the climate and that the climate is changing.
Second, your premise is 100% wrong, why?

Disaster have always happened and will continue.
Scientific consensus is not relevant because science isn't done by consensus.
Data? well that is the issue isn't it?
IF, and that is a big if, this guy ( and others) are right, well...
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Re: NASA faked Climate Data?

Post by Philip »

Ed: It's a bit disheartening watching a bunch of old guys fighting tooth and nail to discredit the science because they can't get their heads around it.
Ed, unfortunately, you tend to think political over EVERYTHING - especially with your loading your comment with "climate denier" rhetoric!

I, like many others, do not deny climate change is occurring. I also believe we should clean our industrial output up as is reasonable - as should the rest of the countries in the world. That's just common sense. But I, unlike many others, do not boil the question of negative climate change down to a narrow window of time, because of many extreme cycles of our 4.5 billion years old planet. The assertion that man has caused a runaway train of warming that will destroy us is only speculation based upon highly questionable modeling and how the data is deployed. And if - IF - man has contributed to dangerous warming, that would only have seriously occurred once the industrial revolution ramped up, about 1900. So, the window of time we are measuring is about 120 years old. We don't have good data for much of that period (https://wattsupwiththat.files.wordpress ... ing09.pdf and ... locations/). And the best modeling has built in many assumptions.

So, a century of inadequate data does not tell us what is going on with a planet that is 4.5 BILLION years old and that has gone through many cycles between far warmer and far colder periods. So, anyone asserting that the question of man-caused climate change (MCCC) is now unquestionable is being speculative at best. Really, think of what a tiny slice of time people are applying data from, how problematic that data is, and the models they are running it through, against many unknowns of natural climate-change mechanisms that take many thousands of years to cycle. Fact is, we MIGHT be negatively contributing via industrial output, or it might be negligible. We just don't currently know for certain - but even THAT doesn't mean we shouldn't be cleaning up our industries - we obviously should!

And how are we going to force countries like China to sacrifice their short-term goals vs. potential long-term negative impacts? Did you know that "developing countries are responsible for 63 percent of current carbon emissions? ... -emissions How can that be changed - as they all tend to only look at results over the coming quarters of the year.

"Discrediting the science": Do you mean the DATA or the speculative theories about the data? Trying to turn this into a mere political issue of deniers vs. believers is pretty lame! There are good reasons for speculation AND skepticism! No reasonable person can deny that the climate is changing. But it IS reasonable to question what should be done about it, what should be spent on it - and controlled by whom / what groups, etc.

Data that is collected during a narrow window of a long series of natural cycles simply cannot prove what those all in on man-made climate change are asserting. And the idea that a bunch of "old men" - guessing that's your tagging of people who are thoughtfully question those who are convinced of MCCC as if they are all scientifically ignorant or anti-science - come on, Ed, how simplistic is your political thinking? And I can always tell who is thinking politically on this topic - because when one points to key important points questioning so-called conventional thinking about the topic, they respond with accusations of "simpletons who are scientific illiterates, etc." or nasty, anger-filled name calling.
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Re: NASA faked Climate Data?

Post by RickD »

Nobody with an iq over 22, is denying that the climate is changing.

Remember people, we only have 11+ years before the world ends, according to AOC.

And don't forget to send your tax refunds to Al Gore. He's going to fix the climate if he gets enough money. We just need to put our faith in him.

Maybe someone needs to do a study on the dumbing down of western society.

We're(collectively) turning into a bunch of idiots.
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Re: NASA faked Climate Data?

Post by Fliegender »

PaulSacramento wrote: Thu Oct 24, 2019 10:53 am
Fliegender wrote: Thu Oct 24, 2019 9:55 am Oh, Ed...those who deny climate change are not going to be moved by disasters, scientific consensus or meteorological data.
First of, I agree that humans effect the climate and that the climate is changing.
Second, your premise is 100% wrong, why?

Disaster have always happened and will continue.
Scientific consensus is not relevant because science isn't done by consensus.
Data? well that is the issue isn't it?
IF, and that is a big if, this guy ( and others) are right, well...
You sound like a lawyer defending a murderer...”Your honor, the police illegally obtained evidence against my client!”
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Re: NASA faked Climate Data?

Post by RickD »

I'm not surprised if NASA faked climate data, because they've been perpetuating a round earth conspiracy.

Everyone knows the earth is flat.
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Re: NASA faked Climate Data?

Post by PaulSacramento »

Fliegender wrote: Thu Oct 24, 2019 1:50 pm
PaulSacramento wrote: Thu Oct 24, 2019 10:53 am
Fliegender wrote: Thu Oct 24, 2019 9:55 am Oh, Ed...those who deny climate change are not going to be moved by disasters, scientific consensus or meteorological data.
First of, I agree that humans effect the climate and that the climate is changing.
Second, your premise is 100% wrong, why?

Disaster have always happened and will continue.
Scientific consensus is not relevant because science isn't done by consensus.
Data? well that is the issue isn't it?
IF, and that is a big if, this guy ( and others) are right, well...
You sound like a lawyer defending a murderer...”Your honor, the police illegally obtained evidence against my client!”
Not sure you know how analogies work...

I think you mean:
You sound like a lawyer that says: "your honour, the evidence is been called into question and needs to be re-evaluated".
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Re: NASA faked Climate Data?

Post by PaulSacramento »

RickD wrote: Thu Oct 24, 2019 3:41 pm I'm not surprised if NASA faked climate data, because they've been perpetuating a round earth conspiracy.

Everyone knows the earth is flat.
That's not the Earth...
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Re: NASA faked Climate Data?

Post by PaulSacramento »

RickD wrote: Thu Oct 24, 2019 12:29 pm Nobody with an iq over 22, is denying that the climate is changing.

Remember people, we only have 11+ years before the world ends, according to AOC.

And don't forget to send your tax refunds to Al Gore. He's going to fix the climate if he gets enough money. We just need to put our faith in him.

Maybe someone needs to do a study on the dumbing down of western society.

We're(collectively) turning into a bunch of idiots.
The issue is that the only evidence we have is the data and people keep calling into question the data so the answer to that is to confirm the data to be correct and the answer the skeptics.

The answers can NOT be:
Consensus ( which is irrelevant to science)
Ad Hominem attacks
Calling DENIAR !

The allegation of data manipulation need to be addressed.
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Re: NASA faked Climate Data?

Post by Fliegender »

PaulSacramento wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2019 12:56 pm...

Not sure you know how analogies work...

I think you mean:
You sound like a lawyer that says: "your honour, the evidence is been called into question and needs to be re-evaluated".

Don’t be concerned. I know what an analogy is. Keep throwing all your garbage into the river and the current will wash it away. If you don’t see it, it’s gone.
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Re: NASA faked Climate Data?

Post by RickD »

John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: NASA faked Climate Data?

Post by RickD »

John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

“A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.”
-Edward R Murrow

St. Richard the Sarcastic--The Patron Saint of Irony
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