Is impeachment and removal from office possible? What would it take?

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Re: Is impeachment and removal from office possible? What would it take?

Post by edwardmurphy »

Blessed wrote: Tue Nov 19, 2019 4:30 pm You are ASS-UMING he is corrupt with NO EVIDENCE other than hate to fuel you until you find it.
I'm actually watching the evidence being presented in the impeachment inquiry without allowing anyone else to filter it for me. You insisting that there's NO EVIDENCE just goes to show that you're as deluded as you claim I am.
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Re: Is impeachment and removal from office possible? What would it take?

Post by edwardmurphy »

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Re: Is impeachment and removal from office possible? What would it take?

Post by abelcainsbrother »

edwardmurphy wrote: Wed Nov 20, 2019 6:49 pm In before Abe.
I want to know why you get mad at me for telling the truth about you loving to be lied to by the MSM and Democrat Politicians.Because it is true.You love to be lied to and because you believe their fake news stories you get your hopes up all for nothing just to be let down again.Even if you've ignored it I've seen the evidence of the Democrats ties to Ukraine,you have'nt or have ignored it. But I know that in the Senate trial this fake news is going to be proven false with real evidence and the whole world will be watching as the MSM has to eat crow.We are going to show documented evidence that Biden,his son, are guilty so that you evidence deniers can deny it.The majority don't ignore evidence like ya'll do. We will gain the independants.

Also MSNBC does not have the audience to reach enough people with this to effect enough people,anyway as the ratings are down on TV and even online they have poor numbers for readership.More people watch the Food Network than watch MSNBC.This is true even if we include all of the MSM news outlets.They cannot reach enough people like they use to to have much of an impact.
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Re: Is impeachment and removal from office possible? What would it take?

Post by abelcainsbrother »

edwardmurphy wrote: Wed Nov 20, 2019 6:49 pm In before Abe.
Here is another link others should consider. ... -narrative
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: Is impeachment and removal from office possible? What would it take?

Post by Kurieuo »

Ok, so I've just read through this thread from where the meaning of "Alt Right" was semi-discussed.

Seems to me many have come to understand "Alt-Right" as being "white supremacists" and racist beliefs. That shmucko Robert Spencer claimed the title.

This shouldn't be confused with how many took this label to mean, which many just had no idea about until the left thrust it front and centre. This would, it seems to me, include Abe who seems unwilling to let go of his own definition.

That is, YouTubers who really took up in the lead up to the elections, who were conservatives and on the political "right". They first got laballed "Alternative Media". And then, many of them were seemingly conservative or "right" leaning in their beliefs or support. As such, the term "Alt-Right" ACTUALLY for some also came to mean "Alt[ernative] Right [Media]".

It is apparent Abe is talking in terms of the second and not the first. And DB talks in terms of the first, but not necessarily the second. There has obviously been a conflation between "Alternative Media on the Right" and "Alt-Right" somewhere a long the way. And such isn't at all productive to discussion, nor is it right to conflate the two.

Noone here as I see supports white supremacy or racism, nor does anyone believe they follow proponents who do. So it seems a rather mute issue and rather pointless term to be throwing around here. I don't see how any Christian is supporting "lies, hatred, bigotry, and racism... not normalizing it" as some have implied -- I don't even know what object of that support even is which seems rather obscure to me. But, I figure it's to do with certain youtube personality types and perhaps many who'd support Trump.

I probably should stop there, but I've gone this far to read over and reply, so... I'll just apologise in advance for what I'm about to say which will offend the sensibilities of some, but it is my perspective of matters. Call me crazy if you like, but it seems to me those who believe in an alt-right (white supremacist) conspiracy of sorts that is thriving and a nationalistic Nazism is rising up here or there in the US and like-minded Western countries, that such have a Trump Derangement Syndrome and are over-exagerrating matters.

I really try to listen to more left leaning people who speak intelligently, but all seem to keep walking further and further away. Tim Pool, Jimmy Dore, the latest I've come across being Dr. Karlyn Borysenko. She recently discussed what it's like to have Trump Derangement Syndrome (recommend) and now realises such isn't just a slant use by "the right", but actually seems to be a real thing that affects how one perceives anything Trump. Think that video helps a lot to provide understanding, at least for myself.
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Re: Is impeachment and removal from office possible? What would it take?

Post by Kurieuo »

Having looked into it more, I may have downplayed the the actual "Alt-Right" movement, which I came to realise after listening to one of Shapiro's talks on the matter and the level of importance he assigned to discussing such. (and I'm not a Shapiro follower, but he said stuff that helped to give better perspective)

As some are aware, Shapiro himself was also labelled Alt-Right. So it does seem to be a term many do whimsically toss around like "Nazi" and "racist" and "bigot". Shapiro called one media outlet out, who withdrew their statement and apologised.

Most on both sides seem to generally agree that Robert Spencer at the root, at least his name is always mentioned. Furthermore, it seems this group loves to try and latch onto what is just American people just loving their country and touting such (e.g., Trump, Republicans, etc). So I can see how some on the left side of things, would be suspicious of certain right-wing personality types, but it also feels way over the top like a witch hunt of sorts at times. I think such can serve to just empower this Alt-Right movement even more.

In any case, just wanted to do a quick follow-up. It may not just be TDS. ;)
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Re: Is impeachment and removal from office possible? What would it take?

Post by DBowling »

Kurieuo wrote: Mon Mar 30, 2020 6:12 pm Having looked into it more, I may have downplayed the the actual "Alt-Right" movement, which I came to realise after listening to one of Shapiro's talks on the matter and the level of importance he assigned to discussing such. (and I'm not a Shapiro follower, but he said stuff that helped to give better perspective)
Thanks for sharing the Shapiro video.
It was very interesting.
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