Have you had any supernatural experiences?

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Re: Have you had any supernatural experiences?

Post by Philip »

So many Christians seem to be unnerved by another Christian referencing something miraculous. Sure - filter it through your truth detector and have a healthy skepticism. I tend to doubt such claims far more from certain sources known to repeatedly claim unsubstantiated, supposed miracles - as if experiencing one is no different from breathing air and simply common - and those people do worry me. And people who have told me of miracles they've experienced are very few - and they don't tend to have a long list of such stories to tell and aren't flippant about it.

But what Christian doesn't believe ANY miracles still happen? Has God CHANGED???
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Re: Have you had any supernatural experiences?

Post by RickD »

I take issue with, and am skeptical, when people talk about guardian angels, as the OP did.

https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.thegos ... gel/%3famp
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: Have you had any supernatural experiences?

Post by Philip »

That's a pretty good little article, Rick. Key take away isn't that angels aren't EVER amongst us or that they don't EVER protect, but that their appearance appears to be rare and largely mysterious. Because think of the many calamities that befall many Christians of great faith and commitment to Christ - what, are we to think, in such incidents, that their angels took the wrong time to be off on an extended break? Many of the people I see all into this angel stuff don't seem terribly interested in Christ, and appear to be pretty "new agey." And yet I do believe that God is supernaturally working around the world and universe ALL of the time - and YET, how that works out and whether or not we ever see or understand it seems to be quite rare.

God gave us his word about how we are to live, but He never explains all of these things we can't see or understand - probably, because they are currently beyond our capabilities to understand and correctly interpret - and thus would only lead us into confusion per our silly speculations and the propensity of foolish people to build a false theology around it. And yet so many claim to perfectly understand what they say are common supernatural occurrences. Even unbelievers do this with their ghost story mythologies (with whatever percentage MIGHT be demonic activities). But they'll claim so-and-so died tragically and haunts some place, wandering some dimension between the living and the dead - a belief which Scripture totally refutes!.

Over my lifetime, I've met several people who I have thought to be serious, sober types, who have said they had seen a ghost. Now, what did they actually experience, and what exactly IS a ghost. I would think such experiences, IF authentic, are typically demonic, because as opposed to supernatural experiences in Scripture that had a clear and key purpose, these ghost experiences appear to typically be scary, unnerving, and with no clear communicative purpose - and yet, so many claim them to be explainable. I bet there are people here on the forum who have encountered such people, or may have even had some strange, inexplicable experience?
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