Questions and doubts unbelievers have about Christianity

Discussions amongst Christians about life issues, walking with Christ, and general Christian topics that don't fit under any other area.
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Questions and doubts unbelievers have about Christianity

Post by Philip »

From the article at the bottom, these are some top reasons that keep people from belief in God / Christ.

I'm curious, which one or ones do you most typically encounter and how do you respond? I hear numbers 1 and 3 a lot, and a lot asserting scientific evidence disproves the Bible.

1. Why is there evil and suffering?

2. What about all the contradictions in the Bible?

3. What about those who never hear of Jesus?

4. How can Jesus be the only way to God?

5. Isn't Christianity just a psychological crutch?

6. I could never take the blind leap of faith that believing in Christ requires.

7. It doesn't matter what you believe as long as you're sincere.

See related article: ... ml?start=1
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Re: Questions and doubts unbelievers have about Christianity

Post by Nessa »

Number 7 is completely flawed

I am sure Hitler was sincere in his beliefs.
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Re: Questions and doubts unbelievers have about Christianity

Post by Philip »

Nessa: I am sure Hitler was sincere in his beliefs.
Of course, Hitler was quite sincere about what he believed - at least privately!


It's interesting, as most people assume Hitler was an atheist - which he was not. While he was born to a practicing Catholic mother and was baptized and confirmed by the RCC, as an adult he clearly rejected Christianity and Jesus / God of the Bible, only desiring to cynically use Christian terminology as he so saw useful to fool the public. He even made his fellow henchmen Goering and Goebbels retain their Catholic associations. The CC excommunicated him along with all other Nazi leaders, in 1931.

Read more here - very fascinating: ... olf_Hitler
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