Where would Jesus stand?

Discussion for Christian perspectives on ethical issues such as abortion, euthanasia, sexuality, and so forth.
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Where would Jesus stand?

Post by Shaohao »

Good day,
I would like to, perhaps, stick a stick in an anthill and ask quite an uncomfortable question. Where do you think Jesus would stand in all the protests that swipe through the world right now? I think that Jesus would stand with BLM protesters, that despite all he would stand with Polish women, with people defending the environment, with people protesting police brutality, with LGBTQ+ representation. Shoulder to shoulder with all of those that are mistreated. NOT with those that claim to be Christians because their actions are the total opposite of their words.
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Re: Where would Jesus stand?

Post by Philip »

Hello, Shaohao, welcome to the forum!
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Re: Where would Jesus stand?

Post by Nessa »

Shaohao wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 2:58 am Good day,
I would like to, perhaps, stick a stick in an anthill and ask quite an uncomfortable question. Where do you think Jesus would stand in all the protests that swipe through the world right now? I think that Jesus would stand with BLM protesters, that despite all he would stand with Polish women, with people defending the environment, with people protesting police brutality, with LGBTQ+ representation. Shoulder to shoulder with all of those that are mistreated. NOT with those that claim to be Christians because their actions are the total opposite of their words.
Are you meaning he would stand among them with a sign too? I am not so sure. And if he did, it might not be in the way you would imagine.

People assumed things about Jesus because he ate with sinners. Yes, he cares for the mistreated but his thoughts and ways are not the same as ours. I don't think it is so easy to just be sure what exactly Jesus would do or how he would act. We can know his character though.
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Re: Where would Jesus stand?

Post by RickD »

Shaohao wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 2:58 am Good day,
I would like to, perhaps, stick a stick in an anthill and ask quite an uncomfortable question. Where do you think Jesus would stand in all the protests that swipe through the world right now? I think that Jesus would stand with BLM protesters, that despite all he would stand with Polish women, with people defending the environment, with people protesting police brutality, with LGBTQ+ representation. Shoulder to shoulder with all of those that are mistreated. NOT with those that claim to be Christians because their actions are the total opposite of their words.
Let’s see...

Black Lives Matter is a racist movement, that according to their own website, is Marxist, and wants to destroy the nuclear family.

Polish women in Europe are protesting strict abortion laws. In other words, they’re protesting to make it easier to kill innocent unborn humans.

People “defending the environment” has become a political movement for many to become rich, at the expense of millions.

“Protesting police brutality” has turned into a movement to defund the police.

LGBTQ is a movement trying to legitimize every and any deviant sexual behavior.

So, tell me where you get the idea that the Jesus of the Bible, God incarnate, would stand with any of this nonsense.
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Re: Where would Jesus stand?

Post by Philip »

Rick: So, tell me where you get the idea that the Jesus of the Bible, God incarnate, would stand with any of this nonsense.
Exactly - Rick's key words being, "the Jesus of the Bible." Instead, people love the idea of Jesus the Loving Savior but they don't like the Bible's teachings of Him likewise being a righteous judge who sternly warned about certain lifestyles and behaviors and told people to repent of them. And for many such people, they either don't know Scripture very well OR they only believe the parts of it they want to, having assigned the parts they find inconvenient or offensive to their sensibilities as either myth or simply made up. A view that is a slippery slope into catastrophe!
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Re: Where would Jesus stand?

Post by Kurieuo »

Shaohao wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 2:58 am Good day,
I would like to, perhaps, stick a stick in an anthill and ask quite an uncomfortable question. Where do you think Jesus would stand in all the protests that swipe through the world right now? I think that Jesus would stand with BLM protesters, that despite all he would stand with Polish women, with people defending the environment, with people protesting police brutality, with LGBTQ+ representation. Shoulder to shoulder with all of those that are mistreated. NOT with those that claim to be Christians because their actions are the total opposite of their words.
It's a matter of perception or perhaps indoctrination. Watch The Project?
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Re: Where would Jesus stand?

Post by DBowling »

Some thoughts...

When Jesus came to Palestine in the first century he didn't stand with any of the pre-existing political entities.
He didn't stand with the isolationists (Essenes).
He didn't stand with the radicals seeking to free themselves from the tyranny of Rome (Zealots).
He didn't stand with the powerful religious elite (Pharisees and Sadducees).
However, Jesus brought together people from these group as his disciples.

Jesus had his own agenda, the Kingdom of God.
And Jesus knew that the Kingdom of God could not be achieved through any political group or movement, because it is a function of heart attitudes. And only God can change a heart of stone.

Jesus' manifesto is summarized in his famous Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7.
And Jesus agenda in the Sermon on the Mount differs dramatically from the agenda of political entities in either the first century or the twenty-first century.

The question is not... who would Jesus stand with?
The real question is... who will stand with Jesus?
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Re: Where would Jesus stand?

Post by Challenger007 »

Shaohao wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 2:58 am Good day,
I would like to, perhaps, stick a stick in an anthill and ask quite an uncomfortable question. Where do you think Jesus would stand in all the protests that swipe through the world right now? I think that Jesus would stand with BLM protesters, that despite all he would stand with Polish women, with people defending the environment, with people protesting police brutality, with LGBTQ+ representation. Shoulder to shoulder with all of those that are mistreated. NOT with those that claim to be Christians because their actions are the total opposite of their words.
That's a very difficult question. It seems to me that abortion, violence should not be encouraged. But in the modern world we see something completely different. And each side considers itself to be right. Let's take the same issue of abortion. From a medical point of view, they are sometimes necessary. For example, pregnancy threatens a woman's life (there are such conditions). Also, I would forbid alcoholics and drug addicts to give birth to children, since children of such people do not see childhood, they are subjected to violence. I don’t think Jesus would approve of the suffering of innocent children for the sake of equal rights to have a child. Similarly, the use of force during active demonstrations and protests can be considered. On the one hand, people have the right to express their dissatisfaction, but if they express it in such a way that they damage someone else's property, spoil the monuments of history and culture, this should be suppressed.
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Re: Where would Jesus stand?

Post by Stu »

What Rick said.
Only when the blood runs and the shackles restrain, will the sheep then awake. When all is lost.
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Re: Where would Jesus stand?

Post by Philip »

Challenger007: Also, I would forbid alcoholics and drug addicts to give birth to children, since children of such people do not see childhood, they are subjected to violence. Plus people can and do overcome their addictions!
Challenger, how do YOU know how such a child's life will be? You can't! And many people overcome tragic childhoods. But you appear to believe that WE have the right to UNNECESSARILY take a human life - which the Bible says God recognizes begins in the womb. It also tells us that only God has the right to unnecessarily take a life. So, why don't you believe what God, through Scripture, clearly teaches about this?
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Re: Where would Jesus stand?

Post by Challenger007 »

Philip wrote: Sun Nov 08, 2020 1:36 pm
Challenger007: Also, I would forbid alcoholics and drug addicts to give birth to children, since children of such people do not see childhood, they are subjected to violence. Plus people can and do overcome their addictions!
Challenger, how do YOU know how such a child's life will be? You can't! And many people overcome tragic childhoods. But you appear to believe that WE have the right to UNNECESSARILY take a human life - which the Bible says God recognizes begins in the womb. It also tells us that only God has the right to unnecessarily take a life. So, why don't you believe what God, through Scripture, clearly teaches about this?
It is extremely rare that a successful and self-confident person grows out of children born to drug addicts and alcoholics. Not to mention that such a child experiences all the circles of hell in childhood, suffers beatings, violence, and often grows up in hunger and need. Therefore, I believe that giving birth to children in order for them to suffer is worse than an abortion. Sorry, but I can't find any adequate reason to allow the birth of children to moral monsters who morally and physically cripple these children. Takiek children often end up like their parents, or go to jail. There is an extremely low chance for such a child to realize himself; out of 100 such children, 95-98 still remain at the level of social development where their parents were. To give birth to future alcoholics and drug addicts, because abortion is a "great sin" ... Isn't it a sin to give birth to a child, dooming him in advance to a life close to the level of an animal?
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Re: Where would Jesus stand?

Post by Philip »

Challenger007: Sorry, but I can't find any adequate reason to allow the birth of children to moral monsters who morally and physically cripple these children.
First off, you failed to answer my question - why are you unwilling to listen to what the Bible reveals about taking innocent life? And you distort your responsibility by referring to a future for any given child that you have no idea of. You're worried about violence to children, yet willing to allow their bodies to be ripped apart via abortion? BTW, it's much the same reason why euthanasia of the elderly is deemed moral by many - because they often suffer in later life unnecessarily.

WHO has the right to dictate whether an innocent life can be taken - YOU or God? I see you're a Christian - I would think you would bow to God's instructions and not your own "wisdom," in such an immensely important matter.

There's plenty to chew on about this topic here: http://www.godandscience.org/doctrine/abort.html
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