The Rise of AI, the singularity and the bible and Jesus coming soon

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The Rise of AI, the singularity and the bible and Jesus coming soon

Post by claysmithr »

If you take a look around you we are in the age of the rise of AI and multiple revolutions of fields, notably biological and AI and quantum computers. With these tools you can track every thing a person does and every purchase a person makes. The most concerning is the rise of AI and "superintelligence". Could this bible verse pertain to it?
This beast was also given the ability to give breath to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast spoke and caused whoever did not worship the image of the beast to be killed.
There is soon going to be a One World Government, One world economy, and One world religion. The one world religion is going to try to appease all religions and gods, and the true Christians will be persecuted and killed. America might be destroyed by then.

Google employees are already trying to start a church to worship their ai god called way of the future. I just notice these disturbing trends. A super AI will in effect be able to checkmate humanity. I'm not sure where I am going with this I just want to open up the discussion.

Also, what will the economy be like when every job would be able to be replaced by either machine learning or androids. Battery technology will keep the androids at bay for now.

I believe once humanity is check mated by the Antichrist then Jesus will return to destroy him and Jesus will have full dominion of the Earth and will rule with a rod of iron, b/c that is what this sinful world deserves. There are probably books worth of information that could be written about these subjects.
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Re: The Rise of AI, the singularity and the bible and Jesus coming soon

Post by claysmithr »

Here's some information on the current state of AI from OpenAI:
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Re: The Rise of AI, the singularity and the bible and Jesus coming soon

Post by RickD »

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John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: The Rise of AI, the singularity and the bible and Jesus coming soon

Post by Stu »

claysmithr wrote: Sun Jan 17, 2021 12:55 pm If you take a look around you we are in the age of the rise of AI and multiple revolutions of fields, notably biological and AI and quantum computers. With these tools you can track every thing a person does and every purchase a person makes. The most concerning is the rise of AI and "superintelligence". Could this bible verse pertain to it?
This beast was also given the ability to give breath to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast spoke and caused whoever did not worship the image of the beast to be killed.
There is soon going to be a One World Government, One world economy, and One world religion. The one world religion is going to try to appease all religions and gods, and the true Christians will be persecuted and killed. America might be destroyed by then.

Google employees are already trying to start a church to worship their ai god called way of the future. I just notice these disturbing trends. A super AI will in effect be able to checkmate humanity. I'm not sure where I am going with this I just want to open up the discussion.

Also, what will the economy be like when every job would be able to be replaced by either machine learning or androids. Battery technology will keep the androids at bay for now.

I believe once humanity is check mated by the Antichrist then Jesus will return to destroy him and Jesus will have full dominion of the Earth and will rule with a rod of iron, b/c that is what this sinful world deserves. There are probably books worth of information that could be written about these subjects.
Remember there will be a remnant, so all hope is not lost. Yes some Christians will be martyred and many will not and will make it until the end when Jesus returns.

What is the point of being here while the devil has his way, to preach the word of God, to get as many converts to Christianity before the mark of the beast is introduced. Sad thing is there's a chance that many Christians will take the mark.

And yes I also think that AI will play a part but some Christians believe that it won't be AI was we think but a demon inside the machine, possessing the machine if you will. We are so far away from true AI right now with what is in the open, that unless governments or secret government projects, or something other than what we know must be at work.

Most of all be prepared with the 4 G's, God, Groceries, Guns, Gold, and in that order too.
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Re: The Rise of AI, the singularity and the bible and Jesus coming soon

Post by Philip »

Most of all be prepared with the 4 G's, God, Groceries, Guns, Gold, and in that order too.
When one contemplates all of the poor Christians in the world that are living on next to no money, I don't think their security of anything to come is only in having food, gold or guns stockpiled - because they typically have no resources for such. It doesn't mean that we don't do what seems logical and prudent - we should - but also our true hope and protection doesn't come from such things, because many of faith don't / can't afford them.
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Re: The Rise of AI, the singularity and the bible and Jesus coming soon

Post by claysmithr »

Philip wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 9:02 am
Most of all be prepared with the 4 G's, God, Groceries, Guns, Gold, and in that order too.
When one contemplates all of the poor Christians in the world that are living on next to no money, I don't think their security of anything to come is only in having food, gold or guns stockpiled - because they typically have no resources for such. It doesn't mean that we don't do what seems logical and prudent - we should - but also our true hope and protection doesn't come from such things, because many of faith don't / can't afford them.
I'd also like to quote the bible here, the parable of the Rich Fool.
Someone in the crowd said to him, “Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me.” 14 But he said to him, “Man, who made me a judge or arbitrator over you?” 15 And he said to them, “Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.” 16 And he told them a parable, saying, “The land of a rich man produced plentifully, 17 and he thought to himself, ‘What shall I do, for I have nowhere to store my crops?’ 18 And he said, ‘I will do this: I will tear down my barns and build larger ones, and there I will store all my grain and my goods. 19 And I will say to my soul, “Soul, you have ample goods laid up for many years; relax, eat, drink, be merry.”’ 20 But God said to him, ‘Fool! This night your soul is required of you, and the things you have prepared, whose will they be?’ 21 So is the one who lays up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God.
God can take your life at any moment, and it's foolish to store up treasure for yourself, best to give to the needy instead.

Of course, I feel a bit hypocritical here b/c I have a (albeit small) retirement account.
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Re: The Rise of AI, the singularity and the bible and Jesus coming soon

Post by Stu »

Philip wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 9:02 am
Most of all be prepared with the 4 G's, God, Groceries, Guns, Gold, and in that order too.
When one contemplates all of the poor Christians in the world that are living on next to no money, I don't think their security of anything to come is only in having food, gold or guns stockpiled - because they typically have no resources for such. It doesn't mean that we don't do what seems logical and prudent - we should - but also our true hope and protection doesn't come from such things, because many of faith don't / can't afford them.
That's why the most important G is put first, God.

If you believe God will take care of you, then even one can of food or one cup of wheat kernels (I don't recommend cans as most have a max shelf life of about 2-3 years, I recommend buying actually wheat kernels as they last for decades if not more and you crush them using whatever method you like and they are fairly cheap, then all you need is water and a solar oven, they are cheap) can be multiplied by God.

God told Joseph to prepare for 7 years of famine and he had to physically sow and harvest the wheat, God didn't provide through a miracle like in the desert with Moses, so sometimes we do have to do the work ourselves and stock up on food and water thanks to God's warning. Though I guess it all will depend on each individual.

I'm sure most can afford to buy one cup of wheat kernels and store them for harsher times.
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Re: The Rise of AI, the singularity and the bible and Jesus coming soon

Post by Stu »

claysmithr wrote: Tue Jan 19, 2021 11:02 am
Philip wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 9:02 am
Most of all be prepared with the 4 G's, God, Groceries, Guns, Gold, and in that order too.
When one contemplates all of the poor Christians in the world that are living on next to no money, I don't think their security of anything to come is only in having food, gold or guns stockpiled - because they typically have no resources for such. It doesn't mean that we don't do what seems logical and prudent - we should - but also our true hope and protection doesn't come from such things, because many of faith don't / can't afford them.
I'd also like to quote the bible here, the parable of the Rich Fool.
Someone in the crowd said to him, “Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me.” 14 But he said to him, “Man, who made me a judge or arbitrator over you?” 15 And he said to them, “Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.” 16 And he told them a parable, saying, “The land of a rich man produced plentifully, 17 and he thought to himself, ‘What shall I do, for I have nowhere to store my crops?’ 18 And he said, ‘I will do this: I will tear down my barns and build larger ones, and there I will store all my grain and my goods. 19 And I will say to my soul, “Soul, you have ample goods laid up for many years; relax, eat, drink, be merry.”’ 20 But God said to him, ‘Fool! This night your soul is required of you, and the things you have prepared, whose will they be?’ 21 So is the one who lays up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God.
God can take your life at any moment, and it's foolish to store up treasure for yourself, best to give to the needy instead.

Of course, I feel a bit hypocritical here b/c I have a (albeit small) retirement account.
Yes, that is referring to if you have no relationship with Jesus and just have earthly wealth. What then of Joseph who God told to prepare for the coming famine? What if there is something coming tomorrow or in 6 months time, would you not be remiss to prepare for such an event. God didn't build Noah's ark or make it appear by a miracle, Noah had to build it himself.

Do you not save money every month for food for your family? Do you not work? Well this is no different, just that you need to save a little more for a more harder time.

Even Jesus said sell a cloak to buy a sword, so money is not evil, the LOVE of money is where things fall apart. Big difference.

I don't love what I have prepared because I am preparing for others as well, even those friends and family who are non-believers I will help when things hit the fan. I will give them gold and silver to buy food with, etc. But I can only do so much. The Bible say that the anti-Christ will be in power for 7 years or longer, during which there will be war and we will have to go without buying or selling if we don't have the mark.

Of course there are some who believe the anti-Christ has already been well I think that is just plain wrong and you will find yourself in big trouble if you are not prepared spiritually and physically for great upheaval and persecution.
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Re: The Rise of AI, the singularity and the bible and Jesus coming soon

Post by UsagiTsukino »

The thing is many have said that about tech in generally. So what makes this different. Also Phone towers have existed for years. So 4G or 5G won't do anything has they are towers.
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Re: The Rise of AI, the singularity and the bible and Jesus coming soon

Post by Philip »

Stu: What then of Joseph who God told to prepare for the coming famine? What if there is something coming tomorrow or in 6 months time, would you not be remiss to prepare for such an event. God didn't build Noah's ark or make it appear by a miracle, Noah had to build it himself.
Of course, if God specifically told or showed us to do such a thing!
Stu: Do you not save money every month for food for your family? Do you not work? Well this is no different, just that you need to save a little more for a more harder time.
But there is a balance. Are we to save and prepare for the future - absolutely, to the best of our ability. But millions of Christians live in poverty and have very little - and thus can't do all of these measures that some would suggest are necessary to their future protection. So, for such people, the Lord must be their protection - or if He calls them home, they'll be FAR better off. We are to be sensible but not stressed out and anxiety ridden over what we can't know and can't do anything about. We don't need to move to Idaho, become survivalists, or start selling our possessions - and that is how people can let their fears take them to extremes.
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Re: The Rise of AI, the singularity and the bible and Jesus coming soon

Post by Stu »

Philip wrote: Fri Jan 22, 2021 6:41 am
Stu: What then of Joseph who God told to prepare for the coming famine? What if there is something coming tomorrow or in 6 months time, would you not be remiss to prepare for such an event. God didn't build Noah's ark or make it appear by a miracle, Noah had to build it himself.
Of course, if God specifically told or showed us to do such a thing!
Stu: Do you not save money every month for food for your family? Do you not work? Well this is no different, just that you need to save a little more for a more harder time.
But there is a balance. Are we to save and prepare for the future - absolutely, to the best of our ability. But millions of Christians live in poverty and have very little - and thus can't do all of these measures that some would suggest are necessary to their future protection. So, for such people, the Lord must be their protection - or if He calls them home, they'll be FAR better off. We are to be sensible but not stressed out and anxiety ridden over what we can't know and can't do anything about. We don't need to move to Idaho, become survivalists, or start selling our possessions - and that is how people can let their fears take them to extremes.
Yes, but that's not what I said is it.

Even if you just look at the current financial situation in the US. They are printing trillions of dollars a year, things cannot continue this way forever. Your debt will never be repaid, what happens when the world and China realise that you will be printing dollars forever more, there can be no stopping now. The US cannot survive without the printing press. All fiat money ever created in history has gone to zero, or lost 99% of it's value, the dollar will be the same.

Not preparing given all we know is irresponsible IMO. Just putting a little away each month to start with is fine. Wheat is not expensive.

You have a brain, sometimes God expects you to do the work, he gave us common sense for a reason.
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Re: The Rise of AI, the singularity and the bible and Jesus coming soon

Post by Challenger007 »

Stu wrote: Fri Jan 22, 2021 8:07 am
Philip wrote: Fri Jan 22, 2021 6:41 am
Stu: What then of Joseph who God told to prepare for the coming famine? What if there is something coming tomorrow or in 6 months time, would you not be remiss to prepare for such an event. God didn't build Noah's ark or make it appear by a miracle, Noah had to build it himself.
Of course, if God specifically told or showed us to do such a thing!
Stu: Do you not save money every month for food for your family? Do you not work? Well this is no different, just that you need to save a little more for a more harder time.
But there is a balance. Are we to save and prepare for the future - absolutely, to the best of our ability. But millions of Christians live in poverty and have very little - and thus can't do all of these measures that some would suggest are necessary to their future protection. So, for such people, the Lord must be their protection - or if He calls them home, they'll be FAR better off. We are to be sensible but not stressed out and anxiety ridden over what we can't know and can't do anything about. We don't need to move to Idaho, become survivalists, or start selling our possessions - and that is how people can let their fears take them to extremes.
Yes, but that's not what I said is it.

Even if you just look at the current financial situation in the US. They are printing trillions of dollars a year, things cannot continue this way forever. Your debt will never be repaid, what happens when the world and China realise that you will be printing dollars forever more, there can be no stopping now. The US cannot survive without the printing press. All fiat money ever created in history has gone to zero, or lost 99% of it's value, the dollar will be the same.

Not preparing given all we know is irresponsible IMO. Just putting a little away each month to start with is fine. Wheat is not expensive.

You have a brain, sometimes God expects you to do the work, he gave us common sense for a reason.
International debts are mushrooming after rain. And most Americans live simply on credit, their funds are enough only to buy food and pay off the loan. And the situation is not changing, many simply do not have savings for the future. And this is against the background of the development of technology and artificial intelligence, when humanity is less and less in need of human labor.
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Re: The Rise of AI, the singularity and the bible and Jesus coming soon

Post by Stu »

Challenger007 wrote: Tue Jan 26, 2021 2:29 am
Stu wrote: Fri Jan 22, 2021 8:07 am
Philip wrote: Fri Jan 22, 2021 6:41 am
Stu: What then of Joseph who God told to prepare for the coming famine? What if there is something coming tomorrow or in 6 months time, would you not be remiss to prepare for such an event. God didn't build Noah's ark or make it appear by a miracle, Noah had to build it himself.
Of course, if God specifically told or showed us to do such a thing!
Stu: Do you not save money every month for food for your family? Do you not work? Well this is no different, just that you need to save a little more for a more harder time.
But there is a balance. Are we to save and prepare for the future - absolutely, to the best of our ability. But millions of Christians live in poverty and have very little - and thus can't do all of these measures that some would suggest are necessary to their future protection. So, for such people, the Lord must be their protection - or if He calls them home, they'll be FAR better off. We are to be sensible but not stressed out and anxiety ridden over what we can't know and can't do anything about. We don't need to move to Idaho, become survivalists, or start selling our possessions - and that is how people can let their fears take them to extremes.
Yes, but that's not what I said is it.

Even if you just look at the current financial situation in the US. They are printing trillions of dollars a year, things cannot continue this way forever. Your debt will never be repaid, what happens when the world and China realise that you will be printing dollars forever more, there can be no stopping now. The US cannot survive without the printing press. All fiat money ever created in history has gone to zero, or lost 99% of it's value, the dollar will be the same.

Not preparing given all we know is irresponsible IMO. Just putting a little away each month to start with is fine. Wheat is not expensive.

You have a brain, sometimes God expects you to do the work, he gave us common sense for a reason.
International debts are mushrooming after rain. And most Americans live simply on credit, their funds are enough only to buy food and pay off the loan. And the situation is not changing, many simply do not have savings for the future. And this is against the background of the development of technology and artificial intelligence, when humanity is less and less in need of human labor.
Yes, it is the same worldwide.

All I am saying is put away a little bit of wheat kernels every month. They keep for decades and if you can afford to buy food you can afford to buy a little bit of wheat.
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