Derek Chauvin Found Guilty

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Re: Derek Chauvin Found Guilty

Post by Philip »

FlieG: "I simply accept the cultural markers existing in different countries. I note them but I don’t try to change them."
Scripture reveals that we ARE to speak up where and when we can, whenever and wherever we see injustice, whether in our own culture or elsewhere! The teachings of Christ transcend ALL cultural norms! And if those that went out around the world to spread the Gospel didn't try to influence or change people in the cultures they encountered, how far do you think Christianity would have spread? Now, that doesn't mean we should try to change cultural traditions of things that aren't hurtful or harmful, telling people how to dress.

As for the law, ALL laws should be colorblind in their application. I can definitely agree with Rick that when a law treats one person of one race differently than it does those of another or other races, then that IS race-based discrimination. Or we try to punish people of today for the sins of their ancestors - sins, btw, which were committed by people long gone against others also long gone. Of course, many see justice in that, per being upset over various injustices. But you can't correct discrimination with more discrimination - as then you hurt innocent people and you'll create legitimate anger and animosity, and, ultimately, the resulting discord also will feed extremists views and actions and dangerous divisions across society. And who, exactly, should arbitrate the application of such laws, and how quickly polarizing and political does this not always become?
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Re: Derek Chauvin Found Guilty

Post by DBowling »

Philip wrote: Fri Apr 30, 2021 7:34 pm Scripture reveals that we ARE to speak up where and when we can, whenever and wherever we see injustice, whether in our own culture or elsewhere! The teachings of Christ transcend ALL cultural norms! And if those that went out around the world to spread the Gospel didn't try to influence or change people in the cultures they encountered, how far do you think Christianity would have spread?

There are many places in the Gospel where the heart and focus of Jesus is made very clear.
At the very beginning of his public ministry in a Synagogue in Nazareth, this is how Jesus describes his mission.
Luke 4:18-19
“The Spirit of the Lord is on me,
because he has anointed me
to proclaim good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners
and recovery of sight for the blind,
to set the oppressed free,
19 to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”
One of the primary focuses of Jesus was to reach out to those who were marginalized and oppressed by society.
As followers of Jesus we are called to reach out to everyone, but we should also demonstrate the heart of Jesus to those members of our society that are marginalized and oppressed.

Racism is a sin... hard stop.
Racism (both conscious and unconscious) still exists in our society today.
And as followers of Christ we should share his heart for the plight of those who have been and are being marginalized and oppressed by society.
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Re: Derek Chauvin Found Guilty

Post by RickD »

Fliegender wrote:
There’s no race baiting coming from me because it’s totally foreign to my culture.
I explained how you are race baiting.

You took a fact: Blacks, per population in the US, disproportionately make up the prison population.

And then concluded that the reason why blacks have a disproportionate prison population is because cops are racist.

That is race baiting. Making it an issue of racism, when that’s not the reason why there are disproportionately more blacks in prison.

And you seriously didn’t know that Affirmative Action is a racist policy?
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Re: Derek Chauvin Found Guilty

Post by RickD »

This entire “cops are racist” narrative has gotten completely insane. We recently had a situation where a police officer shot and killed a girl who was about to stab another girl with a knife. Some are calling this cop racist for killing a black girl, even though he was trying to save another black girl from being attacked with a knife.

To some, racism is the answer to everything. It’s not. LeWoke James apparently is sick of black people being killed by police, and has to make that known. What about the fact that 90% of blacks that are murdered, are killed by other blacks? I guess we’ll just not address that issue!

Race baiters do nothing to improve racial issues. They just make it worse.
John 5:24
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Re: Derek Chauvin Found Guilty

Post by Philip »

Last post was deleted as its purpose was simply to stir up arguments! Wanna do that, private mail someone!
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Re: Derek Chauvin Found Guilty

Post by RickD »

Philip wrote: Sat May 01, 2021 10:33 am Last post was deleted as its purpose was simply to stir up arguments! Wanna do that, private mail someone!
The post was to point out inconsistencies. Why not try letting people have disagreements without you threatening to lock the threads, and deleting posts. We’re all adults. If we aren’t allowed to have disagreements, even heated disagreements, what’s the point of a discussion forum? We need to stop censoring opinions!
John 5:24
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Re: Derek Chauvin Found Guilty

Post by Philip »

We CAN have discussions, Rick - even heated ones. And there is ZERO intent to censor your or ANYONE's opinions. But you were cranking back up a very contentious subject (over several threads) between you and DB that last ended with seriously offended at how your accusational, personal attacking style (and he certainly returned the "favor,") in an argument that went on and on, and ON, beating beyond death a topic that just turned into one long, bad argument. Such interactions are destructive to the forum and I'm not gonna let ANYONE use them going forward - not to the point its made personal and causes or is likely to cause a nasty argument. And it's HOW you posted (that was just deleted), as it was deliberately begun in a provocative, accusational manner that you absolutely KNOW was going to escalate and end in hard feelings.

There IS a way to have serious disagreement without attacking people personally, using nasty, relentless sarcasm, etc. - which is going beyond attacking a position to derogatory comments about each other ("You're an idiot, liar, deliberately lying, etc., etc."). This forum is not going to have such destructive tone and bad arguments going forward. It's not the CONTENT of the argument, it's the tone and personal attack. If you or ANYONE wants to continue discussions of disagreement, be CIVIL and keep your attacks to ideas! Show each other RESPECT!!! Repost per the intent I've noted and there should be no problem. But I WILL stop endless PUBLIC bickering that goes on and on - again, if that goes on, I'll delete and ask it to go private. Otherwise, people just start playing to the audience and it never ends until it damages relationships! Don't agree - then private mail me. I won't argue here. But next to no one comes to G&S to see such relentless, disrespectful arguments as we've seen in recent times. It's precisely why politics were banned on the forum!
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Re: Derek Chauvin Found Guilty

Post by RickD »

Philip wrote:
It's precisely why politics were banned on the forum!
Philip, you do realize that you didn’t ban the politics forum, don’t you?

You locked all the threads that currently existed, but that didn’t stop new threads from being started.

Am I going to get any kind of apology from you for misrepresenting the motives of my last post that you deleted?
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: Derek Chauvin Found Guilty

Post by Philip »

Rick, you want to talk, then private message me. I stand by what I said - per my perception. And I don't have to get it all perfect or inside of your or anyone's head or some psychological mumbo-jumbo over someone's thin skin to do so. And you nor others will be allowed to continue publicly arguing or playing for sympathy when they're admonished. The only reason I responded at all was the false charge that you were being censored - as you should have known that was not my intent whatsoever. In fact, I clearly invited you to re-post, but just try to keep it civil. My job as moderator is to try to encourage civil discourse and behavior, to protect the forum's Christ-centered mission, and to step in when I see something I think threatens it. And to me, it looked precisely like you were doing that - in the way you phrased your post, especially per previous behavior. Now, you can either re-post in an appropriate manner or not - your choice. I'm only posting this publicly as I don't want anyone to think I don't value open - or even heated - dialog. As even that CAN be done in a mature manner. But there IS a line that must be guarded, and we've been way beyond it, in a few threads in recent months. I'm not some forum King, but I am a mod that will have to occasionally make judgment calls.

And I did lead the way and also sought input to rid the board of politics: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=43409 - and it was posted for all to see - and how that works technically is irrelevant! Outtake from General Forum rules, concerning politics: "... we will have to make constant judgment calls as best we can. We are well aware that it’s unrealistic to pretend that the political world around us no longer exists or that NO political reference can’t EVER be made." Which means, whenever the spirit of those rules are violated, posts will be deleted. The last election cycle caused such venom and became such a focus that it truly damaged the health of the forum!

More to discuss, Rick - private message me, as any more of trying to further argue publicly over this will be deleted. And my post wasn't aimed at only you. Long ago, we made a rule that the forum will not be allowed to be used for criticizing mods. It's a difficult job. And sometimes, people aren't going to like my call on something - and of all people on the forum, I suspect I'm about the most reasonable one - I try extremely hard to be fair. And I sincerely care about everyone who takes part. And I don't like being the only moderator and hope we'll eventually have other ones.
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Re: Derek Chauvin Found Guilty

Post by RickD »

Philip wrote:
More to discuss, Rick - private message me, as any more of trying to further argue publicly over this will be deleted.
I haven’t argued with you on this here, nor do I intend to argue with you. I simply clarified that you misrepresented my motives.
Philip wrote:
I stand by what I said - per my perception.
So just to be clear. You not only question my motives, but now you’re doubling down and you’re saying that I’m lying about my motives?
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: Derek Chauvin Found Guilty

Post by RickD »

It’s refreshing to see someone who understands that America isn’t a racist country. A young black woman who isn’t claiming victimhood. ... n-america/
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Re: Derek Chauvin Found Guilty

Post by Fliegender »

This discussion has been diverted from its original topic. As such, it’s going nowhere.

With the recent disclosure by a juror in Derek Chauvin’s trial, it seems any appeal for the three convictions Chauvin received for his part in the death of George Floyd would be doomed to failure. Chauvin’s attorney had said that an appeal "may be" made because jurors allegedly were pressured to convict a white officer. The juror in question, Brandon Mitchell, made it clear that the jury was under no such pressure.
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