Did Paul Really Instruct Women to Be Silent?

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Did Paul Really Instruct Women to Be Silent?

Post by DBowling »

For Mother's Day...
Let's look at a very misunderstood, and at times abused, passage from Paul in 1 Corinthians 14:35-35.
34 the women are to keep silent in the churches; for they are not permitted to speak, but are to subject themselves, just as the Law also says. 35 If they desire to learn anything, let them ask their own husbands at home; for it is improper for a woman to speak in church.

What is Paul even saying here!? :esurprised:

Here is a link that explains how this statement by Paul has been badly misunderstood.
3 Compelling Reasons Paul Didn't Silence Women in the Church
https://ministrytodaymag.com/life/women ... the-church
This means that in I Corinthians 14:34-35, Paul is quoting what the Corinthians have said in a previous letter about women being silent. He then replies with "an exclamation expressing disapproval." He says, "η," meaning "Nonsense!"
Paul then uses η a second time in verse 36. After the first η, in which he rebuts their notion of women being silent, he asks the Corinthians, "Did the word of God come from you? Or did it come from you only?" and follows that question with anther η, or "Certainly not!"
So in this passage Paul is actually refuting a position that many over the years have claimed he was promoting.

Happy Mothers Day :D
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Re: Did Paul Really Instruct Women to Be Silent?

Post by Philip »

DB: So in this passage Paul is actually refuting a position that many over the years have claimed he was promoting.
Which tells me that this was a massive failure of translation, in that, its failure to note an important nuance in quoting Paul has caused massive misunderstandings and produced much bad teaching. And Paul being a life-long bachelor didn't help the situation much, as it made him look like a misogynist.
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Re: Did Paul Really Instruct Women to Be Silent?

Post by Armyman »

Seems more it was out of authority reasons than actual hatred.
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