The pope now teaches people to accept homosexual people. What are your thoughts Christians?

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Re: The pope now teaches people to accept homosexual people. What are your thoughts Christians?

Post by Stu »

Challenger007 wrote: Tue May 18, 2021 11:20 pm
Stu wrote: Fri May 07, 2021 3:23 am
Challenger007 wrote: Mon Apr 26, 2021 12:09 am
Howwow1993 wrote: Fri Mar 26, 2021 3:46 am I am genuinely interested in hearing about what Christians think about homosexuality, now that the pope teaches people to be accepting individuals who are homosexual or bisexual.

How your belief been changed since then?
I take it absolutely calmly. I have no right to condemn anyone for their preferences. As they say, do not judge and you will not be judged. I succumb to prejudice. As long as no one imposes their views on me, I am calm about these very views.
That is not at all what Jesus taught.

Adulterers, drunkards and yes homosexuals will not inherit the kingdom of God. It's that simple. Do not preach luke warm liberal man-made Christianity, you have to tell it like it is. Hell is a real place and Jesus mentioned it the most in the Bible. Jesus was a fire and brimstone teacher as were the apostles, they pulled no punches because the resting place of your eternal soul was on the line.
As for me, this is all manipulation of the church. The church has always denied what it cannot understand. You are referring to the teachings of Christ, but are you sure that his speeches were not edited by anyone to please church politics? Many centuries have passed.
All scripture is of God. If you don't believe that then ANYTHING in the Bible can be questioned. You can make anything up you want if it offends your emotional/political/ethical sensibilities. The Bible becomes meaningless.
2 Timothy 3:16-17 King James Version
16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
17 That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.
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Re: The pope now teaches people to accept homosexual people. What are your thoughts Christians?

Post by Armyman »

From what I recall it only says same sex actions are a sin.
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Re: The pope now teaches people to accept homosexual people. What are your thoughts Christians?

Post by Philip »

We need to separate out important things from how we view homosexuals!

The Pope is not an earthly authority God has established as having authority to say what is right and wrong - as all definitions and warnings related to righteousness before God is already sealed in Scripture. So, no one needs to look to another man to see what is right and wrong - except, perhaps, to theologians and teachers who are dedicated to examining and studying God's Words in deeper ways - and even then, we must weigh their asserted insights per what Scripture actually says! And there will always remain legitimate disagreements and mysteries amongst even the most learned and Scripturally knowledgeable Christian scholars and teachers

And let's be clear, God / Christ condemns ALL homosexual ACTIVITIES and desires! Just as he does ALL adulterous heterosexual ones! These two groups of people are BOTH committing what God despises - sexual sins against each other - and most importantly - against Him! And those remaining unforgiven / unsaved withing BOTH groups are condemned by God!

Homosexuals are sinners, no more or less than those of us who struggle with other types of sin. Christians ALL sin! But the immense difference is, Christians are FORGIVEN of ALL sins AND are commanded to have a different view of ALL sin - that God wants us to avoid them and know they are wrong. Non-Christians are NOT! The most heterosexually, monogamous, MARRIED non-Christian is STILL unsaved. While a homosexual Christian, whom while saved, can still be struggling against what he also knows is his sexual sin before God. So, there ARE Christians who both recognize their homosexuality (or WHATEVER sin they are caught up in), but that A) recognize it's wrong and B) that desire to overcome it. And the degree of their success of becoming free from whatever sin will be the degree to which they lean on the Lord to free themselves of it. Notice that ALL saved receive their salvation "while we are still sinners!" And from there on, God begins to work on us - but no mortal will ever be free from sin.

We ALL struggle against various sins - things I struggle with may not be things many others struggle against. What is simple for me is not simple for an addicted person - WHATEVER the addiction might be.

What is a homosexual? Is it a person who embraces the activities and sins related to that orientation? What about Christians who struggle against such thoughts and temptations but still resist them, per their faith in Christ - are THEY homosexuals? I see beautiful women that sometimes tempt my thoughts - and yet I do not act upon such thoughts and realize even the thoughts are wrong. Point is, it is our actions and intentions that are sinful - and thus, we are ALL sinners in God's eyes.

Should we not LOVE all homosexuals - that is, seeing them as people in desperate need of Christ as we all were (and are)? Are they our enemies? Should we HATE them? Of COURSE not!!! We are to hate NO one! Scripture says we are to pray for those who sin against or oppress us. In fact, the Apostle Paul tells us we are to pray of EVERYONE! "First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for ALL people, 2 for kings and all who are in high positions" - even our leaders we often despise ("ALL who are in high positions).

Christians must reject this mentality that if we just can get rid of this and that group of people, that all would be well. What does Scripture say about that? "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. (Ephesians 6:12). But as long as sinful men and women (and ALL of us) exist, there will be strife and pain on earth. But a day is coming ("The Day of the Lord") in which Christ will transform all with faith in Christ, that the earth will be purged, restored, and merged with the new Jerusalem / Heaven to come! Amen!
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