Great falling away

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Great falling away

Post by Armyman »

Are we in this now? I look at the world and it sure seems like it.
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Re: Great falling away

Post by Philip »

Armyman: Are we in this now? I look at the world and it sure seems like it.
Well, what do you think those living during WWII must have thought? The whole world was on fire with hatred and warfare. And one of the main architects of this was obsessed with exterminating the Jews as well as with the satanically inspired occult activities. And his logo was a broken cross. And soon afterward, whole cities were wiped out with just one bomb. Wouldn't many have thought the world was irredeemably evil and the end nigh? And are things any better or worse NOW? y:-?
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Re: Great falling away

Post by Armyman »

Philip wrote: Sun Jan 23, 2022 8:03 pm
Armyman: Are we in this now? I look at the world and it sure seems like it.
Well, what do you think those living during WWII must have thought? The whole world was on fire with hatred and warfare. And one of the main architects of this was obsessed with exterminating the Jews as well as with the satanically inspired occult activities. And his logo was a broken cross. And soon afterward, whole cities were wiped out with just one bomb. Wouldn't many have thought the world was irredeemably evil and the end nigh? And are things any better or worse NOW? y:-?
Fair. I can't say for sure if it's worse or not. But, there is a rise in secularism.
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Re: Great falling away

Post by Stu »

Philip wrote: Sun Jan 23, 2022 8:03 pm
Armyman: Are we in this now? I look at the world and it sure seems like it.
Well, what do you think those living during WWII must have thought? The whole world was on fire with hatred and warfare. And one of the main architects of this was obsessed with exterminating the Jews as well as with the satanically inspired occult activities. And his logo was a broken cross. And soon afterward, whole cities were wiped out with just one bomb. Wouldn't many have thought the world was irredeemably evil and the end nigh? And are things any better or worse NOW? y:-?
The western world as a whole was still much more Christian though despite the war.

In 2022 it is the complete opposite, the world is outright rejecting Christianity and adopting the leftist progressive stance mixed with any religion/philosophy that is not Christian, including a version of Christianity that says ALL go to heaven no matter what you believe. There is a remnant and the Tribulation will see many won over to Jesus but for now, anything anti-Christian is in.

We don't have much more time left IMO, we could very well be in the tribulation already (pestilences,ie. Covid-19) be prepared or you will be caught out.
Only when the blood runs and the shackles restrain, will the sheep then awake. When all is lost.
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Re: Great falling away

Post by Philip »

Well, things are often very bad today, no doubt! But some things are better as well. But Christ, no matter when He comes back and through whatever tribulations, we must realize that many will be saved precisely BECAUSE people will face tough situations. For many, such things are what it takes for them to realize they need the Lord. As Christians, we should focus upon reaching out to the non-Christians around us - and not merely just "playing churchianity" - like most are doing. And also not by looking at non-Christians as being our enemies - Christ wants us to rise beyond viewing people in that way. They are NOT our real enemies!

Ephesians 6:12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.

The above doesn't mean there aren't people and movements we should be very wary and wise of and seek to limit their destructive actions. But they all need Christ as well, and God tells us He desires and will use us to reach many of them.

We are called to love and pray for ALL persons!

1 Timothy 2: First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, 2 for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. 3 This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, 4 who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.

When the Apostles were still walking the earth, it was a brutal, evil, dangerous world - in which all of them were martyred for their faith except John. Christians of the first century went through unimaginable horrors. They had to worry about the Jewish religious establishment, and the Romans - and yet many gladly and at great risk shared their joy in Christ. So, is our focus going to be our joy in Christ and sharing it - or on all the fears and what-ifs - because that's no way for a Christian to live! Be wise, wary, but also joyful, and constantly trusting in and focusing upon the Lord!
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