War in Ukraine

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War in Ukraine

Post by 1over137 »

Please, pray for people there. It is very sad.
https://www.nytimes.com/live/2022/02/24 ... aine-putin

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Re: War in Ukraine

Post by Philip »

Putin is, like countless other ruthless types before him, a cold, calculating, and brutal thug! He was groomed to think like the KGB thug he still is. At nearly 70 and stunningly wealthy by thievery and worse, does he really think he's going to restore supposed "lost glories of the motherland?" He's not only wrecking the lives of millions and taking the lives of many Ukrainians and Russian soldiers, he'll likely only end up with a civil war. And surely the Chinese communists are only encouraged with their own ambitions. We just have to realize, through it all, God is in control - even when we can't possibly understand why he allows certain things that trouble us greatly. We simply have to trust him - and yes, as Hana says, "PRAY!"
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Re: War in Ukraine

Post by Stu »

You guys are looking at this too locally. The game afoot is a wider war and America is enemy number 1. Russia will attack the USA along side others, and the US will fall. Traitors from the inside of the US have made sure of that.
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Re: War in Ukraine

Post by Philip »

Thanks for the uplifting happy thoughts, Stu! :roll: Do you only think about gloom and doom scenarios? Where is your Hope? In WHOM does it depend upon?
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Re: War in Ukraine

Post by Stu »

Philip wrote: Fri Feb 25, 2022 8:11 am Thanks for the uplifting happy thoughts, Stu! :roll:
Seriously???? The title of this thread is 'War in Ukraine'. War..... and you want people to sugar-coat their views???

I think you need a serious reality check..... not sure what bubble you are living in.
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Re: War in Ukraine

Post by Philip »

Stu, give me a break, I know EXACTLY how vicious the world can be! I'm acutely aware of the potential geo-political possibilities - especially as my son is a Navy SEAL - and so I well know the risks to him and his fellow warriors! But I also don't constantly dwell on the what-ifs and also know that God is in control - and you should remember that last part instead of your constant focus on gloom and end-time scenarios - things you have no certain understandings of, nor of any related timings. What people need is the hope of Christ - and yet you consider it more important to focus on things you fear? What do you have to look forward to with such an outlook?

I would suggest you listen to some wise words from a guy imprisoned AGAIN, while living under the thumb of an equally evil empire, and notice that his advice came at a time when he well knew he quite likely might be executed at any moment:

(The Apostle Paul, from Philippians 4): "The Lord is at hand; 6 do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. 9 What you have learned 5 and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.

Stu, do you call such advice naive? Because while it's good to be aware of dangers in the world, to become obsessed with them to the point you become fatalistic and as if we have no hope, that you live in fear of an ever-approaching shoe to drop - man, that's simply NOT living in faith! Actually, that's no life at all!
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Re: War in Ukraine

Post by Stu »

Philip wrote: Fri Feb 25, 2022 11:03 am Stu, give me a break, I know EXACTLY how vicious the world can be! I'm acutely aware of the potential geo-political possibilities - especially as my son is a Navy SEAL - and so I well know the risks to him and his fellow warriors! But I also don't constantly dwell on the what-ifs and also know that God is in control - and you should remember that last part instead of your constant focus on gloom and end-time scenarios - things you have no certain understandings of, nor of any related timings. What people need is the hope of Christ - and yet you consider it more important to focus on things you fear? What do you have to look forward to with such an outlook?

I would suggest you listen to some wise words from a guy imprisoned AGAIN, while living under the thumb of an equally evil empire, and notice that his advice came at a time when he well knew he quite likely might be executed at any moment:

(The Apostle Paul, from Philippians 4): "The Lord is at hand; 6 do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. 9 What you have learned 5 and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.

Stu, do you call such advice naive? Because while it's good to be aware of dangers in the world, to become obsessed with them to the point you become fatalistic and as if we have no hope, that you live in fear of an ever-approaching shoe to drop - man, that's simply NOT living in faith! Actually, that's no life at all!
These are not my words but the words of people like Dumitru Duduman (spelling?), Henry Gruver, Tom Horn and many others that God has spoken to.

America will be judged for her sins, there will be war in America.

This is not being fatalistic it''s being realistic.

God told Joseph to be prepare. Joseph had to plant and harvest the wheat, God didn't do it for him.
God told Noah to build the ark. Noah had to build the ark himself, God didn't do it for him.

These warnings are from people whom God has spoken to. Just like Joseph YOU need to prepare. Will God keep a remnant safe, yes He will. Will there be many Christian martyrs, yes there will be.

The Bible says that billions of people (one third with the sword) will be killed in the end times. This is the Bible speaking not Stu. This is something to get just a little gloomy about Philip.....

Yes God is in control and He is giving Satan his time and Christians will be killed, the Bible says this.

I will do everything in my power to prepare for what is coming (like Joseph) the rest is up to God.

You want to leave everything up to God and not do anything to prepare, that is your choice.
But God warns His people for a REASON, both the BIBLE and through prophets and watchmen, so that they can PREPARE.

Otherwise why would He warn us so many times in the Bible?

The Bible says, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." So many Christians who follow these big name pastors will have no clue what is coming.

I live my life and am happy but I won't be caught arguing about who get's the best seat at the bar on a sinking Titanic.

Time to prepare is now, God has given us plenty of warning.
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Re: War in Ukraine

Post by Philip »

Stu, you have been asked before - HOW are you going to prepare for such? Are you building an impenetrable fortress somewhere? A cave in some remote place? Because I am quite certain you have none of those options. And when John wrote the churches in Revelation to prepare, that was an imminent event he was warning them about - yes, a horrific persecution happened soon after. But those churches are LONG gone - are you applying that to our future? Where can you go that is safe? The preparations nowadays would not be sufficient against modern armies and weaponry. No, your hope is in the Lord! But of more concern, you are absolutely obsessed with this stuff - gloom and doom. It's not good for your mental health! And note, throughout Scripture, particularly in the Old Testament, God made it clear it wasn't people's great preparations that would protect them, but the Lord Himself! He told them to field a SMALLER force, take just ONE sword, etc. And terrible things have played out constantly around the globe over the past century - so you have zero idea of what to expect or when.

Stu, you act as if survival is dependent upon YOUR activities and clearly it is NOT! But I'm open for suggestions. You also have ZERO knowledge of whether God has spoken to anyone you claim! You will never be at peace with this stuff swirling around in your head. And none of that means we won't face trying times - or even worse - but our hope should always be in the Lord and not upon our own feeble and insufficient efforts to "save ourselves" from harm.
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Re: War in Ukraine

Post by Stu »

Philip wrote: Sat Feb 26, 2022 7:18 am Stu, you have been asked before - HOW are you going to prepare for such? Are you building an impenetrable fortress somewhere? A cave in some remote place? Because I am quite certain you have none of those options. And when John wrote the churches in Revelation to prepare, that was an imminent event he was warning them about - yes, a horrific persecution happened soon after. But those churches are LONG gone - are you applying that to our future? Where can you go that is safe? The preparations nowadays would not be sufficient against modern armies and weaponry. No, your hope is in the Lord! But of more concern, you are absolutely obsessed with this stuff - gloom and doom. It's not good for your mental health! And note, throughout Scripture, particularly in the Old Testament, God made it clear it wasn't people's great preparations that would protect them, but the Lord Himself! He told them to field a SMALLER force, take just ONE sword, etc. And terrible things have played out constantly around the globe over the past century - so you have zero idea of what to expect or when.

Stu, you act as if survival is dependent upon YOUR activities and clearly it is NOT! But I'm open for suggestions. You also have ZERO knowledge of whether God has spoken to anyone you claim! You will never be at peace with this stuff swirling around in your head. And none of that means we won't face trying times - or even worse - but our hope should always be in the Lord and not upon our own feeble and insufficient efforts to "save ourselves" from harm.
So why did God warn Joseph if God does all the work?

So are you saying that God does not speak to and warn people? God said He would give messages to the people, yet you say not to believe people who have a track record of being right. Who then are we to believe - what is the point of God giving prophesy if Philip refuses to believe any of it?
And afterward, I will pour out My Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions.
You clearly think that all the work is for God to do and you can sit back and God will "handle it". Guess what, it doesn't work like that all the time.

Do you go to work every day? Why?
Should God not provide all you need if you trust in Him? No, that is not how it works and you know that, you have to work to put food on the table and pay the bills. That is how it works.

And this situation is no different. God warns and you prepare, the rest is up to God. Not preparing is demanding a miracle from God, when you should do all you can from your side. What if Joseph sat back and expected God to fill the wheat silos with grain rather than planting it himself. That is what you are saying.

The Bible says there will be many Christians who are killed in the end times, so clearly God does not protect all Christians and many will be killed. Maybe those that did not heed His warnings and failed to prepare will be the ones who get beheaded and go to the camps.

If you choose not to lift a finger to prepare yourself and your family for a potential tribulation period where mankind will die in the billions well then that is your choice but from my perspective it is entirely delusional.

And remember when your belly is empty and your kids are hungry how far a bucket of wheat would have gone. God could even multiply that wheat, but if you have nothing, you are in a hopeless situation.

But hey, good luck with what you choose to do, I think it is completely. Just don't go into the concentration camps willingly looking for food, because you ain't coming out alive.
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Re: War in Ukraine

Post by Philip »

Again, Stu - HOW should I protect my family? What do you think would be effective if an army invaded? Attacked by air? Just a few suggestions, Stu - things you have implemented yourself? Clearly, I don't think we aren't to be wise or expect God to do everything for us. But the kinds of things I typically see "preparers" assert to be necessary would be highly ineffective against modern threats.

Consider: https://www.focusonthefamily.com/family ... end-times/
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Re: War in Ukraine

Post by Stu »

Philip wrote: Sat Feb 26, 2022 11:01 am Again, Stu - HOW should I protect my family? What do you think would be effective if an army invaded? Attacked by air? Just a few suggestions, Stu - things you have implemented yourself? Clearly, I don't think we aren't to be wise or expect God to do everything for us. But the kinds of things I typically see "preparers" assert to be necessary would be highly ineffective against modern threats.

Consider: https://www.focusonthefamily.com/family ... end-times/
Like I said, water, food and guns (keep it legal). You do WHAT YOU CAN, rather than throw your hands in the air and say "It is all out of my control". The rest you leave up to God.

You don't want to be one of those families that are so starving that they end up eating their children (yes that happens). You will be glad you stocked up on wheat kernels so that your child doesn't cry with an empty stomach.

Do what you can, certainly no less.
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Re: War in Ukraine

Post by Philip »

Stu, you need to stop fearing everything false prophets say an angel revealed to them! It's so obvious if you carefully examine what they say vs. what Scripture says. Just like Muhammad asserting he visited the angel Gabriel in some cave and received "new revelations from God." Or Joseph Smith, whom asserted "an angel directed him to a buried book of golden plates inscribed with a Judeo-Christian history of an ancient American civilization." Or later when he said he received a "revelation of Moses" in which Moses saw "the world and the ends thereof."

This guy Dumitru Duduman you said had a track record of trustworthy prophecies - first place, he has a track record of serious and proven failures. He claims he was told by an angel this and that - and yet, just like with Muhammad and Joseph Smith, you have absolute NO reason or personal knowledge that would confirm Duduman's claims - you just believe them! And people like this are sowing fear with their false prophecies and asserting you must do all of this "stuff" to prepare yourself for the end they say "is nigh." Here's a small sampling of Duduman's false claims: http://www.endtime-prophets.com/duduman.html

"Believe not every spirit but try the spirits whether they are from God because many false prophets are gone out into the world." (John 4:1)
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Re: War in Ukraine

Post by Stu »

Philip wrote: Sun Feb 27, 2022 8:00 pm Stu, you need to stop fearing everything false prophets say an angel revealed to them! It's so obvious if you carefully examine what they say vs. what Scripture says. Just like Muhammad asserting he visited the angel Gabriel in some cave and received "new revelations from God." Or Joseph Smith, whom asserted "an angel directed him to a buried book of golden plates inscribed with a Judeo-Christian history of an ancient American civilization." Or later when he said he received a "revelation of Moses" in which Moses saw "the world and the ends thereof."

This guy Dumitru Duduman you said had a track record of trustworthy prophecies - first place, he has a track record of serious and proven failures. He claims he was told by an angel this and that - and yet, just like with Muhammad and Joseph Smith, you have absolute NO reason or personal knowledge that would confirm Duduman's claims - you just believe them! And people like this are sowing fear with their false prophecies and asserting you must do all of this "stuff" to prepare yourself for the end they say "is nigh." Here's a small sampling of Duduman's false claims: http://www.endtime-prophets.com/duduman.html

"Believe not every spirit but try the spirits whether they are from God because many false prophets are gone out into the world." (John 4:1)
So what prophets/watchmen do you follow?
I'll ask again, if you don't trust anyone, what is the point of God giving prophecy? It's pointless then.

Please read the following carefully.

Let's take Tom Horn. He doesn't claim to be a prophet, just that he as heard from God and has had visions.

Have you read the book Petrus Romanus by Tom Horn and Cris Putnam?

Tom Horn had a message from God in it confirming that their work in Petrus Romanus was correct and that they should publish their book with the date of April 2012 that Pope Benedict will resign on that date. Not just a year that Benedict would resign, but the actual month to!!

NO ONE sets dates though right, they always turn out to be wrong..... Well Tom was so certain from the message from God that they published Petrus Romanus with the date of April 2012 of Benedict's resigning.

Not only was date setting a bad idea according to most, but a Pope hadn't resigned in 600 years!

So what happened in the month of April 2012? Nothing. Pope Benedict didn't resign. Tom was totally confused, he was sure that his message was real. He said he must have got something wrong or misunderstood the message.

Fast forward to February 2013 and the resignation of Pope Benedict was announced by the Vatican. What happened, did Tom get it wrong. No, not at all in fact!

Not long afterwards the Vatican gave an interview with the New York Times in which they made the astonishing admission that Pope Benedict had secretly and officially tendered his resignation to select members of the Curia in, you guessed it, April 2012, just as Tom had said he would!

An event that had not happened in hundreds of years and which everybody was saying would never happen again, happened, just as predicted in their book.

This was immediately confirmed by Giovanni Maria Vian the editor of the Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano, who wrote that the Pope's decision was taken many months ago after his trip to Mexico and Cuba ended in March 2012 and was to remain top secret only to be known to handful of trusted Vatican cardinals.

You can imagine what happened next, the media went crazy. Their phones didn't stop ringing for weeks and the likes of CNN and The History Channel wanted interviews with Tom and Cris.

What is the point of all this? That Tom had additional messages and they are not good for America. Great strife and even atomic weapons will be used against her. I don't say this to alarm, I say this so that fellow Christians can prepare.

America is the great thorn in the side of Satan and she needs to be destroyed. And she was, from the inside. The Democrats and many Republicans have sold out to China and Russia. America will fall because it is an inside job. However there will be a remnant.

Philip, time is short, that is why I say what I say, not to frighten or obsess. God delivers messages for a reason, so that we can listen and prepare.

I hope I am wrong and that Covid-19 is not part of the pestilences the Bible speaks of, and that this Ukrainian war is not the spark that sets off WWIII, or as the Bible says, war and rumours of war.

But there are many voices who have been saying these things that are unfolding right now. I have no bunker in the mountains, as I cannot afford it, or I would make one, so I leave my fate to God, having done what I can to prepare.
Interesting note, the rich ARE creating for themselves bunkers and safe havens like never before, just something to think about.

Anyway, I wish you and others well on your decisions, take it to God, seek His council.
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Re: War in Ukraine

Post by 1over137 »

As I am in Slovakia, neighbouring country with Ukraine, I watch what is going on very closely.
So, rocket have been fired also from Belarus.
Inflation in Russia will be 60%. Putin expresses he is pushed. And since he now is a madman WWW3 can be very near.
5000 Russian soldiers dead. 300+ Ukrainians, children including. Many countries cutting bussiness with Russia, also the same in sport. Russia is getting into isolation and Puting being mad……
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Re: War in Ukraine

Post by Stu »

Let me just add. I don't think that war will only be in America, I certainly don't think that my country will be spared.
The Bible says that we will experience war like never before, most likely worldwide, because as the Bible says, if God did not shorten the days there would be no flesh left alive because Satan is ultimately the one at the top of this pyramid and his goal is to destroy mankind.

However, the question really is - how bad will the, according to me, 'fake war' or orchestrated war if you like, be that brings on the Anti-Christ as the man of peace and saviour?
Surely it won't be one that destroys the internet, television and electricity infrastructure worldwide, because he needs that to implement the mark of the beast system and world control to rule for a period. It could be short and there really to bring on the Anti-Christ as world ruler.

This is where America comes in. If America stands the Anti-Christ won't have his way. If America falls then it makes his mission much easier. But if America falls the rest of the world falls with it. That is why America is so important.

We do know (correct me if I'm wrong) that when the Anti-Christ (the Bible says Satan enters the Anti-Christ, with him being in control) betrays everyone after his little reign and brings on the final war, it will be one the likes that has never been seen before in the history of the world. And that is why Jesus returns to defeat the Anti-Christ and his army to ensure that there are people left alive and that mankind and the remnant of Christians are not entirely wiped out.
Only when the blood runs and the shackles restrain, will the sheep then awake. When all is lost.