Please pray for a woman I've cared about for a long time

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Please pray for a woman I've cared about for a long time

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Hello everyone please pray for a woman that I have known, loved and cared about for a long time. In fact I've posted prayer requests for her in the past like a long time ago on here back in 2012,2013 and 2014. Her name is Kayla. She recently graduated collage (a Christian collage more on that later), with a Master's in science.

I think she is going into medicine to be a doctor's aid or nurse practitioner. In the past I tried to get to know her better but she pushed me away and doesn't want anything to do with me. Which is fine, but I still love her regardless. As a believer I'm still very concerned about her soul and her salvation status and this is mainly what this prayer request is all about. You see, she grew up in a Christian household, she's of or at least, used to be part of the church of God denomination. Back ten or fifteen years ago she was a very dedicated believer.

But sadly, even after going to a Christian college she met a couple of non believing lesbian women who I think sort of brainwashed her into rejecting God and becoming a far left leaning bi sexual woke radical femminist. She's also has a big fascination with astrology and anything halloween related, not full hardcore witchcraft per se, but a lighter version nonetheless. In addition, she has become a person who indulges in the wild party lifestyle. She loves bars and night clubs. She's a avid drinker, but from what I can tell at the moment, she's not into any illegal drugs that I know of which is a good thing obviously.

And again there is no way I can reach out to her since she doesn't like, so the only way I can be any sort of a blessing to her is to pray for her, but my prayers and faith can only go so far. That's why it's such a good thing to get others to pray as well and that's why I'm asking you all to pray for her soul. If she is not saved than obviously pray that she will come and know Christ for the first time. If she did come to Christ back in the early 2010s but has completely fallen away, pray that she will come back.

Also pray that God will keep her safe and keep her from harming herself and getting caught up even more in this lifestyle she currently likes and indulges in. She has such great potential to be one of the kindest and most loving people on the planet but with the way she is now she's quickly turning into one of the most unhappiest and most cruel.

Please pray that God will reverse this situation in her life. Pray that God will put better people in her life that will be great influences to her and help lead her to God for the first time or at least lead her back to God. I bet her parents are worried about the path she is on, if not they need to be. They are believers, especially her mom but her mom is into the Joel Osteen and prosperity gospel junk.

Pray that God will make His love and His grace and mercy irresistible to her and that she will greatly desire to get close to Him. God can still reverse her situation, God can and still does do miracles in people's lives and I'm not going to give up on praying for her, I just ask that you all will help me and have my faith unite with your all's faith and watch God move in a great, powerful and loving way in her life. Thank you all so much. God bless.
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Re: Please pray for a woman I've cared about for a long time

Post by Philip »

DRDS, I'm grateful for your heart and concern over this woman. I, and I'm sure others reading this, will pray for her as well. It's really tough seeing someone you care deeply for that is so deeply troubled. God knows what she needs and what would be effective in changing her, as well as what will not (depending upon her level of resistance). We must trust Him in how He deals with her, while also praying for Him to spur within her a spiritual U-turn.
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Re: Please pray for a woman I've cared about for a long time

Post by 1over137 »

Dear DRDS,
Praying for her. May God touch here with his love and grace and love one day that she will never turn back from him.
But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good.
-- 1 Thessalonians 5:21

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-- Philippians 1:6

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Re: Please pray for a woman I've cared about for a long time

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Thank you all so much, please keep praying for her. She loves to be around the wrong kind of people right now. I just pray that she gets away from them.
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Re: Please pray for a woman I've cared about for a long time

Post by 1over137 »

But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good.
-- 1 Thessalonians 5:21

For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.
-- Philippians 1:6

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Re: Please pray for a woman I've cared about for a long time

Post by DRDS »

Hello again everyone, please continue to pray for her. I found out that she recently moved away to a different state. Please pray that she will find new people who love her and love God and who help get her to come back to God. Thank you all so much. God bless.
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Re: Please pray for a woman I've cared about for a long time

Post by DRDS »

That and I believe from what I have found out she is officially a lesbian and I think she is either going to date or marry this other woman. And sadly most of her friends including many of whom I thought were believers approve of her decision. What can I say? We are in the last of the last days. If you all have faith and pray please continue to pray for her. Thank you all again, God bless.
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Re: Please pray for a woman I've cared about for a long time

Post by Philip »

Yes, DRDS - I will pray for her. I know this has to be heartbreaking for you. As long as she lives, there's still hope for her!

What I see, so often is, people seem to think they can believe whatever they may like, as if that will make it true. I think there is a point in a person's life - probably when they are very or still fairly young - that they once had a sense of God, though not committed or knowledgeable belief. But when they begin and continue to lie to themselves about God long enough, they eventually begin to believe their lies are the truth. Tell yourself long enough there is no God - at some point your heart and mind begin to embrace that to be absolute truth. Isn't it interesting that one of the first things to happen to people that plunge off into drugs, whatever immoral lifestyle, the occult, etc. that before they go down that road, they first eradicate any notion of God's existence. But, sometimes, people require and have a serious wake-up call - often some terrible illness, or perhaps they nearly lose their life, etc., and then they begin to gain a sense of God and that they need Him. When things are going great, many appear to be fine with just the little god they see in the mirror every morning.
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Re: Please pray for a woman I've cared about for a long time

Post by DRDS »

Philip wrote: Thu Sep 15, 2022 5:02 pm Yes, DRDS - I will pray for her. I know this has to be heartbreaking for you. As long as she lives, there's still hope for her!

What I see, so often is, people seem to think they can believe whatever they may like, as if that will make it true. I think there is a point in a person's life - probably when they are very or still fairly young - that they once had a sense of God, though not committed or knowledgeable belief. But when they begin and continue to lie to themselves about God long enough, they eventually begin to believe their lies are the truth. Tell yourself long enough there is no God - at some point your heart and mind begin to embrace that to be absolute truth. Isn't it interesting that one of the first things to happen to people that plunge off into drugs, whatever immoral lifestyle, the occult, etc. that before they go down that road, they first eradicate any notion of God's existence. But, sometimes, people require and have a serious wake-up call - often some terrible illness, or perhaps they nearly lose their life, etc., and then they begin to gain a sense of God and that they need Him. When things are going great, many appear to be fine with just the little god they see in the mirror every morning.
Yes indeed I do believe for her it will indeed take a serious circumstance to get her to change and seeing the kind of people she likes to hang around chances are I easily see them turning on her and stabbing her in the back, but if it makes her turn back to God then so be it I guess. I wonder as far as making my prayers for her more effective what can I do? Try to worry less? Try to pray longer? Try to pray harder? Try to make myself more morally perfect so God will pay attention to my requests? And also could it just be God's will for her to be lost and to reject Him? And should I just learn to be ok with that? I guess you all can tell I'm not feeling too good again, it's a old habit I get into. I just feel very defeated again as a believer.
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Re: Please pray for a woman I've cared about for a long time

Post by Philip »

DRDS, you just need to keep praying and let God deal with her - He fully knows whether or not there is anything He can do to change her mind and heart toward Him short of FORCING her to listen and open herself to Him. But forcing her is the one thing He will not do (forced love is not true love!). And if there is, He will do it! God has already stretched out His hand to all mankind - but many reject it, avoid it, run in the opposite direction. God gave us free will and a decision to make. But He must first open our eyes to the point that we can respond if we so desire - some people need more than others to reach their hearts and minds, or to get their attention. Yet, for many, no matter what God does, shows, or offers them, it will ever be enough - as they simply refuse / don't want Him. But WE can't know that anyone has permanently rejected God, even when it looks bleak. While they live, there is hope. And God may yet do that one thing that will get their attention - if such a thing would be effective - and only He knows what the outcome of it would be.
DRDS: And also could it just be God's will for her to be lost and to reject Him?
It is clearly NOT God's will that ANYONE reject Him. But it IS His will that anyone who PERMANENTLY does so will remain forever lost - it's up to the person. God has done everything else - and even died for them. And He well knows whatever it will take to reach someone currently in unbelief, while also knowing those for whom nothing He does will change their heart.

Scriptures showing God desires people come to faith - "ALL people!"

1 Timothy 2: "3 This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, 4 who desires ALL people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth."

Ezekiel 18:23: "Have I any pleasure in the death of the wicked, declares the Lord God, and not rather that he should turn from his way and live?"

2 Peter 3:9: "The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, NOT wishing that ANY should perish, but that ALL should reach repentance."

Ezekiel 33:11: "Say to them, As I live, declares the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live."
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Re: Please pray for a woman I've cared about for a long time

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Also if it's ok please keep her in your prayers tonight and tomorrow. The area she now lives in is about to get hard by hurricane Ian. Thanks.
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Re: Please pray for a woman I've cared about for a long time

Post by DRDS »

To give you all a update, she survived the hurricane. But regardless I still think she is in a bad spot. It looks like she plans on marrying that woman she is with. And to me what's bad is it's not just that she chose to be a lesbian is that I think she chose to be one out of hatred for parents, her upbringing, the Christian collage that she attended and most importantly she did it out of her hatred towards God. It wouldn't surprise me now if she comes out and says she's a dedicated atheist. I'm surprised she hasn't already done it. But I guess that's the next step. I don't know it seems like nowadays God is at his all time weakest and satan is at his strongest. It's like satan has a tractor beam that hypnotizes the masses to follow him right off the cliff and there is little to nothing that believers and God can do about it. It seems like the only people that will be saved are people who lived in the 1800s on back and all us recent people are all doomed for the most part. But anyways, thanks for praying I guess.
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Re: Please pray for a woman I've cared about for a long time

Post by Philip »

DRDS: To give you all a update, she survived the hurricane. But regardless I still think she is in a bad spot. It looks like she plans on marrying that woman she is with. And to me what's bad is it's not just that she chose to be a lesbian is that I think she chose to be one out of hatred for parents, her upbringing, the Christian collage that she attended and most importantly she did it out of her hatred towards God. It wouldn't surprise me now if she comes out and says she's a dedicated atheist. I'm surprised she hasn't already done it. But I guess that's the next step. I don't know it seems like nowadays God is at his all time weakest and satan is at his strongest. It's like satan has a tractor beam that hypnotizes the masses to follow him right off the cliff and there is little to nothing that believers and God can do about it. It seems like the only people that will be saved are people who lived in the 1800s on back and all us recent people are all doomed for the most part. But anyways, thanks for praying I guess.
DRDS, while I know you love this woman, do not let her unbelief and SEEMING hopelessness of changing give you a false sense of God's power in relation to Satan's. The devil is a created, supernatural being, whose power, while great, has but a mite of the power of God. And God limits his power and uses him as a tool - sometimes to present a clear and stark choice between him and God. But WHEN he was created, he was not yet fallen and full of evil (Ezekiel 28:15), even though God, ALL-knowing, certainly knew he would corrupt himself. And no one can taken down by Satan without the person allowing it - typically, as people are involved in the occult, witchcraft, hallucinogenic drugs, etc. God gave us free will - and we CAN resist the devil if we desire to. And while he can cause great problems for believers, he cannot take them over, as they are the Lord's. So, let's not get a Hollywood view of the devil and demons! Your friend has free will. She is still alive. A powerful God remains for her to embrace. And these things mean that all hope is not lost with your friend. God will do His part - only He will not FORCE Himself upon her. Her future acceptance of the Lord or permanent rejection is her decision alone! And the other thing is, you should focus more on the Lord and His help and not allow your worries over your friend to keep you in emotional agony. The way I look at it, with unbelievers I love, is that if they don't want the Lord, then I don't want them in Heaven - because if God allowed such (rebels in Heaven), then Heaven would be corrupted much like the earth is. God will do His part and will lead to salvation ALL willing to not PERMANENTLY resist Him - that is what I have faith in!

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Re: Please pray for a woman I've cared about for a long time

Post by DRDS »

Hello everyone, please continue to keep her in your prayers. As far as I can tell she's still lost but God can always do miracles. Please pray that He gives her as much grace, mercy and love that He can give a person. Thank you all. GB.
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Re: Please pray for a woman I've cared about for a long time

Post by Philip »

DRDS, God ALWAYS does His part in drawing and wooing a person - but our desired timing isn't necessarily His - so there is still hope, as long as she lives. But she must respond to Him. And God has ALWAYS known whether or not that will happen. But she has free will to eventually respond or to maintain her apparent state of rejection. But we have no idea what God might do - or when - that could change her heart. But He'll never force anyone to love Him back,
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