Dr. Mike Heiser's film on UFOs, aliens, demons, occult

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Dr. Mike Heiser's film on UFOs, aliens, demons, occult

Post by Philip »


Very exciting - recently, Dr. Michael Heiser's film: "Aliens and Demons: Evidence of an Unseen Realm," has been made available for free viewing on Youtube. It's really incredible! Well worth watching, it runs about 1 hour and 15 minutes.

Here's the link to the film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ThmF7OErkxY

Through Heiser, the film offers an evangelical, Biblical scholar's / Christian insights into research surrounding UFOs, supposed aliens visitations and abductions, government misdirections and their purposes, as well the related demonic connections and deceptions. The film covers a LOT of ground. He goes through the history of UFO sightings, including the infamous Roswell, New Mexico incident (a supposed UFO crash of aliens recovered), the government's cover-up of it, CIA and secret programs, related secrets and purposes, and recent, unexplained UFO sightings). He examines the evidences and widely held beliefs about ancient aliens, including considerable research into modern alien sightings and abduction reports. Heiser focuses primarily on source data and peer-reviewed research - he takes a scholars approach to such phenomena - and not things mostly passed around by popular media.

Dr. Heiser is a published, peer-reviewed Bible scholar, whom has been a teaching professor and his academic expertise includes the ancient near east, its people groups, languages, and religions. He's taken considerable scholarly interest in a variety of reported phenomena. You can see his resume here: https://drmsh.com/wp-content/uploads/20 ... e-2020.pdf

Heiser's film also offers his views on the Bible's referencing of the Nephilim, giants, Ezekiel's Wheel, various Scriptural mysteries, and the spiritual realm he says the Bible also references - and gives his Biblically based reasoning behind them. It's important to note that while Heiser believes God created other spiritual beings, he believes there is ONLY ONE Creator God / Yahweh, that Jesus is fully God (as is the Holy Spirit), and that Jesus is the only way to Heaven - he mostly holds classical Christian beliefs. He does NOT believe any other beings (gods / little "g") are anything other than created beings (created by Yahweh) or demonic entities - note that Scripture references unseen "powers and principalities" which fight against us. While I do not personally know what Heiser has gotten right or wrong (about these spiritual beings / the unseen world), but I do see his reasoning and find it very interesting. I realize that Scripture is full of mysteries and that there IS legitimate debate over them. But his take on the UFO / alien / demonic stuff is definitely a must-listen and quite eye-opening. Every Christian should see it!

Tell me what you think!

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Re: Dr. Mike Heiser's film on UFOs, aliens, demons, occult

Post by Philip »

BTW, if you think UFOs are just a silly topic no one (especially, Christians) should take seriously - look at this week's article post by a major news outlet:

(Article headline: "Govt report allegedly finds more than 150 cases of unexplained UFO's: 'We don't know what these things are')


https://www.foxnews.com/media/govt-repo ... things-are
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Re: Dr. Mike Heiser's film on UFOs, aliens, demons, occult

Post by Fliegender »

I decided to watch your link to Dr Heiser’s film on UFOs. I had nothing better to do so “Why not?” I said to myself while rolling my eyes heavenward. Kooky science fiction crap like Ancient Aliens or Bermuda Triangle stories always struck me as Harlequin romances for the scientifically-brain dead but...they are amusing to watch on a rainy afternoon.

Well... I was pleasantly surprised - no, impressed - by Dr Heiser’s treatment of the subject. He brought up points I had never considered before. I’ll have to watch it again... Thanks for posting that link.
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Re: Dr. Mike Heiser's film on UFOs, aliens, demons, occult

Post by Philip »

FlieG, I'm glad you got something out of it. I don't always agree with Heiser, but he certainly makes one think. Don't know what to fear more, evil entities within the government or the demonic likely influencing some of them :shock: . And which is which? There are so many mortal players alone that we can't easily sort - much less understand how the demonic works. I think Heiser's biggest point about the unseen spirit world is not to definitively say what they are doing or might do, but simply to make us aware that such a world exists, and the basic characteristics and strategies of its players. But certainly amongst mortals, various groups with differing agendas A) don't realize they are being manipulated as well, and B) there are so many different players that it is impossible for the left hand to know what the right one is doing. So, trust God - and be watchful, aware, smart - and don't worry so much about trying to figure it all out - or sucked into the black hole of endless conspiracy theories!
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Re: Dr. Mike Heiser's film on UFOs, aliens, demons, occult

Post by Philip »

Heiser's take on end-times stuff is interesting as well - as in, he doesn't believe it can PRESENTLY be sorted, because, for every popular endtimes scenario (that sells millions of books (many to Christians), etc.), he believes NO endtimes version of events can currently be correctly understood, as to their timing and players, because he says each has serious issues and each PRESENTLY has missing variables. So he says if you get one of those missing or unclear variables wrong - or you simply plug in a missing variable with speculation (which he says they ALL do), then your endtimes scenario becomes a sophisticated-sounding GUESS that can't presently be substantiated. And I keep using the word "presently" because Heiser thinks it's not that any one of the suggested scenarios (pre-Trib, mid, post, etc., etc.) is NECESSARILY WRONG - as he says one (or some hybrid of them) may well be correct. It's just that he asserts we can't currently know, with key Scriptural and other variables either still missing or uncertain. And Heiser insists this is the case for every one of them.

Heiser believe the murkiness of our present understandings of the endtimes is by God's design and that things will become much clearer to the Church when that time gets very close - that God will help us understand certain key endtimes passages when He's ready for us to be able to. He also thinks it possible that we're not waiting on ANY supposed Rapture of Christians, as what we might well be waiting upon is simply Christ's return. So, Heiser DOES believe the endtimes passages are true, it's just that he doesn't think we can presently or correctly understand them - and believes this is by God's design. In fact, Heiser notes that before Jesus came the first time, Israel and her rabbis and teachers had long been pondering the known Messianic passages, pouring over them for centuries. And yet, they still got things very wrong, and didn't understand the nature and purposes of the Messiah, and many didn't recognize Him even while in their very midst. So, Heiser thinks that's the case with the endtimes as well - that we won't fully understand the pertinent passages until God is ready for us to.
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Re: Dr. Mike Heiser's film on UFOs, aliens, demons, occult

Post by maya2 »

Wow, Philip! Your passion for Heiser's film is contagious! I'm intrigued by the blend of science and Scripture, and your point about "legitimate debate" resonates. Heiser's perspective on these mysteries is fresh and thought-provoking. Thanks for sharing this gem! Let's discuss it soon! Thank you so much I will appreciate you.
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Re: Dr. Mike Heiser's film on UFOs, aliens, demons, occult

Post by Philip »

maya2 wrote: Fri Dec 15, 2023 2:39 am Wow, Philip! Your passion for Heiser's film is contagious! I'm intrigued by the blend of science and Scripture, and your point about "legitimate debate" resonates. Heiser's perspective on these mysteries is fresh and thought-provoking. Thanks for sharing this gem! Let's discuss it soon! Thank you so much I will appreciate you.

Thanks, Maya - and welcome to the forum! Ask questions, comment, explore!
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