I need prayers

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I need prayers

Post by Closetsmoker »

I've tried praying all my life and not many of my prayers have been answered. Maybe there is no God or he does not love me.
I need a job. I've been looking for a job for a year and can't find one. I really have tried everything and I will keep trying. I feel like I'm being punished.
I also would like friends. I am blessed with my two children, but I don't have friends. I've been praying for friends for years. I've also prayed for a good church to go to and can't seem to find one where I can make friends, be in a community.
Mostly, I need a job though.
Will you pray for me? My prayers don't work and I'm losing my faith.
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Re: I need prayers

Post by Philip »

Closet - welcome to the forum! We're so glad you came here.

Do NOT give up - God loves you and knows all of your needs. And there most certainly are people here who will pray for you - for your need for a job and for friends. I will definitely pray for you, my friend! y[-o<

What is your background? I see you identify yourself as a non-Christian? And yet you are here. What do you believe, and why are you not a Christian?

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Re: I need prayers

Post by Closetsmoker »

I was a Christian for most of my life (I'm 46 now) and I often think I still want to be. For example, I sometimes pray, when I'm feeling optimistic, but the urge to believe in God quickly goes away when my prayers are not answered again. Honestly, I don't know what I believe anymore. After a lifetime of not having basic needs met, but also praying for them to be met, waiting patiently, for decades, and seemingly being ignored, it's hard to continue to have faith. I've only asked for basic things, I think. Friends, community, church, love. I've only experienced rejection from Christians, starting with my parents. It's hard to understand why God would let it all happen when I tried very hard all these years to be faithful.
I found this forum when searching for evidence of God. I guess I still want to believe there is someone looking out for me, so I still seek it out.
In asking for prayers, I thought perhaps if there is a God, he will listen to one of his followers.
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Re: I need prayers

Post by 1over137 »

Hi Closetsmoker,

First of all, welcome to the forum.
Well, I myself 3-4 months ago had to leave my church. I was there for 3 years. Then I had to leave. I am Christian. And God knows what he is doing.
Maybe via reading the Bible you can get some answers.

But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good.
-- 1 Thessalonians 5:21

For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.
-- Philippians 1:6

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Re: I need prayers

Post by Closetsmoker »

Thank you 1over137 for the suggestion. I've read the entirety of the Bible and continue to read passages hoping to find something I may have missed or can see from a different point of view. Nothing has hit home yet. I wish reading the Bible would provide the answers I need. I have prayed for answers.

do you think God simply doesn't answer some people's prayers? For those who are not chosen, it is hopeless to pray? If that is true, perhaps I am one of those people and I should not put hope in prayer or reading the Bible for answers. God surely would have answered prayers by now in my life, wouldn't he? I see many of his followers living with ease and I can't help but think he sees them as chosen and special while I am not.
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Re: I need prayers

Post by 1over137 »

Maybe God is starting to answer your prayers (friends, community, church, love).
Maybe coming to this forum is some prayers answered :wave:
But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good.
-- 1 Thessalonians 5:21

For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.
-- Philippians 1:6

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Re: I need prayers

Post by Closetsmoker »

I'm open to the possibility, but it's not clear how that could be. could you be more specific in how this site might help or be an answer to my prayers? Is there a thread that is particularly relevant?
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Re: I need prayers

Post by Philip »

Closet, I have some thoughts on what you posted here. And some questions.
Closet: For example, I sometimes pray, when I'm feeling optimistic, but the urge to believe in God quickly goes away when my prayers are not answered again.
True Christian faith in God /Christ is not merely believing in Him and in His existence. While definitely a step toward a saving faith certainly involves believing in Christ's resurrection from the dead and that He was and is God, whom has taken on human form and died and risen - that's definitely a step toward faith and salvation. However, Scripture tells us that mere, intellectual belief does NOT bring about a saving faith - as it requires not only belief in those things, but in ALSO inviting Him into your heart and desiring to follow Jesus and to do your best to obey Him as YOUR Lord - which involves one making a commitment to and receiving Him by faith. But faith does not mean having PERFECT knowledge or understanding of God - that's a lifetime quest of Him teaching us. In fact, our faith journeys as Christians often involve significant periods of doubts and uncertainties. It's also important to realize that a person can PREVENT themselves from acquiring faith in God / Christ - either by avoiding Him, running from Him, or denying Him and being unwilling to invite Him into their heart. Because if you truly desire Jesus and truly want to believe - you must ASK HIM IN / RECEIVE Him! Because if you truly desire to commit to and follow Jesus as your Lord, then God will do the rest - it's not something YOU can do yourself - other than you first having an open heart and mind and desiring and asking Jesus to be your Lord.

I'm sure you've had tough things in life, as many of us have had. But your brief description of yourself makes me think you have kept God at arm's length because you are putting conditions on God before you will commit to Him - as in, "IF God does this or that for me, or solves whatever problems, THEN I'll believe." But God doesn't work like that. Commit to Him FIRST - and then He'll begin to work in your life. But God is NOT a money machine - put in your "God card" in and out comes things you desire." If fact, that is how ancient pagan's thought of their idols, believing that their false gods were transactional in character - that if they'd simply satisfy their false god desires by whatever actions or sacrifices, then the god would bless their crops and fertility, etc. So, you will never know the Lord until you first let go of your pre-conditions and expectations you've placed upon Him. God has given us MANY powerful reasons to know of His existence and power. But being aware of God is just the first step - and until you invite Jesus in, you'll continue to be blown about all over in life, not knowing what to think about God or anything else. And ASK Him for understandings you know you need - because HE WANTS you to know what you truly need to know (as opposed to what YOU may think you need) for Him to open your eyes and save you.
Closet: ... "praying for them to be met, waiting patiently, for decades, and seemingly being ignored, it's hard to continue to have faith. I've only asked for basic things, I think. Friends, community, church, love."
Closet, these are good things to desire. And to help realize them, I would highly advise you to find a smaller community church that bases it's doctrine and beliefs ONLY on what Scripture says - that the Bible is its guide. Start attending. And don't just show up at services. Find a church that has various community groups that meet - as that's how you make great Christian friends and find people who will love you. And always beware, there are many who CALL themselves "Christians" who are not obeying and following how God's Word tells us we are to treat and love EVERYONE! So, there are many false Christians (or Christians in disobedience to God!) - and no wonder you have been let down by so many. And when people who let you down include your own family or parents - it results in VERY deep hurt and an inability to trust others. And if we see our earthly father as having let us down, many of us will wrongly perceive our Heavenly Father to be untrustworthy as well. But if you begin to associate with people whom are truly following God and His Word, believe me, then you WILL find true friendships and love! Because people who love Jesus love others!

Praying for you, my friend! y[-o< y>:D<

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Re: I need prayers

Post by Closetsmoker »

Thanks Philip
I appreciate your suggestions and prayers.
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Re: I need prayers

Post by Philip »

Closet, keep coming around and posting. Ask questions - it's why we're here! :)
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Re: I need prayers

Post by bippy123 »

Closetsmoker wrote: Thu Dec 01, 2022 6:32 am Thanks Philip
I appreciate your suggestions and prayers.
Hello closet , you found the perfect place to be at .
I was an atheist at 40 and came out of it at 44.
And believe me I understand what tough times are my friend .
And Philip is right that believing in God’s existence .
My problem area is getting back the spiritual connection to God which has been happening albeit slower than I would want to .

You can grow this connection in many different ways . For me it’s seeing the actions of believers that really have an earnest desire in doing Gods will , such as the many people on this forum .

Drds has been a godsend for me as well as my messianic Jewish friend mikhail who despite struggling with 2 major mental disorders and living in a negative environment continued to praise the lord every second of every day .

Believe me when I say that these people can rub off on you in a way where you start to feel that connection to God.

I originally came back to God through science , reason and logic .
Do you have any particular problem area that makes it hard to believe in his existence ?

If so just pose any question you want and we can talk
About it :)
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Re: I need prayers

Post by 1over137 »

Bippyyyy y>:D<
But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good.
-- 1 Thessalonians 5:21

For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.
-- Philippians 1:6

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Re: I need prayers

Post by bippy123 »

1over137 wrote: Fri Dec 23, 2022 1:45 am Bippyyyy y>:D<
Hana !!!! 🤗
How are you my friend ?
Hope all is well ?

I wonder if closet has a car that he drives ?
If so may I suggest that he could try Uber eats as a job ?
He can actually make some decent money doing food deliveries .

I drive mainly because I could be there for my brother mikhail who needs the FaceTime sessions I have developed for him to help keep
Him from having his attacks , but one could actually make a decent living from this line of work .

I wonder where closet is from ??

I wonder if there is a church in closets area that actually has some fun games he and his kids. Ours participate in and form bonds with other families over .
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Re: I need prayers

Post by 1over137 »

Hi Bippy,

just stopping by and saying hello.
Not all is well, but it will be well :)
But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good.
-- 1 Thessalonians 5:21

For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.
-- Philippians 1:6

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