WOW! First-ever full resolution photo of a supermassive black hole

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WOW! First-ever full resolution photo of a supermassive black hole

Post by Philip »


Using the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT), scientists have been able to capture the very first full-resolution image of super-massive black hole, M87, which sits at the heart of the Messier 87 galaxy. The image was captured from an incredible distance of about 55 million light-years from Earth.

Read all about it! ... ealed.html
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Re: WOW! First-ever full resolution photo of a supermassive black hole

Post by BradWatsonMiami »

Seal #1a: The Infinite Conglomerate of Universes Theory
Creating Universes with BIG Bangs-Bit Bangs/Supermassive White Holes-
Quantum Tunneling Wormholes Spawned by Supermassive Black Holes at the Heart of Galaxies

Everything is energy and information. Info can be created but not lost - only shared or kept secret, preserved, and transferred.

Universes reproduce. The BIG Bang-Bit Bang/Supermassive White Hole-Quantum Tunneling Wormhole inflation-expansion of energy and quantum information into the void 13.77 billion-years-ago was spawned by a supermassive black hole at the hear† of our parent galaxy: 1-in ~200 billion galaxies in our parent universe. This duality combines general relativity’s singularity points of infinite density quantum tunneling through energy barriers in Cosmic Egg hatchings creating all baby universes within The Infinite Conglomerate of Universes: multiverse with no random quantum fluctuation bubble universes, no parallel universes or parallel worlds, and all universes have similar laws. Our Universe is 1-of-infinite self-similar fractal offspring each with alike inherited traits.

“In the beginnin’”, the Planck density/Planck energy of the core - reproductive organ - of a SBH is a birth canal. SBH-SWH umbilical wormholes are quantum tunneling seed transitions with energy (potential matter) and data transferred, albeit scrambled/garbled and encoded – 'shuffled'. Reproduction is GOD/Nature’s plan to greatly spread life from cells to universes, thus eternal life.

Why does this Universe exist? It’s our play-ground(god+run).
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