"Why should I believe in God or the Bible?" Or, "I can’t believe in God!"

Discussion about scientific issues as they relate to God and Christianity including archaeology, origins of life, the universe, intelligent design, evolution, etc.
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"Why should I believe in God or the Bible?" Or, "I can’t believe in God!"

Post by Philip »


There are many reasons people don’t believe in God. In fact, over the years, we’ve seen countless people come here to express their reasons for unbelief. Some of them do so politely, calmly. Others seem angry, hostile and aggressive. And many appear obsessed with proving that there “is no God!” (But it's almost always only an obsession with disproving Jesus / the God of the Bible - strange.)

Here, the late-great Bible teacher Charles Stanley talks about his and others' journeys to belief in God / Jesus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZWTYtc6RAc

Here’s a summary of the “whys” of unbelief in God / Christ that this site has seen expressed, over the years:

. People say they don’t have enough evidence to believe in God.

. People say the Christian / Biblical God is illogical and absurd, or that they would never do things like the Bible says He has.

. People think God should reveal Himself in certain, unmistakable ways – but in ways that THEY desire and are different from how the Bible says He does.

. Despite the Bible’s description of God as ALL-knowing / having all-possible knowledge of ALL things, past, present and future, ALL-powerful, omnipresent, having spoke an astonishingly complex UNIVERSE into existence from NOTHING already existing / on an incredible scale, who created only ONE creature with stupendous capabilities of intelligence (compared to animals) – despite all of these, they are convinced that they know better than a Being of such unfathomable intelligence and ability, and thus are convinced that if he had such abilities, He would think and act in ways THEY consider “far smarter, more logical and benevolent.

. People can’t understand how God himself could exist un-created. (“Well, who or what created God,” they say.) And yet they believe that a sophisticated universe is the result of blind, non-intelligent things, even though from mere minutes of the Big Bang’s beginning (What caused THAT???), those first existing, amazing physical things began to immediately organize with purpose and trajectory, on a scale we can scarcely imagine – the polar opposite of blind, non-intelligent / unguided things - which would only lead to randomness and chaos.

. Without God, one must explain a massive number of truly miraculous occurrences, existing things of massive complexities, revealing and huge number of things exhibiting exceptionally narrow parameters and extraordinary functionalities – all supposedly springing only from enough time, chance, requiring no intelligence. And so, believing in such an impossibility, they instead assign the existence of all things as being merely the result of random, non-intelligent things and blind chance / no God required (BTW, where did these blind, random things even come from - what was THEIR origin???

. People fail to make a connection between their own personal avoidance of God, their failure to search for or seek Him, their not desiring the hope and love He represents for the present and future – and their unbelief. They fail to even take a private personal risk and just ask God to reveal Himself to them – even though no other person need hear them do this. But people so often don’t want to know what they don’t want to know – even though the reality and truths about God / Jesus won’t change or go away just because they don’t want to know about them. And so, even if they don’t realize it, they are rejecting God, per these very simple things they fail to do.

. People often conclude that knowing whether God exists or not is an unknowable question – and so, they’ll just not worry about it. And yet, if they are wrong and the Bible is correct...

. People like the way they currently live and conduct their lives and behavior – and thus, the idea that there is a God who wants them to have faith in Him, change over to HIS ways, and to follow Him and His sensibilities instead of their own selfish wants – well, that’s a huge threat to them. And thus people cloak themselves in atheism and agnosticism as ways to not have to think or deal with possible consequences if they are wrong.

. They are in some cult that denies Jesus, the Bible, Christianity, and they simply don’t want to change – often because many of their close friends and family members are also members of it.

But there are plentiful answers and powerful evidences to all of the above issues, which can be prolifically found on this website – just do a topic search at the top-right of any page, to find such discussions, evidences and answers!
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