Richard Dawkins' massive mistake in his assertions about macroevolution

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Richard Dawkins' massive mistake in his assertions about macroevolution

Post by Philip »

Richard Dawkins and others tend to make the very same mistake in their beliefs concerning macro-evolution. Not only do they have no explanation for the Big Bang and the birth of a universe that instantly (in moments) burst forth, at the beginning of time, space and dimension, in which, mere moments before NO physically existing things or matter existed. But they are also incapable logically explaining with verified evidences how the early universe's stunning and unfathomably precise and essential elements and building blocks of mathematically, statistically improbable characteristics came into existence, INSTANTLY (in mere minutes), and from NOTHING. And so, Dawkins and other atheist and agnostic scientists have mostly ignored - except for their scientifically unsubstantiated SPECULATIONS - any rational explanation for the beginning of all material things. Which explains their hyper focus upon macro-evolution, as well as a common obsession with refuting belief in God (and particularly, the CHRISTIAN God). Here, a renowned Christian apologist examines Richard Dawkins asserted evidence for macro-evolution:

Related to the above, is the following post I made about 7 years ago. It explains how ALL of earth's lifeforms, past and present, including mankind, having in common a Designer God who designed ALL species, is a far more logical explanation for the planet's tremendous diversity and shared physical designs and traits, than unguided macro-evolution can.


By Philip » Mon May 02, 2016 3:38 pm

Progressive Creation offers a powerful, evidence-based explanation that perfectly matches up with a very ancient earth (4.5 billion years old), and that is that there was a Designer who used similar designs and guided the entire process. The similarities actually should be expected, if ONE Designer utilized various forms that could be engineered and adapted, with variations, to many differing species. Think of the key features of design an ancient cart or chariot shares with 18th century buggies, today's SUVs, and all manner of very different-looking vehicles suitable for a wide variety of uses, precisely because they share key design components, cross-functional engineering principles, etc. These vehicles all have wheels, axles, carriage frames, some ability to harness energy, be controlled, ground points of contact for a variety of terrain, and maneuverability - even considering their wide range of sizes, designs and appearances. Yet, these diverse vehicles didn't evolve from each other, as their common features were designed because of their common usefulness and adaptability across a range of types. Similarly, the biological world's commonalities are explainable because of their common Designer God, whom engineered and utilized key components of His designs that He used to incorporate key cross-functional elements across a huge and diverse array of creatures. From their methods of locomotion, whether quadrupedal, bipedal, etc., to shared elements of sight and vision, hearing, ability to smell, ability to think, acquire energy and sustenance from the environment. Regardless of whether utilized in animal or man, such common design features are useful to all creatures. I would argue that these many creatures don't share evolutionary lines of descent, but instead, share a common, intelligent DESIGNER!

Similarly, to the genetic code shared across ALL creatures that have ever existed, the SAME shared computer code utilized by software programmers today provides the operational basis for an astounding variety of software with an immense range of functionalities and applications, in how they work, look, and what they are capable of - ALL from the SAME cross-functional and incredibly adaptive code - depending upon how the specifics as to how such code is specifically arrayed and deployed. And similarly, God, the ultimate Programmer, designed and utilized the very same genetic code (HE originated), depending upon how it is arranged and deployed, and that is inherent in the DNA of every biological entity on the planet. And so, God created and used this same DNA code to create ALL living creatures, their designs, and functional capabilities and parameters - from worms to mammoths to human beings.

As the same genetic code determines, with astonishing precision, exactly what species a lifeform will become, its features and functionality - whether it be a fish or primate - and yet each creature is individually dependent upon how its coding has been specifically arranged, sequenced and deployed by our Designer / God. Likewise, today's computer software and coding didn't just come from nowhere, uncreated, and morph into various software types and applications. No, ALL software has code creators and designers that have strategically utilized it. And DNA is an extremely complex coding. It's clearly a incredibly sophisticated and complex LANGUAGE that is so intricate and complex that it simply cannot remotely be explained by the blind, unguided, supposed mechanisms of evolution. To see just how the incredible sophistication of DNA coding works in creation of specific species, read here: ... l-6493050/

The enormous mistake of non-theistic evolutionists is that they assume the commonalities and similarities between species mean they all sprang from common ancestral and biological roots. But absolutely NOTHING about unguided, random processes can 1) explain the instant and awesome functionality of the universe's first things / building blocks, that one moment did not exist, but in the very next did - instantly operating with unfathomable precision and complexity (in no way random). And 2) Evolution cannot explain the Cambrian Explosion's exceptionally narrow time window between simple forms and the sudden appearance of a tremendous number of complex and higher functioning species bursting forth. There simply wasn't enough TIME for such things to evolve, per the Cambrian - not without some Super Intelligence creating and guiding such a process. But an Intelligent and all-powerful Designer can explain the fossil record FAR better than the asserted tenants of unguided evolutionary processes. A common DESIGNER makes a LOT more sense in explaining the existence, diversity, and functionality of the shared designs and DNA coding across ALL biological creatures. But most of those who reject that God created all we know cannot accept that the God of the Bible is THE Designer that created all species and their physical similarities and functionalities, yet with a stunning array of amazing differences.
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