Why I am not a Christian nor do I follow any religion

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Why I am not a Christian nor do I follow any religion

Post by margii »

Religions are structures of fictitious thought, in fantasy facts that were created over time, but in the format of dogmas. That is to say, religions are complexes of dogmatic ideas that have no applicability in facts, they are fictions with a certain structure, but that are easily destructible with a little reasoning.

And all religions, including Christianity, have contradictions, as well as historical references that are erroneous or even invented.

This is added to the fact that religions are based on a sequence of previous fictions... Thus, the story of Jesus Christ is a repeated story of other mythological beings, but created ad hoc, that is, according to the military-political needs of the Romans. , in the year 70 of the common era.

There are many researchers and scholars who disbelieve that Christ really existed. The number of those who consider it to be an invention, a fictitious creation, is growing. And among the reasons why this thesis grows is because, despite the investigations that are carried out (prompted by the Vatican and other Christian churches) they fail to find any reliable, contemporary proof of his existence...

Everything that is known about this character is in documented writings that were made many decades after his supposed existence, and there is nothing more.

Both Tacitus and Flavius Josephus, the most used as proof, were not contemporaries of Christ, and there was no one, no person who was contemporary, although supposedly, multitudes followed him.

The Romans were characterized by generating great historians, but even so, there is no record that this Christ ever existed.

And there is a proof that few have analyzed: in the gospels, it is said that this Christ said "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's".... .

Let's analyze this phrase: "Give to Caesar...." . It refers to Caesar's title. That is, it does not refer to any of the members of the Julio-Claudio dynasty. Augustus was not a Caesar, Augustus like Julius used the cognomen Caesar.

To be clearer: The title Caesar did not exist in the year zero or before 68, but was a family name (cognomen). Only in the year 68 of the Common Era, the name became a title, being used for the first time by Galba (who would not have belonged to the Julio-Claudian dynasty).

This means that those who wrote the new testaments did so without realizing that the Title Caesar did not exist before the year 68, so they wrote these documents called gospels after the year 68.

This error, little studied, reliably confirms what was said, those who wrote the gospels were people who were not contemporaries of Christ, and were part of the plan to create a religion (according to Atwill, to destroy the Jews), because it gave importance to power. of the Romans, something that the Jews would never have allowed.
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Re: Why I am not a Christian nor do I follow any religion

Post by Philip »

Margii, it's clear you aren't serious about looking into Christianity, as you are merely spewing easily refuted key facts that scholars - and that includes a high percentage of UNBELIEVING / non-Christian scholars - affirm about Jesus. You've been provided sources to investigate. You can search on "evidence for Jesus OUTSIDE OF THE BIBLE" or from "non-Christian sources." You've been repeatedly asked what evidence you have for your view of god or where such belief comes from - yet, with no answer - just more assertions. Christianity can withstand the most rigorous questions and doubts - as there are many historic evidences, predicted and FULFILLED (and very specific) prophecies, as well as powerful scientific evidences. But the god you believe has no evidence that "he" has communicated anything to anyone about the things you assert, nor left any evidences of it. So, this would mean, for all practical purposes, the god you reference, for humanity to consider is meaningless, unknowable, and ultimately, non-existent. And you have already admitted you believe that what humans perceive to be reality is but an illusion. And thus with no evidences whatsoever for the existence of the god you describe, that means that the things you believe about him must be accepted per absolutely BLIND faith. But the God Christianity offers a huge amount of powerful evidences for His existence and interactions with man - which NO other faith can provide.

So, Margii, I'm not really certain why you are here, other than to sow doubts about Christianity and push your beliefs. And while reasonable questions are allowed on the forum, those simply here with a non-Christian agenda are not allowed to continue their false religious rhetoric, beyond a reasonable point of discussion. The reality is, you or ANYONE will never truly know what you don't WANT to know - or refuse to be open to - because that is not sincerely seeking the truth. While you are obviously free to believe whatever it is that you desire to - you won't be allowed to continue pushing such things here. Therefore, per forum rules, IF you continue your present false assertions and pushing of anti-Christian beliefs, you will be banned from the forum!

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