What the Bible says about same-sex relationships, LGBTQ?

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What the Bible says about same-sex relationships, LGBTQ?

Post by Philip »


In the two incredibly insightful video interviews below, the questions concerning what the Bible has to say about same-sex sexual relationships is explored, as increasingly, many claiming to be Christians – even pastors or priests - are claiming monogamist same-sex or LGBTQ sexual relationships to be perfectly natural and acceptable to God. But ARE they???

But what makes these video interviews most interesting and exceptionally insightful, is both are with Christian women, now married with kids, yet who have long struggled against – and still suffer from – same-sex attraction. One is a Ph.D and early and continued follower of Christ, while the other is an author and Yale graduate who was long an atheist and self-identifying and practicing lesbian. Both have revealed the amazing power of Christ to change their hearts, minds and understandings, moving them beyond their sinful inclinations into obedience of Scripture’s teachings. In fact, ALL Christians continue to have whatever common sinful desires and inclinations they must depend upon God in their continuous struggle to overcome them. Further and interestingly, these women both note that while God certainly removes SOME Christians’ same-sex attractions, some are now married, while others have remained single, yet now celibate. Each has learned to depend upon God to overcome their ongoing same-sex attraction, in obedience to Him. He has taught them that what He calls them to Himself / the Gospel is FAR-greater than what their flesh is tempted by. While the videos are very in-depth, they are powerful and well worth absorbing the journeys and insights of these two remarkable women!


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