How to see the latest God & Science posts:
If you are a REGISTERED member of the forum, to see the newest posts, simple go to the BOARD INDEX PAGE, and on the top-left of the page, above "Board Index," click on QUICK LINKS and then from the drop-down on "New Posts." Of course, you can click on my name (Philip), to search ANY of my posts or responses. I wish there currently existed a more intuitive way to see the newest posts. Additionally, REGISTERED members can also click on any member poster's name and see ALL of their posting history.
If you are and UNREGISTERED visitor to the forum: First, I encourage you to register as a member, only because it will make your ability to access the forum's latest posts, or research key topics, FAR easier! While Unregistered visitors can still typically access most of the latest posts from the landing page (that the forum's URL will take you - which is the BOARD INDEX page). Once on the Board Index page, you can find most new posts by simply going to the top-left of the page and then clicking on QUICK LINKS. And then, from the drop down, click on UNANSWERED Topics - this will take you to most of the newest posts on the site.
Searching for your topics of interest: Whether registered or not, you can also search for any subject or topic on the forum threads from the top-right of every page on the site, from the search box.
Site plans / delays / frustrations:
As finances and time commitments have delayed my planned redesign of the forum, at least for now, we'll all have to navigate the site as it currently exists. Regardless of the delays and challenges, the forum's traffic has grown immensely, with several new traffic records having been set over the past several months, and with the most EVER online on the site at once being set earlier this month. Actually, as long as people are REGISTERED site members, they'll find site navigation much simpler and fairly intuitive.
Whenever I can find time and resources to do a redesign, I'll make the site much more intuitive to navigate. And the redesign will make it much easier for me to make changes to how the site looks and works. Presently, as I took over the site from the original owner, the site was originally designed on a technology platform that is now antiquated and anything but intuitive for me to make page changes - actually, I'm afraid to tinker too much with the current site settings, as I'm afraid I may seriously break or lose something.
Thanks for your continued interest in GodandScience!