Yehren wrote:You can ignore the evidence, but it remains. As I said, most Christians acknowledge that evolution is consistent with our faith.
You see it. You can check on it, if you choose.
"Everyone is entitled to his own opiinions, but no one is entitled to his own facts."
Find a way to accept it.
I am a bit hesitant in getting into this discussion as it is clear that emotions are a bit charged (of course that hasn't stopped me before and it won't now so here goes it).
Yehren, you seem to be saying that the opinion of the majority is the only one that counts. Using that same argument then we can say that 1940 Germans were justified in their actions (the majority supported Hitler, at least on the surface) or that the Russians were justified in invading Eastern Europe as the majority supported communism (again, at least they appeared to be).
To say that "ALL Catholics acknowledge that evolution is consistent with our faith" presupposes that somehow you've interviewed the majority of Catholics and know first-hand what they believe.
If your argument is stemming from the opinion that that is a doctrine of the RCC, it is not. The official RCC position is very clear (as you posted it above), which is that the RCC takes no official position with respect to evolution simply because it deems it irrelevant. That is hardly an official RCC doctrine 'completely harmonized with the faith'.
What it does is, it leaves room for Catholics to make what they want with respect to advancements in science without affecting religion in any way. The official doctrinal position is that evolution does not contradict religion in any way, not that it is completely harmonious with it. Two different things.
On the other hand (to Jbuza and August), is it not possible that God intended for things to evolve exactly as they seem to have evolved? This is not a very foreign concept. In fact it is the very foundation upon which this site was built. The idea that God and science can be harmonized, as after all, if we believe that God created the universe (and of course we do) then there could be nothing in science that could possibly contradict God.
Whatever the case might be, neither opinion is relevant to salvation, IMHO. And however the discussion proceeds, though, please let us keep it clean and respectful.
God bless,