Alternatives are heaven or hell, which one you choose?

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Alternatives are heaven or hell, which one you choose?

Post by PetriFB »

Purpose of God was, that the man would receive that love and holiness, what is in God and that man would live according to that love and holiness. This is indeed great love of God towards the man, it is will of God, that man could live his life as happy and that the life of the man would glorify God, who has given life to the man. When God had created the man, so first God blessed a man. Blessed is in Hebrew. Barakh (bless, to welcome, to wish good).

May GBU!
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Re: Alternatives are heaven or hell, which one you choose?

Post by madscientist »

Id chhoose heaven if its possible...
Ya i think most ppl wud choose4 heaven if they no it. the problem is im not certsain 2 go there. can any1 b certain? Ya ill try my best 2 go to heaven, but dont som ppl prefer 2 go to hell 4ever rather than go to gell? if tis true its sad... but no i want heaven at any cost...
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Re: Alternatives are heaven or hell, which one you choose?

Post by bizzt »

madscientist wrote:Id chhoose heaven if its possible...
Ya i think most ppl wud choose4 heaven if they no it. the problem is im not certsain 2 go there. can any1 b certain? Ya ill try my best 2 go to heaven, but dont som ppl prefer 2 go to hell 4ever rather than go to gell? if tis true its sad... but no i want heaven at any cost...
I would like to comment. No one will receive Eternal Life without First believing in Christ who is the giver of Eternal Life. Through his Love only can we be saved...

Rom 4:2 For if Abraham was justified by works, he hath whereof to glory; but not toward God.
Rom 4:3 For what saith the scripture? And Abraham believed God, and it was reckoned unto him for righteousness.
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Re: Alternatives are heaven or hell, which one you choose?

Post by Canuckster1127 »

madscientist wrote:Id chhoose heaven if its possible...
Ya i think most ppl wud choose4 heaven if they no it. the problem is im not certsain 2 go there. can any1 b certain? Ya ill try my best 2 go to heaven, but dont som ppl prefer 2 go to hell 4ever rather than go to gell? if tis true its sad... but no i want heaven at any cost...
If you could know for certain, on the authority of the Bible, that you were going to heaven, would you be interested?
Dogmatism is the comfortable intellectual framework of self-righteousness. Self-righteousness is more decadent than the worst sexual sin. ~ Dan Allender
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