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Post by Jay_7 »

Are they demon tricks? Can they pretend to be dead people? whats the bible say?
IRQ Conflict
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Post by IRQ Conflict »

Test the spirits :)
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Post by ray »

If you believe ghosts are really spirits of dead people then you must believe that either when a person dies they do not go directly to heaven or hell, or that a dead person may leave heaven or hell and return to earth. Both of these are unscriptural so I would believe that 'ghosts' are some sort of evil spirit taking on the likeness of a dead person.

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Post by Jay_7 »

I dont believe their dead people, was just asking thoughts. :)
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Post by IRQ Conflict »

Same goes for anything like UFO's, Aleins ect. If you come to the conclusion that 'God doesn't exist' then you expose yourself to whatever whims the demons propose. Be it the religion of athieism or what have you.

God designed us to be creatures of faith, he considers are faith "most holy".
He give each of us "a measure of faith" and it is up to us what we invest that faith in, the Truth (build yourself up on your most holy faith) Jude 1:20 or the lies of the world.

The building of faith comes from what we hear, and by hearing by the Word of God. Romans 10:17
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Post by Malach »

I'm new here so if I'm out of line forgive me...

I've been a believer since I was 19 (I'm currently 35). I've begun doubting my faith when my faith in Christians in my church was shaken back in 2000. I haven't attended regularly since.

On the topic of "ghosts"...there is one instance recorded in the bible that I'm aware of, 1st Samuel. Samuel himself came in the form of a ghost to warn Saul of his impending doom. Now, I've heard it argued that this was in fact NOT a ghost but a spirit sent to look like Saul. That's up for discussion. I personally think according to the surrounding text that this was in fact Saul. Seeing that God is no respector of persons, wouldn't it be favoritism if he only allowed Saul to come back? Of course we die and are judged, that much is clear from the rest of the bible...but who's to say looking at this verse that He doesn't allow visitation from those who are in Heaven?

I say this to get some discussion going. I also want to point out that I come from a family that is very church oriented and from a line of pastors. My mother has a gift of sensing spirits on people. I seem to have that too, although I seem to detect what some might call ghosts. I have a couple of stories on this if anyone is interested, but it has pointed me in the direction that ghosts can be real.
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