So either you have to admit its ok for God to not listen to you and send gays to hell all he likes, or that there is no right or wrong and its not good or bad to punish gays.

Your only forgiven if you accept Jesus as your savior, if you do that, you must try to obide by his laws, but, it isnt easy converting from homosextuality to being straight, but if you pray and try all you can, its possible, its happened before.Cougar wrote:But what I am questioning is, How is it wrong? How is being attracted to individuals of your same gender wrong?
As long as you are discussing heaven and hell... I would also like to know how religious authorities who abuse their power (i.e. by molesting children, etc.) could still going to heaven, yet homosexuals who harm no one will be sent to hell without a second thought.
Finally, when I learned about God, I was taught he was a forgiving being and made exceptions for the fact that no one on earth is perfect... (including people who blindly judge others) whatever happened to that? If that is not the case, I think we should all be a little worried about our supposed existence after death.
Cougar wrote:But what I am questioning is, How is it wrong? How is being attracted to individuals of your same gender wrong?
As long as you are discussing heaven and hell... I would also like to know how religious authorities who abuse their power (i.e. by molesting children, etc.) could still going to heaven, yet homosexuals who harm no one will be sent to hell without a second thought.
Cougar wrote:Homosexuality, in priniciple, is self-destructive? In what way? Disruption
Over the past 50 years, 5 studies have compared substantial numbers of homosexuals and heterosexuals — all generated results suggesting greater social disruption by gays. In the Kinsey survey, general prison inmates (excluding those incarcerated for sexual offenses) were over 4 times more apt to have extensive homosexual experience than his control group. (11) Saghir & Robins (12) compared 146 gays with 78 heterosexuals and reported less stability (more lovers, more job-changing) and more criminality among homosexuals. Bell & Weinberg (5) contrasted 979 gays with 477 heterosexuals and found more instability (psychiatric, marital) and more criminality among gays. Cameron & Ross (13) questionnaired 2,251 randomly-obtained respondents and reported that heterosexuals evidenced more social cohesion (numbers and kinds of intimate relationships), less self-destructive behavior (smoking, drug use, suicide attempts), and less endangerment of others (via driving habits, deliberate killing).
he largest comparison of gays and straights on a wide range of topics and based on a random sample involved 4,340 adults in 5 U.S. metropolitan areas. (6) Comparing those of both sexes who claimed to be bisexual or homosexual versus those of both sexes who claimed to be exclusively heterosexual:
Homosexuality was linked to lowered health
— homosexuals were about twice as apt to report having had a sexually transmitted disease (STD); and over twice as apt to have had at least 2 STDs;
— homosexuals were about 5 times more apt to have tried to deliberately infect another with an STD;
— homosexuals were about a third more apt to report a traffic ticket or traffic accident in the past 5 years;
— homosexuals were 3 times as likely to have attempted suicide, 4 times more apt to have attempted to kill someone, and about twice as likely to have been involved in a physical fight in the past year;
— homosexuals were about 5 times more apt to have engaged in torture-related sex (sadomasochism, bondage); and
— homosexuals were about 4 times more likely to report having been raped.
Homosexuality was associated with criminality
— homosexuals were about twice as likely to have been arrested for a non-sexual crime and about 8 times more apt to have been arrested for a sexual crime;
— homosexuals were about twice as apt to have been convicted of a sexual crime and about twice as likely to have been jailed for a crime;
— homosexuals were about three times more likely to admit to having made an obscene phone call; and
— homosexuals were about 50% more apt to claim that they had recently shoplifted, cheated on their income tax, or not been caught for a crime.
Homosexuality resulted in weaker human bonds
— only about half as many homosexuals had gotten married and, if married, were much less apt to have children;
— homosexuals averaged less than a year of sexual fidelity within either their longest homosexual or heterosexual relationship (heterosexuals averaged between 5 to 10 years of fidelity); and
— if married, homosexuals were about 3 times more likely to cheat on their spouse.
These results echo the largest comparative study of straight and gay couples, which reported that the average length of time together averaged about 3 years for gay and lesbian couples vs 10 years for married heterosexuals. (14) Additionally, "cheating" was inevitable: "all [gay] couples with a relationship lasting more than five years have incorporated some provision for outside sexual activity." (15)
Quick answer. Because we are simply regurgitating Christ's own teachings as recorded and handed down by the Apostles and early Christians. It is therefore not on our authority by which we speak, but rather on the authority of Christ and the Apostles after Him whom He gave the authority to teach.Cougar wrote:I would like to know how anyone on this forum can feel that they stand authority to who is going to heaven or hell. I would like to hear your authoritative background in this area. Are you God? I do believe it is up to God to judge the living and the dead, according to Christian belief... am I wrong? Who are you to judge and decide?
I had to revise my post, as it occurred to me someone may have previously lead you to these misconceived notions, rather then them purely being your preconceived notions. After re-reading Jay_7's posts, I think he may have simply been misunderstood. For in one post he states, "So either you have to admit its ok for God to not listen to you and send gays to hell all he likes, or that there is no right or wrong and its not good or bad to punish gays." Perhaps he was focusing on gays only because that is the topic, but at the same time I'm sure he is aware that God would be justified in condemning everyone since we all stand condemned for all have sinned (an essential Christian message). Yet, though we sin (gay people included), we are forgiven although we can reject such forgiveness. Jay_7 clearly allows for gays to be forgiven or saved despite their sin, as he further writes: "Your only forgiven if you accept Jesus as your savior, if you do that, you must try to obide by his laws, but, it isnt easy converting from homosextuality to being straight, but if you pray and try all you can, its possible, its happened before. But if you dont succeed, then im sure God will forgive you. If your sorry.."Cougar wrote:Well Kurieuo, regarding the discussions about homosexuality, heaven and hell... I was merely responding to questions of other posters who claim to be Christian. Again, maybe some of the posters here should be enlightened to what it actually means to be a Christian. I grew up in a Christian church and I was never taught any of the things I am arguing against. I am quite certain, now, that they obviously do not have a mature understanding of Christianity, as you pointed out. I have much more respect for your viewpoint than any of the previous posts left by these people. So, this is not my preconceived notion of Christianity... it is a response to real people making these claims in the name of knowing their religion! It is people like this that give a bad vibe about Christianity, wouldn't you agree? (If you want an example read a few posts back... you will see what I mean)