Horizon and not so probable matters

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Horizon and not so probable matters

Post by Silvertusk »

For all you brits out there. Just watched Horizon on the BBC which was about the ID movement and the case In Dover USA. Looks like they have suffered another blow.

Also Dembski was talking about the probability of life forming on earth - (i.e. impossible) but Kenneth Miller critique of that was that because they were working out the probablility backwards from what they can see now then it doesn't follow logically. For instance - If I were to deal out a pack of cards in a certain order - you could say that the chances of the cards being dealt in that exact order are impossible - giving the odds. But it happened. And it is probably right - I would never be able to deal the cards in that order again. But that is because I was trying to work out the probablity backwards from a sitation I have already arrived at.

Anybody got any comments on this?
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Post by AttentionKMartShoppers »

Dover went beyond what ID proponents wanted, so it wasn't a blow to the movement-just to those who go beyond ID.

And Kenneth Miller likes to misrepresent ID so I'm not sure bout him.
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Post by Silvertusk »

Yes I know the court case didn't really refute any of the ID arguements. But I was wondering if anybody had any comments on what Miller said about probability?

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