In another thread you referenced a link in an explanation of this verse. Here is paragraph from it:
(edited: mistake made here see later post for explanation)Concerning the possible usage of kosmos to mean all mankind without exception in the redemptive context of I John 2:2, let the reader observe that kosmos is used differently at least 21 out of 23 times elsewhere in the epistle. As a matter of fact, the identical term "whole world" is used in I John 5:19 where it cannot possibly mean all mankind absolutely. John writes: "we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness (in the wicked one)." Can this be true of the believer who is in Christ? Let the reader judge. If the term "whole world" in I John 2:2 means all mankind generically, it is an exceptional usage in the epistle (objectively, only in I John 2:2 and 4:14 could it possibly refer to all mankind without exception—two times out of 23 occurrences). Therefore, it is the writer's contention that the burden of proof rests upon those who interpret "whole world" generically to establish that the term means all mankind in any redemptive context, let alone I John 2:2. In the writer's research he has not found any writer who holds to an indefinite atonement attempting to do this; rather the term is always said to mean, in a "normal and unbiased approach," the whole world, meaning all mankind,15 both the elect and the non-elect.
Now I have a serious problem with the way he does his exegesis here.
He compares 1 John 2:2 to I John 5:19. But the greek word for "whole" in 1 John 2:2 is "holos", the greek word for "whole" in I John 5:19 is placed after the word "kosmos", where in 1 John 2:2 the phrase is "holos tou kosmos". So to do a comparison on these to show that they have the same meaning could be incorrect.
If that much research is going to be done, reference the original Greek.
Get a good Greek concordance - (I like Englishmens Greek Concordance) and an interlinear Greek and English New Testament. - (I like Berry's)
I am sure that the writers intentions were pure, but it looks as though he may have just trying to support his argument.
Do not follow men or men in movements. Men are capable of being wrong. Trust the Word.
Be like the Bereans, that check out every word that Paul preached. Check me out as well, I am a man and very capable of being wrong. But if I am it should be in the incorrectness of my source materials.(concordances and dictionaries) If you have an issue with my source materials please give a reason other than the doctrine (of which I am not aware) of the creators of the source. You cant use doctrine to define words. Use the meaning of words to define doctrine. Otherwise one gets into circular reasoning where the doctrine defines the word that supports the doctrine that defines the word that supports the doctrine..... and so on.
Silly, yes I know, but many religions are based on this same logic.
My next post will discuss how the phrase "holos tuo kosmos" is used in other parts of the bible.
(FYI I edited this post because of some additional reserach I had done and discovered I was mistaken on some of my previous comments, so if you read this previously, I apologize for the inaccuracies.