led wrote:I'm not sure if it's just talking about authority or "her 'position' within the husband wife relationship" alone, as you stated.
And this is a 'good' thing led. You are doing exactly what your Lord commands.
2Ti 2:15 Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
I truly am not trying to sway you into thinking my take on this is the absolute 1 and only way to see this, I'm only sharing with you my perception of this scripture and why I believe that this is what it means. It's thrilling to me to see someone digging in and searching for truth & understanding.
Pro 4:7 Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. I do want to make very clear that I am speaking specifically of the anointing of being a wife & not women in general as being children of God (callings & ministries etc) & the reason for this is because the passage is speaking to "husbands" not to men in general as children of God (callings & ministries etc). We can step into the arena of this passage relating in some minor way to her physical structure I guess, and it could be touching on that, but I sure don't in myself see that as being primary here. I realize that a womans body, although very similar to a mans is not exactly the same. Talking in generalities, her physical muscle structure and physical capabilities, even taken to extreme, such as body building, cannot come close to what a mans can, given the same extreme measures. Even world class female body builders cannot compare in muscle size or strength (no matter of their stature) of that of their counterparts. So, although this could be included in this verse I still believe that it would be a shame to leave it at that explanation & by far, omit what this verse is trying to teach us.
led wrote:Perhaps we can try a different angle. If the husband has more authority/higher position then is it far to say that the husband is more anointed to carry out his responsabilities?
OPPPS! Can you tell there's another apology coming here? I have reread my last post because somehow I have once again mislead or was unable to 'correctly' explain. When I said "
I am not saying that the nature of her calling as a wife is weaker or less important than that of the husband, only that I believe Peter is saying her 'position' within the husband wife relationship is that she is not the 'leader vessel' but the 'subject vessel' In now way meant that her anointing is in any degree less potent than that of her husbands anointing, only
different. Men do not require "more anointing to carry out his responsabilities", they need
"the" anointing. Weaker in that her anointing of authority within the marriage
cannot over rule his anointing of leadership authority in the marriage in God, whereas his
can over rule hers in Gods order of things The anointing given to the husband is an enabling, a divine empowering to
lead to God in the marriage, the anointing given to the wife is an enabling, a divine empowering by God to
follow him to God. Believe me when I say that for a women to
follow (submit) takes a huge and powerful anointing! Women, just like men, have very strong wills, she must relinquish what she wants to do and do what she doesn't want. Now of course, this is to be tempered with her knowledge of God and what His Word commands, she cannot follow her husband into sin. Because of the vulnerable position this puts women in, God also gives discernment so that we are not led astray when a husband is not obeying the Word, just as he gives discernment to the husband to know when his wife is being led astray. As to the husbands anointing, it is different and must be. He has, because of the anointing, been given a tremendous responsibility (one which I must say, that I am very grateful not to have to bear) He has to be before the face of God constantly on behalf of his wife (& children if any) to know how, when and where to lead. I have a great deal of respect for the man who truly follow (submits) himself to God in his office as husband.
You know what? Lets take this thread as our example, you started this thread, so you are the
authority here and as such, you are
under the authority of this forum, you submit to
their rules & regulations. You are
responsible for making sure that we as posters (your subjects in your kingdom) in this thread, stay on track as far as keeping to the subject at hand right? Now, when I posted what I thought was the theme of this disscussion (lets for the sake of the illustration say I was 'deceived') I was in error. You as the authority in a respectful manner said to me
"no, this is incorrect,
this is where we
are to go", right? So, I inturn 'submitted' to your authority here and followed the example (leading by authority) that you set. Now, in no way am I 'less' than you or weaker than you, & this has not taken away 'my' authority to post, give my opinions & interact within the framework of this thread, but rather, exercising my authority to do so in a submissive manner to you. I recognized you as the one in authority and yielded to it. You could have been very abusive to me, telling me I was an idiot for having posted as I did, but you didn't. (Good King led!)
Is this making any sense or have I gone aside of what you where getting at?
Just one further comment in this, you had said in response to IRQ
"So you mean that the husband needs understanding for things like moving the frig or cutting down a tree?" I really got a giggle out of your sense of humor! I'm sure you know that this isn't so, but here's my take on it. I'm going to take this verse and for a lack of a better way to do it, I will paraphrase it in order to maybe help us to determine what the "knowledge" aspect is regarding
"the husband needs understanding"
1 Pe 3:7 Listen guys, live with your wife, comprehending that you are the head, the spiritual leader of your wife along with all the resposibility that goes with it, grasp the fact that her anointing as your wife is to follow you, to submit to your leadership, don't abuse this authority, but instead, treat her with respect and gentleness, be tolerent, non demanding & value her as your help meet, keep things in perspective & balanced, because she, like you, is a joint heir with Christ. Otherwise God will not hear your prayers.
Honestly led, the womens anointing as wife is really a double blessing if she would only see that. I as a wife not only hear from God for myself due to my personal relationship with Him, I also hear from God through my husband!!!!
'Double' When I hear from my Lord, I take it to my husband who then is responsible to take it before God for confirmation, so I 'know' I'm safe! When he hears from God, he will bring it to me and I as his support & help meet will take it before God to either get confirmation or God will in one way or another (because I have honored my husband in this) bring confirmation to him.
My husband & I have been married for over 39yrs, I think maybe something is working (of course, he may have a different opionon, remember the 'tolerence' thing I spoke of?)
led wrote:When I look at Adam and Eve it seems to say more than that. It seems as if Eve wasn't at the same level as Adam was.
To be truthful with you, I have never even gone here. I've not seen this account in this light. You are really stretching me
which is very good! We all need it, it keeps us alive and keeps us digging. Amen? If you would please let me know what in this account leads you to feel that Eve doesn't seem to be on the same level as Adam. This is absolutely great! I love when someone sees things that I don't or has a different sight on something, so if you would please show me what you see, we can go there!