Okay. Fine. I am in your house, I will play by your rules...however ironic they are.
1) Christianity doesn't go back that far
Then why do Christians still use this part of the book? Or is it only the parts that don't help an agnostic's argument that are generally agreed with? I thought that the OT was a part of Christianity. Perhaps I do have my facts jumbled...
2) The Bible was written by different authors spanning over periods of time
I am not sure what this has to do with my response, which I did not see as an attack on Christianity, as I used the Bible as a reference and offered to have an open mind as to anyone else's input. Do you remember this:
I guess I could be interpreting the Bible wrong as well, as I have a tendency to do...please explain these passages to me
I am confused as to why so much is seen as a threat to you, K. You seem to be a very intellectual person, but I am unsure of why intellectual conversation is not allowed in your house.
Your rules:
Instead it seemed that the previous board served as much a place for those against Christianity to propagate their beliefs and go on the attack, as it did for those sincerely seeking responses to questions, and for Christians to be strengthened in their faith.
First, I didn't think it to be an attack on Christianity, as I used the Bible as a reference to my response. It might not be an agreement within Christianity, but there is a difference between posting differences of opinions versus posting attacks. Also, if people are sincerely seeking responses to questions, shouldn't they seek from as many sources as possible? Perhaps this should be rephrased to read "...for those sincerely seeking responses to questions (from the viewpoint of Christianity
only." that would be a bit more honest. Second, if my so-called "attacks" are as unreasonable as you posit, than why would you fear I am desintegrating Christianity? Wouldn't it strengthen Christianity, as others would come to see how ludicrous my arguments are? In that aspect, it would seem I am helping to strengthen Christian viewpoints, which is another one of your rules.
...and for Christians to be strengthened in their faith...
You should cherish ignorant, unintelligent, rambling, nonsensical agnostics on your site if you were truly looking to strengthen Christianity.
If you disagree so much with Christianity, please find another board
I don't disagree with Christianity, and frankly, I'm sick of hearing the stereotypes of agnostics/ atheists being portrayed as demonic people who are "against Christianity." Just because Christians are against agnostics/ atheists does not mean that agnostics/ atheists are against Christianity. From what I've seen so far, a few people have been threatened to be kicked off the boards--amazingly, none of those are Christians who attack atheism or agnosticism--that's perfectly allowed in discussions without equal rules for differences of opinion. Also, this entire thread is under the "Answers for Non-Christian" forum...if questions from non-Christians are not tolerated, why is there such a forum? They are honest questions with desires for honest answers--that's what you ask for in your rules. If it only further enhances my agnosticism, so be it...I'm pretty sure the Christians on this site are unshakeable in their faith, so it's not like I'm here to post anti-Christian propaganda. I just figured if this forum is meant to give answers to questions from people such as myself, then I would ask questions and seek answers...I haven't gotten an answer from you, but instead an attack on my question.
Back to the discussion:
And if you look elsewhere on these boards you will see well thought out responses to such things that actually take into account true history. And when one does examine the facts, it becomes obvious such attacks were not to force people into changing their beliefs.
Please guide me in that direction, as I
did ask for a different interpretation to the Biblical passage I posted...if there is a better understanding to what seemed like murder of people of different faiths I am willing to listen.
Now that is a load question if I ever did see one. Have you ever taken a look at the actual history of Christianity, and then Judaism before it?
Unfortunately, I have not. Please tell.
3) It refutes your case that the Bible was there to control a mob, seeing as it is now the mob controlling the people
It says in the passage
and when the Lord your God has delivered them over to youand you have defeated them
. That still sounds like mob control. Not as a result of the Bible, but as a direct result of God's unhappiness with "pagan" (i.e., non-believers in the one and only God) religions. I think this is in perfect line with the original context of this post--James was asking if religion is used as mob-control, as several psychologists (demonic atheist psychologists, no doubt) have asked the same question. Perhaps James thought he might be able to get an answer from someone on this forum because the answer couldn't be found with other Christians. That's the same way with me--if you expect me to change my beliefs, why would you shun my questions? You know me to be a skeptic, but honest and meaningful answers to my honest and (I thought) meaningful questions shouldn't hurt.
You are ignorant of the power of God, God is very well aware that people will only truely follow him if they come to him willingly and as such that's why he tells his people not to meddle with them as they won't join God but will go against him in the future.
I don't know how to go to God willingly. That is either a problem with skeptics (in the eyes of many Christians) or something to rejoice in (as it seems with the skeptics themselves.

) My brain was simply not built to allow me to walk into believing in things I cannot see or feel or touch or taste or smell. Such is the way with a man of science. However, this website supposedly promotes evidence for God from science, yet I haven't heard anything more than philosophical debates (you see the earth, it must have had a creator) as opposed to scientific proof (you see the earth, that's what we have to work with. If there's a God, we'll find Him eventually.)