Teacher reads 2nd-graders story about 'gay' wedding

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Teacher reads 2nd-graders story about 'gay' wedding

Post by Blacknad »

What really disgusts me here (apart from the obvious) is trying to deny parents rights to know what schools are teaching about sexual morality. Influencing children by stealth. What's done in the darkness, because it is afraid of the light.

http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/artic ... E_ID=49813

and a man goes to prison for wrongly assuming he has any rights concerning what a teacher can put in his child's head...

http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/artic ... E_ID=47540
"the move is certain to raise the anger of local homosexual activists, who formed an organization dedicated to opposing Parker and his efforts to get parental notification.

Moreover, the schools still refuse to notify Parker if they are discussing homosexuality or transgenderism with his son, now in first grade."
Do the words 'Children - Millstone - Neck' seem to spring to mind?

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