The Thread Where Off-Topic is On Purpose and A-Okay!

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Post by Canuckster1127 »

FFC wrote:FFC wrote:
Bgood asked:
What is a nit anyways? And where do you pick them...

Nit (insect):
Louse, common name for several species of small, wingless insects. Three types of true, or sucking, lice infest humans.

Where you pick them is up to you.

Good to know. Someone told me it was a basketball tournament once controlled by a MIBA.

I knew he was fibbing, an amiba is a unicellular beast of some sort, he couldn't fool me!
I'm glad we got that all cleared up. The question that is...not the lice problem...nevermind. :roll:
In other protoplasmic poker news, I have a pair o' meeceums
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Post by FFC »

In other protoplasmic poker news, I have a pair o' meeceums

Ok, now you're just being cilia. :P
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Post by Byblos »

FFC wrote:
In other protoplasmic poker news, I have a pair o' meeceums

Ok, now you're just being cilia. :P
:lol: :lol: Now that's humerus :lol: :lol:

(ok, ok, that was lame, I know)
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Post by FFC »

Byblos wrote:
FFC wrote:
In other protoplasmic poker news, I have a pair o' meeceums

Ok, now you're just being cilia. :P
:lol: :lol: Now that's humerus :lol: :lol:

(ok, ok, that was lame, I know)
Yes, but you make no bones about it. :roll:
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Re: The Thread Where Off-Topic is On Purpose and A-Okay!

Post by BGoodForGoodSake »

OMG Kateliz siting!!!
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Re: The Thread Where Off-Topic is On Purpose and A-Okay!

Post by Ashley »

I am quite new here though i posted a few message to join in with the discussions some time ago (it has long passed) May God bless every of you.

I feel like asking if any of you are living in London. I am thinking about going to there next year. I .want to find a church for worship and also fellowship (cell groups or home groups whatever). I know little about this place. Wish you won't mind I open a new topic that occupies part of your space but I guess I might request deletion of this thread after certain period of time.

Thank you very much for any reply

ps: I find this forum more user-friendly since last time I got off here.

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Re: The Thread Where Off-Topic is On Purpose and A-Okay!

Post by Murray »

I like turtles
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Re: The Thread Where Off-Topic is On Purpose and A-Okay!

Post by kateliz »

BGoodForGoodSake wrote: Sat Dec 08, 2007 8:45 pm OMG Kateliz siting!!!
She's so elusive... :troll:

I'll bet she could hide effectively for a really long time -- like eleven years or so. :ewink:
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Re: The Thread Where Off-Topic is On Purpose and A-Okay!

Post by Byblos »

kateliz wrote: Mon Jul 30, 2018 1:10 am
BGoodForGoodSake wrote: Sat Dec 08, 2007 8:45 pm OMG Kateliz siting!!!
She's so elusive... :troll:

I'll bet she could hide effectively for a really long time -- like eleven years or so. :ewink:
Wow, a voice from the past. How the heck are you KateLiz? Has it really been 11 years? Good to see you back.
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Re: The Thread Where Off-Topic is On Purpose and A-Okay!

Post by Philip »

Guess her name was the compromise pick? :P
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Re: The Thread Where Off-Topic is On Purpose and A-Okay!

Post by kateliz »

Byblos wrote: Mon Jul 30, 2018 7:52 am Wow, a voice from the past. How the heck are you KateLiz? Has it really been 11 years? Good to see you back.
Hey Byblos; yeah it's been nearly eleven years since I last posted, maybe since I last logged in. I was surprised that I got the password correct. It's amazing to see someone from those good ol' days again -- how have you been yourself?

How the heck am I? Well, I'm not sure I want to say. Been going through fire, but I really hope that it's all to refine me into gold, in this Laodicean age, (Revelation 3:18-19 “I advise you to buy from Me gold refined in the fire, so that you become rich; and white garments, so that you become dressed, so that the shame of your nakedness might not be shown; and anoint your eyes with ointment, so that you see. As many as I love, I reprove and discipline.") If that's not the purpose of all this... well I'd rather not think of that.

To sum it up, I got married maybe a year and a half after leaving here, (still happily married, though there's always things to work on,) got pregnant right after, saw my health mysteriously crash hard, had a miscarriage, (another soul straight to heaven without further suffering here; I'm just fine with that,) and all these years since I've been struggling to get my health back. Been doing better bit by bit, as I figure out what's all wrong with me, (mainly Chronic Fatigue Syndrome,) and just this past month I've been using glutamine to give me a bit more productivity, which is really nice despite how incapable I still am. I have to keep learning, and being my own doctor as this illness isn't officially recognized, nor can it be even diagnosed apart from the symptoms. Fun fun! :roll:

There are days, (or maybe I can now say there used to be??) where I've exhausted all I have for the day just by walking from the couch to the bathroom and back, and I've cried some at times just at the thought of getting up to microwave food for myself (when my husband is at work or sleeping). Then there've been the odd times where I've suddenly and mysteriously had more energy, like when I spent all night last fall putting up a ceiling fan by myself; husband woke to find it all up and running. That was a lot more physical work then it sounds, but somehow I was able. We built a brand new house two years ago, coming straight from a poorly run apartment that drove us crazy. Still a lot of work to do on it, and as my husband also has low energy and generally poor health, it's a very slow process. New houses are a lot of work, I've learned; you wouldn't think so, but they are.

And I've been through the ringer emotionally and socially as well. After moving out of my mother's house after getting married, I finally felt safe enough from my family to emotionally crash. I crashed some after my older sister moved out to get married two years before that, finally feeling safe from her, but moving away from all of them and the family home broke the dam of tears I'd been holding back all my life. You see my family emotionally abused me, and my sister physically abused me at times. My "mother" in a way even let her then boyfriend molest my sister and I when we were in elementary school, (there were too many signs of what was happening, and signs that she knew something about it, though hardly doing a thing about it until my sister outright told her, which led to his arrest). I essentially left my family about nine years ago, though I've been a few times in touch with my brother. Just two weeks ago I saw him for the second time since, as he came to see my new house, (was nervous about giving my address to anyone in the family,) and to pick up some supplements I wanted to give to his daughter, who I just learned has autism, which I've learned about in my own health research. My Grandpa from my mother's side of the family just died a month ago, which is why my brother contacted me. It was the first family death during this time I've been AWOL, and I decided not to go to his wake or funeral. It helped that I didn't like the man, and never felt close to him at all.

As for friends, I quickly lost the few I kept after highschool, including the one known on here as "tarreyl" (who was one of my two best friends for years). Their hearts grew cold and I got fed up with it, and their immorality. I made a few friends since, but none lasted, and now I only have my hair stylist, who I only see a few times a year at most. Lost one of several years I met on Facebook because I had to tell his fiance, who he has a child with, that he cheated on her. He was a Brother who confessed his sin to me, seemingly out of repentance, who then blamed me for ruining his family and ditched me, not taking responsibility for his sins. My husband is my best friend for life, and now my only friend. I can't work because of my health, and only leave the house a few times a year now. I'm alone most of the time, which I've grown accustomed to, but when I'm at odds with my husband I feel utterly alone, and struggle with believing that anyone loves me, or can love me, (even God,) and I get into these really deep depressions at times where I feel like I'm floating in an empty, dark void where there's no light or love or warmth from even God, and that I'm such a nothing I don't even have a soul, as the sole fluke of Creation. Can't describe how horrendous that feels other than to say it feels like a living hell.

Uh, yeah, call that a "sum up". lol After all these years I still can't get myself to be terse. Verbosity abounds within me, and cannot be contained! I'm still silly all the time, (can't you tell?? :P ,) but not the same girl who laughs and uses exclamation points all the time as I used to be on here. I've been tamed, so-to-speak -- tempered. Not that I didn't have struggles before, (that's the story of my life, including longing after death,) but now I'm worn-down. Also been waiting for eighteen years for a more full salvation that He promised me in this lifetime, but it hasn't come yet; this refining fire has been not just very hot but also very long. Well, my whole life has been a refining fire. But I feel like I'm finally reaching my limits with waiting for it to be over, and for my real life to really begin. I still anticipate a future ministry that'll put all of this to good use. But, then again, maybe I'm just crazy and hoping on a delusion! 8-}2 Haven't I always been a little nutso?? y=P~ Yeah, probably.
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Re: The Thread Where Off-Topic is On Purpose and A-Okay!

Post by kateliz »

Philip wrote: Mon Jul 30, 2018 9:21 am Guess her name was the compromise pick? :P
Actually, I may have first picked that screen name here, and I've been using it ever since, though most often as "thebrokenkateliz"; you'd be surprised how many use "kateliz" now, but I'm always the only "thebrokenkateliz". "kateliz" was the least creative name choice ever as my name is Katherine Elizabeth (usually called Katie, though I don't care for it too much).

However did you come up with "Philip", though?? y:-? Lost a bet?? :P

You know, that Razz emoticon always looked to me like an open mouth, not as a tongue sticking out. Huh, looky here: y:p y:p2 Are those newer?? In the preview I don't see the first sticking its tongue out. Either way, gotta go with :P , those look a little creepy to me...
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Re: The Thread Where Off-Topic is On Purpose and A-Okay!

Post by Philip »

KateLiz: However did you come up with "Philip", though?? y:-? Lost a bet?? :P
Actually, mom and dad did pretty good with my first name - it's the middle one that no one shall ever know (if I can help it!). Why is it that new parents will spend months debating the perfect first name, have it ready to go / birth gets nearer, and they are stumped on a middle name they tack on with no more than 15 minutes of consideration - and often they do that at the hospital? :x
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Re: The Thread Where Off-Topic is On Purpose and A-Okay!

Post by RickD »

Philip wrote: Tue Jul 31, 2018 9:24 am
KateLiz: However did you come up with "Philip", though?? y:-? Lost a bet?? :P
Actually, mom and dad did pretty good with my first name - it's the middle one that no one shall ever know (if I can help it!). Why is it that new parents will spend months debating the perfect first name, have it ready to go / birth gets nearer, and they are stumped on a middle name they tack on with no more than 15 minutes of consideration - and often they do that at the hospital? :x
Isn't your middle name Adam?
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24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: The Thread Where Off-Topic is On Purpose and A-Okay!

Post by thatkidakayoungguy »

Anyone else use a canteen with a rope as a sash, since they couldn't fasten it to a belt?
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