Time Does Not Exist?

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Time Does Not Exist?

Post by Mystical »

Is there any scientific proof that time does not really exist (i.e. God can exist outside time and time is a construct of this reality)?
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Post by Jbuza »

It can be measured. It's effects can be seen on organisms.

Somewhere in Revelations an Angel blows a trumpt and declares that time will be no more. It doesn't appear to have much of an impact on God, if a thousand years and a day have the same meaning or impact.

Care to expand on your thoughts at all?
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Post by Mystical »

Don't really understand it myself. Time isn't real; it is a fabrication created to understand our reality. Read it somewhere. :?
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Post by BGoodForGoodSake »

Mystical wrote:Don't really understand it myself. Time isn't real; it is a fabrication created to understand our reality. Read it somewhere. :?
Imagine falling in a well. As you fall a rope you are holding onto unwinds. Once you hit the bottom the rope stops unwinding.

Scrape against the walls and the rope does not unwind as quickly.
Increase the gravity and the rope unwinds faster.

Time is relative, but it is real, just as length is real. A real concept, to measure something. In times case it is measuring entropy.
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Post by Believer »

BGoodForGoodSake wrote:
Mystical wrote:Don't really understand it myself. Time isn't real; it is a fabrication created to understand our reality. Read it somewhere. :?
Imagine falling in a well. As you fall a rope you are holding onto unwinds. Once you hit the bottom the rope stops unwinding.

Scrape against the walls and the rope does not unwind as quickly.
Increase the gravity and the rope unwinds faster.

Time is relative, but it is real, just as length is real. A real concept, to measure something. In times case it is measuring entropy.
However, can we know for certainty that time is real and not just something that we perceive as it being real? I know, sounds weird, but I also think along the lines that what we do with our senses could also be a fabricated reality, one that does not exist but we perceive it to exist. I have sources, none you will find on the internet - YET - that shows this could be true.
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Post by Kurieuo »

Mystical wrote:Don't really understand it myself. Time isn't real; it is a fabrication created to understand our reality. Read it somewhere. :?
I'm not real—I also read that somewhere. ;) There are many opinions on what we call time. There are varying ways of understanding time, and God's relationship to it. For example, I believe tensed facts really do exist and that events really do pass (as opposed to an event being like the latest frame on a movie reel wherein all frames exist at the same time). As for God, I see it as right to say He was timeless before creation, but in virtue of His true relationship with the created He chose to enter into time (becoming temporal) subsequent to His creation.
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Post by IRQ Conflict »

Due to relativity, time slows down for anything moving. Not much, mind you, until you approach the speed of light, then it slows down so much that, at the speed of light, it stops.
here is some interesting stuff.

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Post by Species_8472 »

What time is it in the galaxy, the universe? Is the universe divided into time zones? Is there standard time in the universe?
Why do you need scientific proof of whether time exists or not?
Logic outweighs science; where as science relates to observation, logic relates to absolutes.
Time only exists because time is money.
or if you really need scientific proof that it exists or not then I would refer to einsteins' famous its all relative-theory.
(like you really need a nuclear physicist to tell you that perception is all relative to the individual.
Time exists and it doesn't.
Time exists because it can be observed in nature, however, if there is no one to observe the passing of time then time doesn't exist.
Time is a concept.
Concepts come from living-things.
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Post by IRQ Conflict »

Species_8472 wrote:Time exists because it can be observed in nature, however, if there is no one to observe the passing of time then time doesn't exist.
Time is relative, but as with all Creation it doesn't just disappear when you close your eyes heh. Some people think too much ;)

Try this, hold a 20 oz hammer four feet of the floor above your pinky toe, close your eyes let go of the hammer and hold your ears shut. If you feel pain in the next second or so you will know time is still ticking :)
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Post by Zenith »

Species_8472 wrote:What time is it in the galaxy, the universe? Is the universe divided into time zones? Is there standard time in the universe?
Why do you need scientific proof of whether time exists or not?
Logic outweighs science; where as science relates to observation, logic relates to absolutes.
Time only exists because time is money.
or if you really need scientific proof that it exists or not then I would refer to einsteins' famous its all relative-theory.
(like you really need a nuclear physicist to tell you that perception is all relative to the individual.
Time exists and it doesn't.
Time exists because it can be observed in nature, however, if there is no one to observe the passing of time then time doesn't exist.
Time is a concept.
Concepts come from living-things.
time is a concept that describes a real thing. the is an axis of measure in a dimension that we cannot see, but we can still observe.

imagine a sphere. this sphere is space/time. at the start it is one dimension (the point of the big bang; t=0). it expands and becomes 3 dimensions (the third dimension here is time, the first two are space); this is instantaneous. the sphere is expanding, so the surface area is getting larger (the space between objects in the universe is increasing). the surface of the sphere is the present, inside the sphere is the past, and outside the sphere is the future. but then that would make the spacial universe 2 dimensions. so to make it accurate to our universe, you just add another dimension. its just really hard to visualize it because we have only ever conceived of 3 dimensions on a normal basis.
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Post by madscientist »

I think time is a concpt but that is it virtual. btw i like that sphere concept... Stil a question y time goes at is goes, doesnt go back. IF god wanted it to go, he wud put it back. But even if he did i dont think we'd notice since we cudnt kno. Interesting. ANd another thing.,.. if something would have haoppened then, and time wud b put back, wud the same thing have happened? Prob not for free will beings. But most surely for non-free will...
I cant imagine God has no beginning. No end... tats not that hard. Hard, but easy 2 comopare with no begining. How old is then God? infinitely.,. or zero. God waited infinitely long b4 he created thuis world. How can god exist if there is no time? ANd how wil we b able 2 do various, non-repetitive things in heaven if time will stop? Will we even realize how mych time passed since we entered heaven? Etc,, maybe goin too far but time is mystical, the whole concept of it... proabbly the greatest non-undersatnavle thing 4 me...
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Post by BGoodForGoodSake »

Think of it like a flip book. The characters in a flipbook can traverse the two dimentions on a page. But in order to do this the individual must traverse into the book. I.E. flip a page.

If one were to go back several pages, the experience gained would be reset and it would be un-noticed by the character.
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Post by tyler_demerhcant »

When GOd created the universe, he created all the laws to govern the universe.

Time, is relative to GOD in my oppinion. Laws of physics do not create themselves, God cretaed them. Time, is relative God because god is relative to us.

I know this sounds crazy, but God created the universe in either 7 days or 7 billion years(lol). Either way, this took time because time was created as a science faction. And God used time.

All the dimensions of reality were created when god created the universe.

He is also ultimate, so he can transend those laws.
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