I have no answer to this because I have no clue if this is true, a fact or not. Many would agree that this is true but most believe it is not. I believe it is not because, just like the Davinci Code which has been taken apart completely, even on CNN today as a downright lie (about time isn't it). The Davinci Code is one example that shows how people want to use information that does not coincide with even history itself.
On CNN today, supposebly, a man in Italy has found that the church made up the bible or some scriptures about jesus. He claims that jesus didn't even exist at all. He says he has proof that this is a fact. He is taking this to court and his lawyer says that if the church cannot prove the existence of Jesus, than Christianity is going another step further back. Anyone can look this up, it was broadcasted today on CNN.
Just to add, his facts are nowhere near facts, he just claims he has facts, just like Dan Brown has in the Davinci Code. Its also a fact that Dan Brown is a christian like he says he is