ive got some questions praying/bible/fallen angel=satan

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ive got some questions praying/bible/fallen angel=satan

Post by jezzer »

even though i dont belive in the big bang theory but im starting to get to terms that there is a god im still confused so here is some questions

i know alot of people praye for things to happen but why? its not as if god is going to change that persons life??

also the big one the bible:
jesus had his foloweres so they could pass on everything when he left this earth,thats fine i can see how people would take notice,but now there is no one to pass it on accept his bible,as god knows everything he should know that years/years down the line people are not going to belive just a book the bible? so would he of not left something to make people hear,and can he really say you are not going to heaven beacause you do not belive in the bile which is me,alot of people cant take the book straight as there is no one around from that time to say this is from god

or is there something in the bilble about this?

i dont know if ive got this out right i know what i want to say in my head

if you dont understand i will take some time to think how to write it

well he is a fallen angle and if you dont trust god and have god in your life you will be sent to satan=hell lets leave out that there is a satan=hell god will still be here?yes so what would happen to the people who dont belive in god? i think this is a very good question

also we have proof that there is a god as jesus was sent down to us,is there any proof that satan is real?
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Post by jezzer »

17 views no replys anyone want to answer my questions?
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Post by Canuckster1127 »

If no one else answers after a while I will.

Ive got a lot of assignments going on with my degree program right now and my time is limited.

Patience. ;)
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Re: ive got some questions praying/bible/fallen angel=satan

Post by bizzt »

jezzer wrote:even though i dont belive in the big bang theory but im starting to get to terms that there is a god im still confused so here is some questions

i know alot of people praye for things to happen but why? its not as if god is going to change that persons life??
Hi Jezzer
Good Questions... Prayer is mentioned 103 times according E-sword in the Bible. Prayer is used to talk to God. We Pray because it does change things.
It gives us Blessings
1Ki 9:3 And Jehovah said unto him, I have heard thy prayer and thy supplication, that thou hast made before me: I have hallowed this house, which thou hast built, to put my name there for ever; and mine eyes and my heart shall be there perpetually.

2Ki 20:5 Turn back, and say to Hezekiah the prince of my people, Thus saith Jehovah, the God of David thy father, I have heard thy prayer, I have seen thy tears: behold, I will heal thee; on the third day thou shalt go up unto the house of Jehovah.

Save Him
Jam 5:15 and the prayer of faith shall save him that is sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, it shall be forgiven him.
also the big one the bible:
jesus had his foloweres so they could pass on everything when he left this earth,thats fine i can see how people would take notice,but now there is no one to pass it on accept his bible,as god knows everything he should know that years/years down the line people are not going to belive just a book the bible?
Indeed for when Jesus walked the Earth the Disciples had eyes to see him and Ears to hear him. How can we be sure? Maybe by the Prophecies, or Archeaology, that support the Bible. However people still believe in it. Even after 2000 years people still believe in the Bible being the Truth.
so would he of not left something to make people hear,and can he really say you are not going to heaven beacause you do not belive in the bile which is me,alot of people cant take the book straight as there is no one around from that time to say this is from god
This is why one has to have Faith. There is evidence of Scribes, Archeaology, Early Church Fathers etc... The Bible is based on Faith but there is still Evidence!
or is there something in the bilble about this?
The Bible Proclaims itself to be True But of course you have to believe that it is based upon your Faith.
well he is a fallen angle and if you dont trust god and have god in your life you will be sent to satan=hell lets leave out that there is a satan=hell god will still be here?yes so what would happen to the people who dont belive in god? i think this is a very good question
If Satan did not come into the Picture and there was Peace then there would be no need for Destruction. Too bad that is not the Problem though

Whether there would be Hell or not would be an assumption that I nor anyone could make :)
also we have proof that there is a god as jesus was sent down to us,is there any proof that satan is real?
Satan deceived Eve Gen 3:1-6, and Entered Judas Luke 22:3, and Destroyed Job Job1:6-2:7.

Satan is also called Lucifer, O day-star, son of the morning can be seen in Isaiah 14:12,
Rev 12:9 And the great dragon was cast down, the old serpent, he that is called the Devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world; he was cast down to the earth, and his angels were cast down with him.
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Post by FFC »

and can he really say you are not going to heaven beacause you do not belive in the bile which is me
If you don't believe the bible your faith and hope is based on everyone elses opinions. One of the many reasons the bible was written was so that God could reveal Himself to you. Without the bible anyone could tell you anything and you wouldn't know what was really true about him and Christianity and what wasn't. This is what many cults and false religions count on...that we stay ignorant of God's word. They love to tell people not to read the bible because only they know the correct interpretation...which is usually to build them up as some kind of prophet or diety. Satan loves that too...who by the way, loves for people to think he is a myth.

There are more surviving ancient manuscripts of the bible that any other ancient manuscript.

Check this out from New Media Ministries. It's short but sweet.

http://www.newmediaministries.org/Bible ... ion_S.html
"Faith sees the invisible, believes the unbelievable, and receives the impossible." - Corrie Ten Boom

Act 9:6
And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?
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Post by jezzer »

thanks for clearing that up,but what i meant about prayes is people praye for things like let me get a job etc

is there stuff in the bilbe that has come true in our time im sure thats one argument thats repeats over and over
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Post by Canuckster1127 »

Here's a link to an article and scientific study regarding answered prayer from our main board that may have some application to this thread.

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Re: ive got some questions praying/bible/fallen angel=satan

Post by Turgonian »

bizzt wrote:This is why one has to have Faith. There is evidence of Scribes, Archeaology, Early Church Fathers etc... The Bible is based on Faith but there is still Evidence!
Um...in Ancient Greek, the word used for 'faith' (pistis) means evidence. See here.
The Bible says they were "willingly ignorant". In the Greek, this means "be dumb on purpose". (Kent Hovind)
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Re: ive got some questions praying/bible/fallen angel=satan

Post by bizzt »

Turgonian wrote:
bizzt wrote:This is why one has to have Faith. There is evidence of Scribes, Archeaology, Early Church Fathers etc... The Bible is based on Faith but there is still Evidence!
Um...in Ancient Greek, the word used for 'faith' (pistis) means evidence. See here.
That is an interesting website... Thanks for posting it
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