Love: does it need to be equal to everyone incl ourselves?

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Post by madscientist »

Well so we need to love by both types of love etc. But the question really is why do we love someone by agape? Because we know it will grant us salvation? The tricky question is: WOULD WE STILL LOVE PEOPLE IF WE KNEW IT HAD NO DIFFERENCE IN OUR LIVES AFTER WE DIE? (and therefore go to heaven?)?
I mean, God showed love to us as well as other people but the we need to love even those who dont love us. We should want them to get saved, right? Or just have a good life and instead of supporting them in being evil trying to bring them on the path of God? Is that more or less what agapes shows? If yes then its clearer kinda etc.

But if we had a choice over who we want saved (ho we want more or prefer to be saved), isnt it still that people from our family, eg parents, or then siblings we'd love more and therefore want them to be saved more than some completely foreign people we'd never met? Probably God expects us to love evryone but people close to us more than others... that is family, close relatives or some other special group of people.
In God's eyes we're ALL equal but to us humans probably not...
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Post by FFC »

Mad wrote:Well so we need to love by both types of love etc. But the question really is why do we love someone by agape?Because we know it will grant us salvation?
You can't love with the kind of love that God does except though the power of his Holy Spirit. In our flesh this is impossible. Loving doesn't grant salvation. You love as a Christian because you are commanded to. You love because God is love and we are representatives of His. You love because it is the right thing to do.
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Re: Reeples

Post by Gman »

madscientist wrote:Well so we need to love by both types of love etc. But the question really is why do we love someone by agape? Because we know it will grant us salvation? The tricky question is: WOULD WE STILL LOVE PEOPLE IF WE KNEW IT HAD NO DIFFERENCE IN OUR LIVES AFTER WE DIE? (and therefore go to heaven?)?
I mean, God showed love to us as well as other people but the we need to love even those who dont love us. We should want them to get saved, right? Or just have a good life and instead of supporting them in being evil trying to bring them on the path of God? Is that more or less what agapes shows? If yes then its clearer kinda etc.

But if we had a choice over who we want saved (ho we want more or prefer to be saved), isnt it still that people from our family, eg parents, or then siblings we'd love more and therefore want them to be saved more than some completely foreign people we'd never met? Probably God expects us to love evryone but people close to us more than others... that is family, close relatives or some other special group of people.
In God's eyes we're ALL equal but to us humans probably not...
Martin, we are commanded to love others unconditionally... That means expecting nothing back... Including salvation. True love has no conditions with it.. I don't know how else to explain it... It's a matter of faith.

G -
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Post by madscientist »

Ya its maybe that i posted so it looks like I am reeally desperate etc but its not like that. I understarnd it all etc but still a tricky quest - im just interested to know whether we'd still love even if salvation wanst given to us. Its not that I dont love, its just i am interested to know such things coz its pretty interesting to know to what point christians should love people.
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