Da Vinci Code Movie

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Da Vinci Code Movie

Post by Anonymous »

I have never read the da vinci code and I think all christians should avoid that book all together. When the book was first released and there was much buzz about it, I just thought it was merely adding on to christianity through Da vinci. I was definitely not prepared when i found out the true nature of the book through a friend. The whole book is made up of lies and i was horrified to find out that a movie based on the book will be released in the next year or two. Movies are a powerful tool and this movie could have a profound impact on young christians and those who are considering christianity.

The book depicts a false christ and in some ways fulfills what Jesus said about the coming of false christs before the day of Judgment. We christians truely have hard times ahead and as we near Christ's second coming much of the world will try and strike us in our hearts, as they defile the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
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Post by Mastermind »

Da Vinci Code is FICTION. Brown just said it was real to cause a commotion, which further increased the book's popularity. Good marketing tool. He'll probably burn in Hell for it though...
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Post by Prodigal Son »


scary book.
everyone i know who has read it says they have started to question their faith. it just seems like no one believes in God?! i have only a handful of christian friends. no one wants to talk about God :(
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Post by Kurieuo »

colors wrote:everyone i know who has read it says they have started to question their faith.
That's what I believe happens when people don't love God with their mind. Yet, I don't believe questioning is a problem. It's accepting without questioning and looking for answers. And if a person became a Christian without really questioning, then I wouldn't really expect such a person to go digging for answers when challenged by ideas presented in such a book. However, such a book can at the same time be helpful to those who are finally prompted to seek answers that will strengthen their faith.

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Post by Mystic »


There are some interesting ideas here, and I sure can appreciate them all, but I REALLY disagree with many statements made. If you guys have questions about my future posts, I welcome you to ask or comment.

I think Kurieuo is RIGHT ON THE MONEY with his comment. Questions have an IMMENSE power in them, i think generally, accepting something without questioning will have weak chains tied to it.

As for VVart- The davinci code is merely a novel. He states it to be fictional, yet the facts he presents he believes are real. I disagree with ALOT of what he said, most in fact, but what happened as a result of reading that book for me was that I sought out to look for a counter point, and many things were disproven. Reading that book caused me to seek my own answers. I REALLY believe there is opportunity to learn in EVERYTHING. Once you fail to learn, you learn to fail. (i just came up with that.....i think i might copywright it haha....but I digress) And as for trying to find out when the end of the world is coming.....we are sooo not going to know. Jesus Himself said, ONLY the Father will know.

And Mastermind- dude, I dont know if u were joking or not, if you were forget what I have to say. (we all like to crack jokes now and then) BUT to judge where a person will spend eternity is pretty BIG thing to do. NOW I dont want to judge haha, BUT "judge not lest ye be judge yourself" and only GOD knows that.

I take that book for what its worth, a man who honestly feels he is providing valuable information out to the public. The man is doing what he feels is best. I dont want to attribute him with someones loss of faith. It was the person themselves who did it. Dan Brown didnt put a gun to their head and said "change ur minds." haha And as for the novel itself, it was REALLY entertaining. (very suspensful) Of course, to me, thats all it was, entertainment.


Post by Anonymous »

Again i just find it filthy and low when regardless of it being fiction someone tries to make such claims in a book and now a movie. As for him going to Hell, well Mastermind isn't judging just stating what he believes will happen unless Dan Brown changes his beliefs. I could say when the 2nd coming of Christ happens, Atheists will go to Hell, thats a fact and Dan Brown is heading in that direction.
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Post by Mystic »

Hey VVart,

I totally understand and can appreciate where your coming from.

My thing is that (and understand this is MY view of it) yea its easy to condemn people, say how wrong they are and how dispicable their actions are. But I LOVE the idea of looking beyond that and loving them as people. I do believe witchcraft is wrong, but I am not going to judge where the person's soul will end up, thats not my job nor can I understand the amount of responsibilty behind it.

I don't believe in censoring anyones thoughts, no matter how contrary it is to my beliefs. This is much of what the many corrupt Roman Catholic leaders have done throughout history. (12 years of RC school haha). And I dont say this to offend any Catholics.

GOD gave free will NOT just to jews or christians, but to ALL man. People like Dan Brown are doing what they think are best. As strong as we are with our beliefs they are with theirs. And no matter what conflict will always ensue, but I believe that loving a person regardless of their actions (as tough as it may be) is a much more powerful tool, then telling them how wrong they are.

People are MUCH more willing to listen to someone who they know care for them, instead of someone they feel they are being attacked by.

"Let he who has no sin, be the first to throw the stone"

Like I said before, I'm very interested in yours and anyone elses thoughts, opinions, questions, and comments. Tell me what you think.

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Post by Mystic »

sorry for the repeat, (repeat removed by moderator)

and I'm vvart, im going to stop capitalizing the v's. It looks like im saying 'Wart' haha. sorry about that
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Post by Mastermind »

That was a joke...

Post by Anonymous »

Mystic i see what your saying, but mastermind did say probably so i mean its not a big deal.

I would just like to say that many Jewish people I know have read this book and frankly some believe it. Now are they a lost cause, probably not, but this book and soon to be movie is doing little to help.
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Post by Mystic »

Well hey I understand that problems can arise, tell your jewish buddy to get another side of the story before he makes any decisions. As for the book, I think back now and I have noticed that I had always like religion, but this book PUSHED me to seek answers. IT STRENGTHENED my faith. This is what happens with resistence, you grow.

But dude, I totally know where u coming from. My thing is to grow from the conflicts.

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Post by Alanna »

Here's a link to an article about the Di vinci code if anyone's interested...

http://catholiceducation.org/articles/p ... h0058.html

God Bless!!

Post by Anonymous »

colors wrote:everyone i know who has read it says they have started to question their faith. it just seems like no one believes in God?! i have only a handful of christian friends. no one wants to talk about God :(
Are you serious? My parents are both quite solid in their beliefs (my dad has been in discussions with some neighbourhood jehovah's witnesses for well over half a year and finally last week they deceided that neither was going to budge and called it quits) and they have both read the book.

I even got my dad a book called "Secrets of the Code" or some such for christmas where it investigates the historical evidence for the claims made in the book. I haven't read it myself, but my parents both seemed to enjoy it and neither has suddenly proclaimed that they don't think christianity is right for them. It woudl be interesting if they did though... in a very strange kind of way.

Post by Anonymous »

The DaVinci Code is a great novel.

But it is a novel. A work of fiction. Nothing more. If somebody would question their beliefs because of it, they probably didn't have any strong beliefs in the first place anyway. It says a lot of things, but besides stating them, there is no corroborating evidence. And I don't think Dan Brown actually expected anybody to believe that any of it were true.
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Post by Tash »

i loved the book, it was the most interesting thing i had ever read. Angels and Demons wasnt too bad either.
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