Has anyone else wondered what Jesus's genetic material would have looked like? On the one hand, he became fully human and so must have had DNA, but on the other hand, he had no human father, so logically his DNA must have been identical to Mary's, which would have made him a woman, but we know he was male.
Jesus's DNA?
- Swamper
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Jesus's DNA?
God's in his Heaven, all's right with the world.
- godslanguage
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Jesus's DNA I imagine would of been like regular DNA. Jesus inherits Mary's DNA only because God chose Mary to give birth to Jesus. This is why Jesus was fully man and fully God, this was mean't to fullfill the purpose of God's will. We all know DNA is a natural element in living systems, but the fact about intent from God, that doesn't take away the fact Jesus wasn't God and therefore didn't have supernatural abilities. This just goes for the fact that DNA is only one part, DNA is one thing, the mind is one thing, Jesus was beyond those, beyond the scope of what we can comprehend. What the bible teaches is the reason why christianity burst into existence, because of what Jesus did...the incomprehensible.
Just wanna add, after reading your initial post the second time, I see what you mean. Well, initially, God is the father, so only God would have this ability, God's purpose was well defined from the beginning. I can only assume God was responsible for generating that DNA (to be male ofcourse). The fact is, Jesus could have been anyone, in this case God chose Mary to give birth to Jesus. The message is what really counts in the end, the rest is for faith and reason to take over and absorb that message.
Just wanna add, after reading your initial post the second time, I see what you mean. Well, initially, God is the father, so only God would have this ability, God's purpose was well defined from the beginning. I can only assume God was responsible for generating that DNA (to be male ofcourse). The fact is, Jesus could have been anyone, in this case God chose Mary to give birth to Jesus. The message is what really counts in the end, the rest is for faith and reason to take over and absorb that message.
"Is it possible that God is not just an Engineer, but also a divine Artist who creates at times solely for His enjoyment? Maybe the Creator really does like beetles." RTB
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"This is why Jesus was fully man and fully God"
Then why did he indicate otherwise?
John 14:28 - "You have heard me say to you, I am going away and coming back to you. If you loved me, you would rejoice because I said, I am going to the Father, for my FATHER IS GREATER THAN I."
Matthew 24:36 - But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only."
Then why did he indicate otherwise?
John 14:28 - "You have heard me say to you, I am going away and coming back to you. If you loved me, you would rejoice because I said, I am going to the Father, for my FATHER IS GREATER THAN I."
Matthew 24:36 - But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only."
- godslanguage
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God is essentially a seperate entity, but God can manifest Himself (as he did through Jesus), as Jesus would then be God in essence, but at the same time will be man. Jesus is constraint to natural law (man) but at the same time can go beyond that natural law (God). Therefore we refer to Jesus as the son of man and the son of God. We say "son" of God because Jesus is the closest you will get to God's divine power and God's revealing message.
“And this is the testimony: that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life.”
—1 John 5:11-12 NKJV
“And this is the testimony: that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life.”
—1 John 5:11-12 NKJV
"Is it possible that God is not just an Engineer, but also a divine Artist who creates at times solely for His enjoyment? Maybe the Creator really does like beetles." RTB
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Yes I agree, He is the closest thing on the earth to God. And since he is the Son of God, concieved by the will of the Father, part of God is in him. But to say He is God incarnet I think is a little far fetched. Jesus made it clear that He is separate from the Father, but being of one mind and spirit, he essentially becomes a mouthpiece for his Father.
We seem to not disagree, but I do think the traditional teaching of the trinity has mislead many people into believing Jesus is the same as God, I've even heard claims that our God died for our sins.
We seem to have gotton a little off topic though
We seem to not disagree, but I do think the traditional teaching of the trinity has mislead many people into believing Jesus is the same as God, I've even heard claims that our God died for our sins.
We seem to have gotton a little off topic though

Acronym,Acronym wrote:Yes I agree, He is the closest thing on the earth to God. And since he is the Son of God, concieved by the will of the Father, part of God is in him. But to say He is God incarnet I think is a little far fetched. Jesus made it clear that He is separate from the Father, but being of one mind and spirit, he essentially becomes a mouthpiece for his Father.
We seem to not disagree, but I do think the traditional teaching of the trinity has mislead many people into believing Jesus is the same as God, I've even heard claims that our God died for our sins.
We seem to have gotton a little off topic though
Suffice it to say that Jesus is the eternal Word of God that became flesh. By definition, anything eternal always was and always will be; that either makes Jesus God or we're worshiping 2 gods. This is not being offered as a point of debate but as a statement of faith as this topic has been discussed too many times. You can continue posting questions if you like and we'll try to answer them but I doubt there's anything that hasn't been touched upon already. Look here (click on the relevant links under 'The Godhead (Triunity or Trinity)' or do a search, you should be able to find a ton of posts on the trinity.
God bless,
Let us proclaim the mystery of our faith: Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again.
Lord I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.
Lord I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.
I know this doesn't fit the topic, but the title reminded me of it.
I've been wondering how James Cameron planned to get his hands on God's DNA. Was he going to ask him to provide a sample? Or maybe someone from the Priory of Sion had a swab from Mary that had been passed down for generations.
I don't know anything about ancient Hebrew burial customs, but I could have told them that the family buried in the family tomb they found, would more than likely have the same DNA, because a family would most likely be buried in a family tomb, without spending tons of money on testing.
I wonder what angle they were chasing when they realized their test results were useless.
A few more buckets-o-cash added to the mountain-o-money spent to get rid of Jesus.
Oh yeah, I don't see what is wrong with teaching the Trinity. All three have always been together. Two verses in Genesis imply that they are three, yet one. "Let us create mankind in our image..." (Gen 1:26) and in the next verse; "So God created man in His own image." (Gen 1:27)
It sounds a little schizo, but to me it spells Trinity.
I've been wondering how James Cameron planned to get his hands on God's DNA. Was he going to ask him to provide a sample? Or maybe someone from the Priory of Sion had a swab from Mary that had been passed down for generations.
I don't know anything about ancient Hebrew burial customs, but I could have told them that the family buried in the family tomb they found, would more than likely have the same DNA, because a family would most likely be buried in a family tomb, without spending tons of money on testing.
I wonder what angle they were chasing when they realized their test results were useless.
A few more buckets-o-cash added to the mountain-o-money spent to get rid of Jesus.
Oh yeah, I don't see what is wrong with teaching the Trinity. All three have always been together. Two verses in Genesis imply that they are three, yet one. "Let us create mankind in our image..." (Gen 1:26) and in the next verse; "So God created man in His own image." (Gen 1:27)
It sounds a little schizo, but to me it spells Trinity.
God, have mercy on me, a sinner.
- madscientist
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DNA of Jesus
Ya i also wondered about this. Koz if he was born of Virgin Mary, and was human, and had a personality (of God but prbably when small kid like 2 yrs old He did act like a 2 yr old - or didnt he? And when did He realize he is Jesus...?) and He had an appearance etc so He MUST have had a DNA. i think its that of VM with that of Joseph, but i may be VERY wrong. Koz the other half of DNA was necessary, so it most probably came from him. Well my opinion. ..
Although God, when Human, He must have some inherited DNA. and the DNA He had was probably perfect, and one which God willed Him to have - to have the such and such charactersitics when Human. He was still perfect when as Human, right? Just mortal, but perfect. BTW What is a definiton of perfect? Maybe goin off topic, but think it fits here since were tlaking about this. HIs DNA must have been special in many ways - and so must have been His charactersitiscs, etc.
Although God, when Human, He must have some inherited DNA. and the DNA He had was probably perfect, and one which God willed Him to have - to have the such and such charactersitics when Human. He was still perfect when as Human, right? Just mortal, but perfect. BTW What is a definiton of perfect? Maybe goin off topic, but think it fits here since were tlaking about this. HIs DNA must have been special in many ways - and so must have been His charactersitiscs, etc.
"Love is only possible if a choice of either love or rejecting the love is given." One of the most true things id ever heard, not so long ago.