Sick Display of Animal Cruelty

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Sick Display of Animal Cruelty

Post by bizzt »

Thursday, October 12, 2006
A trail of blood led police to two suspects who allegedly beat a family
Dog and dragged the animal behind a vehicle in Didsbury. The dog's
Injuries were so severe, a veterinarian called to the scene had to
Euthanize the animal on the spot.

"This was definitely, in my 10 years of policing, the most horrendous
Act I've seen against an animal," said Cpl. Kevin Fischer of the RCMP in
Didsbury, 90 kilometres north of Calgary.

A couple found the female collie-Lab cross lying in The street near Ross
Ford Elementary School in the northwest corner of town early Sunday.
Their frantic phone call woke Dr. Andy Mencarelli, a veterinarian at the
Krebclinic in Didsbury, who went to the scene. The dog's legs were
Bound together with duct tape and there was a tow rope around its neck.

Its head was wrapped in a bag. "There was blood everywhere," said

The dog was able to lift its head, but in too much shock to make any
Sound, he said.

When Mencarelli lifted the dog to the back of his truck to euthanize it,
The true extent of the animal's injuries became apparent.

"This dog was just broken," he said, adding its neck, pelvis, back and
Skull were fractured.

Investigators believe the six- or seven-year-old dog endured a beating
Prior to being tied up and hitched to a vehicle.

"Indications are the dog was dragged behind a vehicle," Fischer said.
The dog had no tags, tattoos or obvious identification, but police
Officers followed a trail of blood to a local home.

Police have laid charges against two teenagers, but Fischer said
Wednesday they are no closer to learning a motiefor the crime.

"There is nothing, at this point," he said.

Daniel Charles Haskett, 19, of Didsbury has been charged under the
Criminal Code with injuring/endangering an animal and causing
Unnecessary suffering to an animal. He is also charged with obstructing

A 17-year-old male, whose identity is protected by the Youth Criminal
Justice Act, is charged with injuring/endangering an animal and causing
Unnecessary suffering to an animal.

For adult offenders, each of the animal cruelty charges has a maximum
Penalty of a $2,000 fine or six months in jail -- or both.

The case is also being investigated by the Alberta Society for the
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

A conviction under the province's Animal Protection Act can carry a
Maximum penalty of a $20,000 fine and a lifetime ban from Owning
Animals, but an officalsaid no further charges are being contemplated.

"We have been notified of it and are having some followup involvement,"
Said Morris Airey, the Alberta SPCA's director of enforcement.

The two suspects are scheduled to appear in Didsbury provincial court on
Nov. 6
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Post by Turgonian »

Eye for eye, tooth for tooth...
The Bible says they were "willingly ignorant". In the Greek, this means "be dumb on purpose". (Kent Hovind)
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Post by Canuckster1127 »

That just goes beyond the pale.

What a horrible, outrageous act.
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Animal Cruelty

Post by jakasaki »


I read what you posted and oh my God!!!!! My heart was broken and eyes filled with tears as I was reading it.

I am an animal lover and having raised 3 dogs myself, I was appalled as too what these "fools"... ( I have a worst name for them) did to this poor creature!

$2000 fine or six months in jail or both is NOT enough for their crime, although I understand it's the law.

Deeply saddened by this action, I only pray that God will remember these two and like one of the users wrote here...

Turgonian Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 1:49 pm Post subject:


Eye for eye, tooth for tooth...

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Post by FFC »

I don't even know what to say except that this makes me sad and even angrier!
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Post by bizzt »

What really is painful is I live in Calgary and find it appalling that someone would do this! I agree with Turgonian and Eye for an Eye and Tooth for a Tooth. Extremely Sad :(
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Post by Jac3510 »

Wait, so you guys who are saying "an eye for an eye" . . . you actually think these boys should be beaten half to death, their necks, pelvises, backs, and necks fractured, and that they should be dragged behind a truck with a bag tied around their heads?

Animal cruelty is wrong. If, though, you want to apply lex talionis, read through Mosaic Law and see how God applied it to animals. By that standard, they should just have to pay the owners a certain amount of money and be done with it.
Proinsias wrote:I don't think you are hearing me. Preference for ice cream is a moral issue
And that, brothers and sisters, is the kind of foolishness you get people who insist on denying biblical theism. A good illustration of any as the length people will go to avoid acknowledging basic truths.
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Post by Turgonian »

Um, that was my initial reaction, yes. I was hugely surprised that so many people agreed with me... ;)
The Bible says they were "willingly ignorant". In the Greek, this means "be dumb on purpose". (Kent Hovind)
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Post by Turgonian »

P.S. Or we could take the shortcut and 'euthanasize' them directly as a preventive punishment. After all, people who feel this is no improper way to treat a dog are not likely to treat humans with much sympathy and respect...
The Bible says they were "willingly ignorant". In the Greek, this means "be dumb on purpose". (Kent Hovind)
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Post by Canuckster1127 »

Turgonian wrote:P.S. Or we could take the shortcut and 'euthanasize' them directly as a preventive punishment. After all, people who feel this is no improper way to treat a dog are not likely to treat humans with much sympathy and respect...
Cruelty to animals of this nature is not the equivilent of Human murder or abuse.

It is true however, that those who commit such acts are more likely to do so to people as well, in general.

They deserve the full measure of any punishement that the law provides for however.
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Post by Shambler »

Canuckster1127 wrote:
Turgonian wrote:P.S. Or we could take the shortcut and 'euthanasize' them directly as a preventive punishment. After all, people who feel this is no improper way to treat a dog are not likely to treat humans with much sympathy and respect...
Cruelty to animals of this nature is not the equivilent of Human murder or abuse.

It is true however, that those who commit such acts are more likely to do so to people as well, in general.

They deserve the full measure of any punishement that the law provides for however.
I couldn't read the whole of the initial post, too painful.

I'm not sure how cruelty to animals is different to cruelty to people, the latter is punishable more of course but I believe the amount of suffering perceived by the victim could be equivalent, especially by an animal as intelligent as a dog.

If the punishment for animal cruelty was death would you say that the perpertrators deserve it?

I also see some people posted the oft quoted out of context 'Eye for an eye' and to those people I would forward to this page ... or+an+eye/
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Animal crualry etc

Post by madscientist »

Horrible and painful to read... but i think the worst thing ive seen up until now was with pictures (a thing on myspace to repost) and those pictures made me mad. It says mostly about innocent killing of seals in norway which people cosnider as "sport". Wher is this world going? Killin innocent animals (not flies, amoeba or simple organismsna) buy actuall mammals who feel the pain?> How can human beings be so cruel? Is it because they cant control themselves or is it sort of genetic and hereditary that some people are more cruel than others? I cant imagine myself killing and doing that to animlas, if i were at full conscience. Just too horible to think about.
And animal testing. Its said to benefit humans but id say 99 percent are unnceseary. Just to find out lethal dose of poisons, toxins, find out what nerves are used for what etc is absloutrly wrong. This has to be done on a big nuber of mice, for example. simple but still animals which feel. And still scary to imagine that they take care about the mice, feed them well, they live in sterile conditions, have warmth etc and then they end up cut or killed just because someone wanted to find what hppens if a mouse takes that much of this. This is absolutely cruel and something shoudl be really done agaisnt all this...
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Post by pdavid »

Turgonian wrote:Eye for eye, tooth for tooth...
What do you mean? Do you mean the guilty parties will suffer the same fate?
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Post by Turgonian »

No, that was just my initial reaction. Let 'em feel it! Or 'euthanasize them on the spot' to prevent them from inflicting similar injury on humans. But of course, those aren't sound politics, and I wouldn't defend them in court. ;)
The Bible says they were "willingly ignorant". In the Greek, this means "be dumb on purpose". (Kent Hovind)
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Post by Plantinga »

Doesn't God do the same thing to animals in nature?
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