Getting ratpacked by non-believers.

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Getting ratpacked by non-believers.

Post by ageofknowledge »

I've had the experience many times in my life; where I begin to share with non-christians and they quickly become extremely nasty and gang up on me. They go into full attack mode saying the rudest, meanest, things you can possibly imagine.

I believe this is because I have spent so many years educating myself that I actually have many answers. So when I offer well thought out logical responses which they can't refute, they have to resort to personal attacks and ridicule.

Anyone else have this problem consistently?
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Post by Silvertusk »

Yep - mainly with my brother. However i have come to the conclusion that some people have shut their minds to certain truths and will always deny any possibility that all of a sudden they might be called to account for their behaviour, which i think is the problem sometimes.

I dont have an answer to that. I have argued with people who are just interested and had great discussions with them. I have argued with athiests and ended up slamming my head into a brick wall.

Just remember to consistantly be patient and humble with the truth and maybe your witness will shine through.

My two pence anyway

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Post by BGoodForGoodSake »

This is a general psychological reaction. Beliefs, among humans are regarded as being on par with truths. So a person who is confronted with information counter to ones belief will likely react negatively. Imagine explaining to someone who does not believe in gravity that a pencil will always fall when you drop it on earth, you may find the experience frustrating.

Bear in mind this goes for any belief on which a person relies on to make sense of his/her existence. And this goes for everyone of us. It is a human trait.
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Re: Getting ratpacked by non-believers.

Post by Gman »

ageofknowledge wrote:Anyone else have this problem consistently?
I think everyone encounters this problem sometimes in their life.. For me I would attribute it to a lack of knowledge of what God is about...

Unfortunately many people have been ill informed to the attributes of God or have stereotyped Christians as being closed minded. We worship a God of love and freedom plain and simple... Scripture is very clear about this. If people would take the time to study it more, I believe they would flock to God in a heart beat.. :wink:
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Post by FFC »

Anyone else have this problem consistently?
Absolutely. Especially when I was young in the Lord and my main emphasis was the fact that they were going to hell if they didn't put their faith in Christ.

You can usually tell right away whether the person or people are going to be receptive of not. If they are not I believe the wise thing would be to back off and simply pray for them until there is a better time.
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Post by zoegirl »

Remember too, that many people don't know or don't want to debate effectivcely.

When I first introduce evolution to my students and challenge them to explain why they don't support it, many simply start with "it's stupid"...not an effective way to debate and certainly not a reason to not support it.

Unfortunatlley in today's society, the norm currently is to shout out your opponent.

HOwever, I think CHrist said it best. The world hated Him first. I think CHristianity is unique in that people do not want to hear the message. HTink of all of the vague, new-age, nampy-pamby, religions out there who claim that we all simply need to just get along and find our inner peace and the rest of that junk. People are fine hearing about these vague beliefs and yet simply bring up Christ and they often shut down. He came to be a stumbling block.
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Re: Getting ratpacked by non-believers.

Post by VanGogh »

Maybe the people your talking to are feeling judged. Doesn't the bible say we should lead by example to show how Jesus is?
If you lead by example and they see it's a "Christian" that they can depend on and is different then everyone else in the world. They'll actually see there is something to your beliefs.
That's awesome that you can put your self out there, though. :D
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Re: Getting ratpacked by non-believers.

Post by YLTYLT »

One of the things I like to do while have conversations with non believers goes something like this:

Me: A while back someone asked me a question. They asked me, "Do you know 100% for sure that you will go to heaven when you die." To be honest with you I did not know. So this person took the Bible and showed me some verses so that I would be able to know how I could know for sure that I was going to heaven. I just want to ask you the same question. "Do you know...."

Unbeliever: (they might say many things here, "yes", "no", "I don't believe there is a heaven/God", etc...)

If they say "no". You might ask: "Would you like to know?" or if you feel comfortable I know some people who use something like: "So if I took the Bible and showed you how you could know for sure that you would go to heaven, would you do what it said if it was easy to do?"

Now if they say yes, you should make sure they actually understand why they are saved: because of the Gospel and not anything else. But that is a different discussion for another time.

But regardless of their answer, you need to ask permission from them to share the Gospel message. If they do not want to hear it, you have not been in their face about it, and because of your demeanor they might be open up to hear it at some other time.

So if they say they not interested in hearing, you must resist the urge to try to talk them into it. It will be fruitless.
The most you might even consider doing is saying something like:
"I would really like to share this with you, it has totally change my life for the better. Would you at least consider what the Bible says about getting to heaven?" But then if they still say "no", then back off and talk about something else.
All of this needs to be done with an attitude of love, so that maybe on a future day they may open up to hear the truth.

Of course this wont handle those situations where you get an athiest that just wants to argue to prove that there right and you not. It is probably best not to get into those discussions. But if you must, although logic can be good, try as much as possible to use scripture, because there is power in the Gospel. Everytime the word is spoken the Holy Spirit does something in the heart of the hearer. Faith comes from hearing the Word. But if you use logic, they are not hearng the Word. But remember the Word is a two edged sword that cuts both ways.
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Re: Getting ratpacked by non-believers.

Post by FFC »

Salvation is the Lord's business. When we have the opportunity to share we should share. I believe if we walk in total surrender to God and His Spirit He will lead us and give us the right words to say...or not say. It is His work in His time and He gets all of the glory.
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Act 9:6
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Re: Getting ratpacked by non-believers.

Post by andyredeemed »

I think a hostile reaction to the gospel is entirely to be expected. After all, the same spiritual powers that crucified Jesus are still active today. Jesus warned that we would be persecuted, flogged and ridiculed etc.
The purpose of being a Christian is in part at least to convict the world, and bear witness to the testimony of God, and judgement and eternal separation from God for sinners is part of that. Who is going to welcome that kind of news apart from the Holy Spirit working in their lives?
"Friendship with the world is enmity towards God". If you are in Christ and the person you are talking to is not, you are enemies, and while you are constrained by Jesus to love your enemies, they are not. Develop a thick skin (or put on the full amour of God), and accept that not everyone is willing or even able to accept the truth.
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