A site that I found.

Discussion about scientific issues as they relate to God and Christianity including archaeology, origins of life, the universe, intelligent design, evolution, etc.
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A site that I found.

Post by Johnnyk »

http://www.evilbible.com is a very intriguing site to say the least. I am a devoted Catholic and they've not changed my mind. But these people seem very elitist when it comes to religion.

I'm not saying all atheists are like them, I have a few atheist friends myself. But there's a good website if anyones up for a debate. They'll give you one heck of a fight.

And another thing. Why are these people so bent on the idea that religion is false? They attack our God calling him butcher, and a psychotic killer. I just want to know what drives them to hate our religion so much.
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Forum Monk
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Post by Forum Monk »

These kinds of sites are a dime a dozen, Johnnyk, all willing to attack your religion, our religion, the faith we hold dear with all malice and arrogance. Some athiests, it seems, have made it their mission to not only oppose God but to attack him. They assemble archives of killer arguments designed to confound and upset Christians and there is no point to challenge them on their home turf.

Take it from someone with experience dealing with radical secularists. Some will probably never see with faith eyes and only God will ever break the hardness of their hearts. You and they see life from completely different world views.
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Post by archaeologist »

i agree 100% with forum monk but let me add a few things about their strategy:

1. they do not do more than a cursory examination of facts before coming to a conclusion.

2. the do not allow for other options except what they have concluded

3. they do not examine all the facts

4. they do not allow God to discipline for wrong doing.

5. they want everyone to be able to live any life they want and still get the rewards.

6. they are deceived or being deceived.

7. they like to slant the playing field in their favor thus any explanation that exposes them is not seen as credible or valid.
Why are these people so bent on the idea that religion is false? They attack our God calling him butcher, and a psychotic killer. I just want to know what drives them to hate our religion so much
8. they hate Jesus so they will hate anything to do with Him.

9. they serve the evil one and not God thus their perspective is altered and unregenrated.

10. tier minds are influenced solely by their desires which affects their thinking/

i think the list could go on and others probably will add to it. having dealt with militant atheists and secularists the only way a person can make inroads is through prayer, and sticking to the truth. do not compromise or you have lost immediately and back up your points with credible scholars and not wing-nuts like the late Ron Wyatt and others like him who permeate theological fields.
But these people seem very elitist when it comes to religion.
this brings back a funny but sad memory. one day a secular poster put on a board the idea that theologians and ministers should stay out of science for they were not trained and could not think like a scientist.

i answered by saying that scientists should stay out of theological matters because they were not trained in that field and could not think like a theologian. you should have heard the complaints and accusations that i was being an elitest yet those same complainers did not do the same thing when their own proposed the exact same thing for science.

secularists are hypocrites which is why you cannot follow their way of thinking.
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