Herods tomb found.

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Herods tomb found.

Post by Silvertusk »

I love it when Archeology shows us what the bible has already shown

http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle ... 633979.stm
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Post by Forum Monk »

For what its worth, some historical facts about Herod the Great:

Herod ruled Israel as a client king under Roman domination from 37BC until approx. 4BC. He was a convert to Judaism, being originally from Idumea (Biblical Edom). Culturally, however he seemed to favor Greek and Roman influence. He enjoyed a good relationship with Ceasar Augustus but later fell out of favor as controversy and rebellion swelled around him.

Herod was despised by the Jewish religious authorities. Many times he was implicated in murders of family members although, never convicted and his many marriages did not win him any friends among the Jewish temple authorities.

He is well known for his massive building campaigns, having built an eloborate palace and expanding the temple. Obviously this was an attempt to establish some favor with the religious authorities.

According to the gosples, Jesus was born shortly before the death of Herod. It is claimed in the gospel, that Herod ordered the killing of the male children under two years of age in the village of Bethlehem. This famous event known as the Slaughter of the Innocents has never been attested in any extra-biblical source, but seems in keeping with his jealous and violent nature.

Interestingly, Herod was married to at least two women name Mariamne which demonstrates that the name was popular during this period. One of the claims of the Jesus Tomb documentary was Mariamne was a rare and particular name. The facts don't coincide with this statement.

During fits of paranoia and jealousy, Herod had many of his sons executed, but at the end of his life, the kingdon was divided among three surviving sons, Archelaus, Antipas and Philip who ruled in a tetrarchy, thus assuring the continuation of the Herodian dynasty. The Romans finally dismantled the kngdom during the Jewish rebellion of 70AD, when Jerusalem was sacked and great temple was destroyed.
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Post by archaeologist »

I love it when Archeology shows us what the bible has already shown
excuse me for asking but, since we knew that herod existed anyways and had so much more proof than a grave, how does this prove what the Bible has already shown?
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Post by archaeologist »

how does this prove what the Bible has already shown?
how do you expect the non-religious world to accept your position if you can't even answer simple questions. if you can't prove your position to me, then how are you going to do it with the secular world?

then if i find errors in your position, what do you think the secular person is going to do? if you can't answer or you compromise your beliefs then you blew it.

the world is not looking for what they already have---think about it
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