Progressive Creationism: Short Defence Wanted

Discussion about scientific issues as they relate to God and Christianity including archaeology, origins of life, the universe, intelligent design, evolution, etc.
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Progressive Creationism: Short Defence Wanted

Post by Turgonian »

In previous letters, I have defended YEC over against an American girl, aged 16. In my last letter, having been acquainted with inerrantist OECs, I moved away from that position, writing:
Turgy wrote:If you're interested, you could take a look at It's balanced, not paranoid about the UN and it offers a lot of good information on both science and the Bible. Most of the people on the discussion board are Progressive Creationists. They believe that the earth is very old, but creation happened in leaps, seeing that the fossil record lacks not only links, but whole chains as well. Transitional forms in the fossil record are few and far between. Plus, natural selection selects and does not create.
I hope this is an accurate representation of progressive creationism. I don't know too much about it (and am not very interested in studying the whole matter, with so many other subjects to explore), so feel free to correct me. Anyway, she replied:
Elfhild wrote:Hmm, well, I can say I'm definitely not a Progressive Creationist. I don't think creation happened in leaps. You don't start out with fish and all of a sudden dinosaurs appear. Do I even believe in creation? I believe in evolution, which (in my mind) is a process of creation, so I guess I do.
If you had to write something short and not too technical, what would you tell her?
The Bible says they were "willingly ignorant". In the Greek, this means "be dumb on purpose". (Kent Hovind)
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Re: Progressive Creationism: Short Defence Wanted

Post by ttoews »

Turgonian wrote:If you had to write something short and not too technical, what would you tell her?
How about: It is good that you believe that evolution is a process of creation. Every Christian perspective understands that evolution occurred and so, for a Christian, it is not a question of whether evolution is a process of creation that is used by God, but rather it is a question as to what extent did God use evolution to create life forms?... and further in that regard, to what extent is natural selection able to produce the diversity one sees (by itself and w/o "micro-management" from God)? Many devout Christian scientists believe that God used evolution extensively and that such use explains the existence of shared retro-viral insertions. The important thing is not whether one acknowledges that evolution is a process of creation, but rather whether one acknowledges the existence of a personal Creator.
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Post by godslanguage »

Personally, I believe that God took existing functions from nature to create humans (in the image of God). It is possible that God used evolution as a process of creation but I think God intervened in that process and this would indicate why humans are unique mentally, physically and spiritually
Due to the lack of supporting evidence for Darwinian evolution in the fossil record, I cannot make the conclusion that humans have a common ancestor, whether they do or not this does not mean that a chimp is a human. The biological differances in genes as opposed to gene expression is also great so biologically its hard to come to a conclusion about a common ancestor as well. In every instance, to me, everything points to a creator and I think evidence in the natural world will continue to point to a designer.
I don't really have an absolute position whether its OEC, YEC or TE, but if you asked me I'd probably say OEC. I believe and feel that a personal creator can create through a progressive process and that the process of time (the length) as we see it does not apply to God as it applies to how we see time and the world.
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Post by Turgonian »

Thanks to both of you!
The Bible says they were "willingly ignorant". In the Greek, this means "be dumb on purpose". (Kent Hovind)
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Post by archaeologist »

Every Christian perspective understands that evolution occurred and so
excuse me??? the Bible doesn't nor do all christians or their perspective.
it is not a question of whether evolution is a process of creation that is used by God, but rather it is a question as to what extent did God use evolution to create life forms
where in the words: 'God created'; 'God formed'; 'God made' etc. does ecolution fit? God did not use evolution, it is His enemy. nowhere in the Bible is evolution mentioned as how God created.
and further in that regard, to what extent is natural selection able to produce the diversity one sees (by itself and w/o "micro-management" from God)?
natural selection along with evolution doesn't exist.
The important thing is not whether one acknowledges that evolution is a process of creation, but rather whether one acknowledges the existence of a personal Creator
WRONG. it is important to know the truth because you are to proclaim the truth. the Bible talks about adding words to His book and how wrong that is to do so. God didn't use evolution or He would have told us throughout the Bible when it talks about creation.
I believe that God took existing functions from nature to create humans
are you saying He didn't make man in His image? this is so wrong. the Bible says,'from the dust of the ground you were made and to dust shlt thou return'
It is possible that God used evolution as a process of creation but I think God intervened in that process and this would indicate why humans are unique mentally, physically and spiritually
wrong again. the Bible says 'God made man in His image' no evolutionary process but a distinct one time act.
The biological differances in genes as opposed to gene expression is also great so biologically its hard to come to a conclusion about a common ancestor as well. In every instance, to me, everything points to a creator and I think evidence in the natural world will continue to point to a designer.
is it God or not? DNA can only prove the similarity numbers between species and demonstrates that God created all. it cannot be used to prove a process for no process is evident in the difference.

if you believe God did it, then say God did it.
I believe and feel that a personal creator can create through a progressive process and that the process of time (the length) as we see it does not apply to God as it applies to how we see time and the world.
it is not about ability but how God did it. he created not started a process then guided it. there is a big difference. the only reason we think the universe and planets are old is because God is not giving exact dates.

it is only a possibility that the earth is old but the rest of creation is recent.
If you had to write something short and not too technical, what would you tell her?
you tell her to read Gen. 1 and that God created it all.

which reminds me, for all those who think that the word 'day' means 'ages' during the creation act when did God create the 24 hour day? when did He create 'ages'?
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Post by godslanguage »

Yes Arch, ofcourse-----> GOD DID IT!!!!
"Is it possible that God is not just an Engineer, but also a divine Artist who creates at times solely for His enjoyment? Maybe the Creator really does like beetles." RTB
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Post by archaeologist »

you are saying it but you do not believe HOW He did it, you stated very clearly that you do not believe He created it according to His STATED WORDS .

you need to add in methods that detract from God and which He did not use; whether that is for your own benefit because you can't bring yourself to accepting the words as they are or if they are to make the christian faith more attractive to non-believers, i do not know. i am not privy to that information.

one thing, secular scientists, secular researchers do not work with a regenerated mind, they do not have God guiding them, they are being deceived, those who call themselves christians are to listen to Jesus' voice not those of the world.

no where does the Bible teach that God used a process, nature, or any other alternative. if you believe in God then stick to God's word. He is the one you say you follow.
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