The Absurdities of Love

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The Absurdities of Love

Post by Silvertusk »

Hi Guys. I have written a sermon type thing about love which I hope to read out in my church one day. Could you tell me what you think. Sorry it is a bit long.

The Absurdities of Love

If you would indulge with me, I am going to give you a very bleak view on life from an atheistic standpoint. Imagine, if you were that there is no God. Ready?

Right, of all the species on this planet I believe that we are the most cursed. Nature and Evolution has played on us the biggest and cruellest trick of all. Of all the random things that could have happened to us we got landed with this thing that we have named love. Such a sweet little name, but with it, it brings so much heartache and stress. Let me tell you why.

We live on this planet for a tiny amount of time then we die. Following that is oblivion. Everything we do during that time is meaningless. Ultimately all our fruits of labour and dreams, even though they are passed on, will in turn fall into oblivion. Live eat and be merry for tomorrow we die is the saying. And science would concur with that. There are two possible scenarios that science tells us about with how the universe will end — the first is that if gravity is too strong then the universe will stop expanding and start contracting into what is called the Big Crunch where nothing can escape. Alternatively the universe may go on expanding until all the suns burn up and the universe experiences what is called heat death and all that's left is a cold dark blackness where no life exists. So I think eating and drinking and being merry while we can sounds like a good idea.

During that time, some of us are unfortunate to catch this disease called love. When we get it we are instantly concerned for someone other than ourselves. When we are not thinking of ourselves then we are wasting what precious little time we have.

Love, once smitten will, although give you moments of joy will inevitable lead to heartache of one form of another. This is not me being pessimistic but if you think about it, if you fall in love with someone then you are in danger of being betrayed, you are in danger of being laid bare, exposing your invulnerabilities to someone else. And the worse thing of all, once you put all your energies into that person that you love, given him or her your heart and soul and everything that you are, even up to the point when you really cannot breathe without that person, then that person dies on you. You are left devastated, empty, a wasted shell of the human being you once were, unless of course you are lucky to go first. You will never see that person again and the pain of losing that person is so great then your life feels even more meaningless than it actually is.

Unfortunately we have evolved to fall in love with people and see them taken away from us —never to be seen again. You might ask yourself why put yourself through all that torture. Your parents will die. Your spouse will die — your children will die. It would be better to live selfishly without any feeling for any other human being as it will bring constant heartache and pain. If Oblivion is all there is then why waste time risking your self going through so much pain. Think only of number one and enjoy life while you can and forget about this crazy little thing called love. Unless of course there is a God.

This of course changes everything. Love suddenly becomes the only thing worth pursuing in life. Love becomes the only real meaning in life. Love makes us complete. Love is like oxygen, love lifts us up where we belong, all we need is love!!. Why? Why because God is love. The only reason people love is because someone loved them first. And even if a person never experienced the love of another human being they should know that God loves them as if they are the only person in existence.

Now all of a sudden we have real meaning in our lives. It doesn't end at death, there is more, a whole lot more, an infinite amount more. Everything that you do now matters. What you do in this life echoes in eternity and Love can be the biggest thing that you get involved in. Why do I know this — because Jesus told me in the Bible.

• Love the Lord our God with all your heart, soul and mind and Love your neighbour as yourself.
• Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.
• For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son
• "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.
• By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."
• Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him."
• "As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love.
• Neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

That is just a few quotes. The bible even teaches us three different types of love. The love of friendship, the love of the will and the physical form of love. All three must burn brightly for true love to emerge.

God wants us to love each other and love him, a perfect relationship of love that can bring full completion to the human soul.

Now because we know there is a God then we are no longer taking such a risk falling in love. I love my wife. She is the oxygen that keeps me breathing. There might be heartache in the future only God can tell. But I know that we have now have an eternity together in Jesus and that makes our love all the more special and amazing. Love is no longer absurd. Love is what joins us to God, in fact the truth that once was spoken is to love another person is to see the face of God. We need to see God in every person we look at.

It is because we have love that I know God exists because it just doesn't make sense otherwise. Without God it is an absurd concept, a cruel and horrible fate. With God it is all we have that truly makes us human and therefore the images bearers of God himself.

And how well do we use this precious gift? How well do we show the love of Christ through our actions? In Christian history there have been moments where love has shown through so brightly but also where those claming the name of Christ-Like have brought deep shame to what Jesus asked us to do. The Crusades, the inquisition, the witch burnings, the catholic/protestant conflicts, the KKK, the unforgiveness of Christians towards one another. Jesus made it clear that we will be known by our fruits. If there is no love in our actions then we are not followers of Christ period. It frustrates me so much when I read in the media or watch programs on TV where “Christians” are shown as unforgiving hateful people. Where is the love? Do these people even own a bible? I really think God made it simple for us when he reduced the Ten Commandments down to 2. I believe he wanted us to see the core of his message, the Gospel that Jesus brought us. Here is a God that loves us unconditionally, enough to send his son to die for us. He emptied himself completely to earn our love. God did not force or coerce us. He showed us the fruits of his action and he practiced what he preached that Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. We are his friends, his people and his bride. We are his image bearers and we tarnish that image when we do not go out and show people exactly what God showed us. To love one another — That's how we will be known as disciples of Jesus. I think love might be a risk worth taking. Will you take it?


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Re: The Absurdities of Love

Post by Canuckster1127 »

Thanks for sharing Silvertusk. That is well written and flows nicely.
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Re: The Absurdities of Love

Post by FFC »

Very good!
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Act 9:6
And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?
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Re: The Absurdities of Love

Post by Silvertusk »

Thankyou guys. I guess it is just something that has been on my mind really.

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Re: The Absurdities of Love

Post by madscientist »

Amazing work Silvertusk!! :D your creation? have you already made a speech of this? if yes how did it go? i hope you made them realize your point! :P :)
too late if you have already made a speech of it koz u cant change anything but dont think theres need ... cos i must say that's excellent!! :D sounds as it should. all true what you said.
God bless.
"Love is only possible if a choice of either love or rejecting the love is given." One of the most true things id ever heard, not so long ago.

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Re: The Absurdities of Love

Post by Silvertusk »

madscientist wrote:Amazing work Silvertusk!! :D your creation? have you already made a speech of this? if yes how did it go? i hope you made them realize your point! :P :)
too late if you have already made a speech of it koz u cant change anything but dont think theres need ... cos i must say that's excellent!! :D sounds as it should. all true what you said.
God bless.

Thankyou MadScientist. I have not had a chance to read it out to my church yet, but I have shown it to my minister and she thought it was good. It was just something that has been on my mind and heart for a while, because it is becoming more and more clear to me that life is truely absurd without God.

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Re: The Absurdities of Love

Post by madscientist »

Then i hope you'll have the chance soon!! :) and also hope people will understand.

Indeed, life is absurd without God. No wonder those people like Camus who believe life is absurd - rejected God or other beliefs as it gives the answer to this absurd question. But even so - life seems to be somewhat absurd. It is a belief... we cant be 100% sure. Yes we believe but those who do not - life must seem really absurd. And for us believers at times too - what is the purpose of things the way they are and why cant they be different? The answer is God's Will but even so it sounds too simplistic. Then i can commit anything and the answer still would be the same? Quite a paradox.

God bless. :D
"Love is only possible if a choice of either love or rejecting the love is given." One of the most true things id ever heard, not so long ago.

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